Am I bloated, lack of muscle or have a health problem?



  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    You have a surplus of subcutaneous adipose tissue. I prescribe exercise and a slight calorie deficit. Belly fat is the last to go on most people, and you don't appear to have much.
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    I am definitely NOT pregnant, I don't drink and i'm already underweight so i don't understand how it's fat and i'm not going to start running again as it makes me lose even more weight in other places which is not what i want as im already underweight.

    Have you taken a pregnancy test? Have you seen a doctor?
  • McChubbyruewho
    you know a lot of people have allergic reactions to food that make their bowls inflame, a so many don't even realize this.

    I would say first make sure you are getting enough fiber (plus water, fiber doesn't work without water)

    also make sure you are eating enough probiotics, like from Yogart or Garlic

    then you can reesrch this thihng called the PLAN, it's desaigned to limet your food intake, then you slowly start to reintruduse foods slowly starting first with foods that people are less likly to be allergic to.

    as you intruduse foods back you will be able to tell if your allergic to it cause you will have the bloated feeling again

    aslo Palaties ROCK!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I am definitely NOT pregnant, I don't drink and i'm already underweight so i don't understand how it's fat and i'm not going to start running again as it makes me lose even more weight in other places which is not what i want as im already underweight.

    ... You're underweight?

    Why is that? Are you malnourished, potentially resulting in a slight bloat?

    Or, again, swayback.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I always thought I just had a pot belly. Turned out I had a lot of food alergies that were making my stomach bloat out.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    If you are truly concerned call your doctor ASAP. Stomach cancer is not joke. But other than that, I think walking and a good full body workout plan can help you. I hear you cannot spot reduce. Try lifting, I feel my core when I do squats.
    Why the hell would you suggest cancer? Are you messed up, why would you do that to a person?

    You need to gain muscle, that's all.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    If you are truly concerned call your doctor ASAP. Stomach cancer is not joke. But other than that, I think walking and a good full body workout plan can help you. I hear you cannot spot reduce. Try lifting, I feel my core when I do squats.
    Why the hell would you suggest cancer? Are you messed up, why would you do that to a person?

    You need to gain muscle, that's all.

    Woah, calling someone messed up? That sounds like a personal attack.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    If you are truly concerned call your doctor ASAP. Stomach cancer is not joke. But other than that, I think walking and a good full body workout plan can help you. I hear you cannot spot reduce. Try lifting, I feel my core when I do squats.
    Why the hell would you suggest cancer? Are you messed up, why would you do that to a person?

    You need to gain muscle, that's all.

    Woah, calling someone messed up? That sounds like a personal attack.

    Yup, a personal attack but as a faceless bozo on the web I agree with the observation about no muscle.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Is this sudden, OP? If it's sudden, or come on gradually, I'd say: sodium, babies, menstruation.

    Otherwise, it could be swayback, which is a posture thing. Certain yoga poses can help; I'm not nearly as thin as you are yet, but by doing these as part of my stretches, I don't ever have the "lower girl pooch."

    Sway back. Sway back. Do the rock-a-way!
  • ladyinredflush
    ladyinredflush Posts: 72 Member
    are you pregnant?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Does it go away ever? I sometimes have a belly like that in the evening. It's not there in the morning, therefore it's either bloat or food baby. If yours never goes away, it's probably fat.

    Small calorie deficit. Heavy lifting.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Have you recently swallowed a watermelon seed?
  • DLynne88
    haha.. a watermelon seed. I remember being scared to death as a child when my older cousin told me that. Too funny.
    Seriously though, when you go for your regular check ups. Ask your doctor. He may have some suggestions.
    And yes I was also told that any alcohol can cause a belly bump. My friend runs several marathons a year and is fit as a fiddle and she had belly fat. As soon as she stopped the wine the tummy started going away.
  • amberrro
    haha.. a watermelon seed. I remember being scared to death as a child when my older cousin told me that. Too funny.
    Seriously though, when you go for your regular check ups. Ask your doctor. He may have some suggestions.
    And yes I was also told that any alcohol can cause a belly bump. My friend runs several marathons a year and is fit as a fiddle and she had belly fat. As soon as she stopped the wine the tummy started going away.

    I don't drink any alcohol :/ and no it doesnt go away its always been there :(
  • amberrro
    Should I visit my doctor or no?
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I think enough of us here have been asked "are you pregnant?" before when we had gained weight but were not pregnant & it made us feel even worse about ourselves. Maybe MFP isn't the place to be asking someone "are you pregnant?" even if they are skinny everywhere else, k?

    Anyway, your tummy could be a perfectly normal shape for you. My tummy is the place where I gain weight first & like many is the hardest to take off. I have a low sodium intake too (< 1,500mg/day usually) so it's not that. You're already small, so I would say weights/ strength exercise & if you have medical concerns talk to a Dr & see if you can do some tests.
  • amberrro
    I think enough of us here have been asked "are you pregnant?" before when we had gained weight but were not pregnant & it made us feel even worse about ourselves. Maybe MFP isn't the place to be asking someone "are you pregnant?" even if they are skinny everywhere else, k?

    Anyway, your tummy could be a perfectly normal shape for you. My tummy is the place where I gain weight first & like many is the hardest to take off. I have a low sodium intake too (< 1,500mg/day usually) so it's not that. You're already small, so I would say weights/ strength exercise & if you have medical concerns talk to a Dr & see if you can do some tests.

    Thank you. I know I am definitely not pregnant for sure! Haha. But it doesn't look right because it's out of proportion I have small arms, chest, rib area, legs, face everything is skinny and then my stomach is massive in proportion
  • Elssha
    Elssha Posts: 5
    you said you were underweight...
    can you give us some stats?
    height/weight or simply BMI?
    It looks like you just have a bit more to lose. If its 'always been there' thats what it is. Did you lose weight by diet or a diet/exercise regimen? If it was the former you need to build some muscle and it should go away. Worst case, its skin that needs time to shrink down.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member


    Please can I have links to weight lifting routines if that's what you suggest

    This does not look like "under weight" to me. Skinny, yes. Under weight, no.

    If you think there's an issue, see a doctor. If there is no issue (says a doctor) then it must be either one of 2 things that it looks like. Either A) you're preggers -or- B) you are "skinny fat" which is someone with a high body fat percentage yet is a small size. Usually, this is caused by diet + cardio without weight training or just excessive dieting (or excessive cardio).

    To fix problem B, eat a reduced calorie diet (calorie deficit) and add in at least 3 days per week of weight training to your normal exercise routine (and if that is something non existant, create one...) Choose compound exercises using heavy weights such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, back rows, push-ups, and pull-ups and variations...for help choosing exercises, someone above suggested NROLW which is a good start. Strong Lifts is also good and so is TNB (The New Bodybuilding Workout). Make sure that you check your measurements including body fat percentage on a regular basis. As long as you are working out and eating at a deficit, you should see that stomach fat (and all other body fat) shrink and some beautiful muscles become visible as the fat goes away from them.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Actually, that looks a little like my stomach when I am slouching. What does yours look like when you are standing up straight with your hips tucked a little (good posture)? Just curious.