Anyone on keto?



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Diabetics in DKA? sorry couldnt help it
  • BennyCH
    BennyCH Posts: 73 Member
    I have been doing keto for several years and the symptoms that you are describing are quite normal and will pass in less than a week. It's similar symptoms as you try to get off some drugs but will as said pass quicker. Once you have done the metabolic shift you will feel great...

    Benny - sober carboholic
  • BennyCH
    BennyCH Posts: 73 Member
    Ah, the traditional MFP keto kock fight ... we need carbs! the brain is starving for fuel! And that old chestnut ... ketoacidosis!!

    The humanity, the humanity.

    I did it for a few months, recalibrated my taste buds, got a sense of what hunger is (not a blood sugar crash) then realised I didn't have to do it long term, switched back to balanced and am losing weight just as well by concentrating on the energy gap.

    I think low carbing and keto is a valuable tool but I wouldn't do it long-term because I like a bit more variety and lot less rules in my nutritional life.

    On topic (I get there eventually) - The effects you describe can last weeks in extreme cases (maybe a sign it is not for you? Like some other low carb side-effects worth watching out for ... muscle cramping, sleeplessness, dry eyes/mouth) ... keep the sodium up (broth is tradition to fight the "Atkins Flu") and keep hydrated.

    Good luck to all whatever path you choose, listen to your bodies and if it is telling you to change it up then do it.

    I'll book in my low-carb/keto-themed post for this time next week again.

    See y'all then, enjoy the lively debate :)

    ^ brain needs a MINIMUM of 50 carbs a day to FUNCTION!! Ketosis diets are so incredibly bad for you...there is a reason why the healthcare industry doesn't support them anymore....they are doing damage to your body!!! But go ahead...because I hate it when people tell me what to do..but you posted in a forum...just saying.

    Please dont believe everything you read ;-)

    You know that people with epilepsy are on this diet with great improvement

    There are essential fat acids and amino acids (i.e. Body cant make itself), but there are no essential carbs because our body can make substitute ie ketones

    That the brain needs carbs to work is just pure nonsense, BUT, there are functions in your body that will not work too well on a long term keto diet, but no author i heard of recommends a very low carb diet forever, but either introduce eg fruits after you have reached your goal or cycle carbs...

    Too much carbs is much more serious than too few....
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Lyle McDonald recommends around 5 g sodium, 1 g potassium, and 500 mg of magnesium daily while on a keto diet.

    I'm guessing this is why.
  • KetoIF
    Been doing keto for a few weeks now, I actually feel more energized and I could feel when I need to do a cycle of carbing up. Never experienced any of those side effects.
  • Romaena
    I'm only going to speak from my personal experience, so please don't poop on me. I gained 50 lbs of beer fat in a year. I always weighed heavy, at 5'3" and 134 lbs, I was a size 4. I looked awful.... I started working out two months ago by doing HIIT, and compound strength training on alternate days, six days a week at an 850 calorie DEFICIT, per day, and didn't lose ONE POUND... I decided, based on all of the studies, my own BSc in human sciences, to try to get to a fat adapted state. This comes after the adjustments for keto adaptation in the low carb induction phase of various diets using that modality. I wanted to still be able to train using fat as fuel whilst maintaining strength. Yes, for the first while, I wasn't quite adjusted and my Deadlifts, dips, squats etc floundered. Now, my strength has increased, the fat is melting off, and my asthma and allergies have disappeared. Low carb workedfor me, and I can still pull 185 lb Deadlifts.... I eat very few carbs in just dark berries and cruciferous vegetables. My genetic background is Siberian/Russian and Turkish, and I have type O+ blood. I can't speak for anyone else but I feel better at 45 after four children, a failed Bankart repair, subsequent Laterjet repair, a sub-dural hemorrhage with a 27 mm midline shift and three evacuations (I should be dead...) than I ever did at 30...sorry for the run-on sentences. In retrospect, I believe the induction discomforts were attributable to carbohydrate detoxification, and the fact that my immune system was realigning itself. I had sore swollen lymphatic nodes, earaches, sore joints the uber sneezes etc., but I gritted it out and won.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    are you talking about ketoacidosis? cause that is fatal....

    eat whole foods, consume 20% less than TDEE and exercise..that really is all you need not fads. This sounds scarey as hell.. youre body is telling you it is bad for you...listen.

    Ketosis is a normal human state. It is not the same as ketoacidosis.... google is our friend....

    Ketogenic is not a fad. Some people, such as Inuit, were ketogenic almost permanently. As have I been for over 16 months with nothing but awesome effects on my health. Weight loss? See below.

    That said, I do not support being "on keto" just for weight loss with the intention of going back to eating "normally" after a weight loss goal is reached. A ketogenic lifestyle is awesome, but it fails badly (as do all diets) as a temporary "diet".
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Ketosis is a completely normal state. We have evolved with two "metabolic" mechanisms as a means of survival. During the season of plenty of carb rich sources (fruits) our ancestors were able to gorge and fatten up for the subsequent "lean" season. During the lean season, without any access to fruits, they could survive on eating more animal products - so their bodies would go into ketosis, accessing energy from the animals they caught as well as the fat storage on their bodies. Unfortunately, our modern food, agriculture and transportation industry removed all barriers to seasonal food. For example, In nature, strawberries are available a few weeks, and then they are gone, only available next year. Today, you can get strawberries all year round at any grocery store. This gives you the option to stay in perpetual "carbing" state, and depending on the biochemistry of your body, this may create elevated blood sugar levels, which leads to obesity and other ailments like diabetes.

    I never experienced headaches or anything like that when I transition to ketosis. I did read though that some people may feel something during the transition, just one to three days about. They recommend increasing salts during this period, and highly recommend sipping beef or chicken broth.

    I'm in ketosis - and totally love it!

    Good luck.