Foods that react as ..

LostTeen Posts: 110
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone know foods that can react as laxatives and give you lots of diarrhoea?

Example - Sweet patato


  • tansyf
    tansyf Posts: 66 Member
    I had a nightmare on Saturday, ate 6 sugar free choc limes, gave me a very upset tummy, really wouldn't recommend it, was yuk! xxxx
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Legumes are also very good. As someone who for more years than I can remember of having constipation issues, my secret now is WATER. In the morning, I drink 6 cups of water and it works wonders...without the um well you know, embarrassment of flatulence that I seem to find with all the foods that can help. :blushing:
  • Does anyone know foods that can react as laxatives and give you lots of diarrhoea?

    Example - Sweet patato

    Why do you want lots of diarrhoea? This is not healthy. If you are constipated you need to try things like prunes, as they are high in fiber and will help with a BM.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Does anyone know foods that can react as laxatives and give you lots of diarrhoea?

    Example - Sweet patato

    Why do you want lots of diarrhoea? This is not healthy. If you are constipated you need to try things like prunes, as they are high in fiber and will help with a BM.

    I thought the same... Bit odd? :huh:
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    I kinda thought the other way... are you trying to explain a sudden spat of diarrhea? I know when I have done the no carb thing, I had very loose stools.
  • Hevakmj
    Hevakmj Posts: 12
    If it's a problem with constipation and maybe bloating, I highly recommend Activia Yoghurts, they facilitate digestion and will make you go more regularly. Aside from that, fibre is what's needed, in fruits and veg and something like All Bran cereal. Hope that helps. :)
  • Hevakmj
    Hevakmj Posts: 12
    Funny.. I mention Activia Yoghurts and there's an advert straight away on the right hand side of the page LOL!!
  • LostTeen
    LostTeen Posts: 110
    The reason I want to know which foods react as laxatives is because I want a sudden weight loss =P
  • The reason I want to know which foods react as laxatives is because I want a sudden weight loss =P

    well thats really bad and not healthy at all. Try cutting out the junk food instead
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    The reason I want to know which foods react as laxatives is because I want a sudden weight loss =P

    Laxatives won't help with that.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    The reason I want to know which foods react as laxatives is because I want a sudden weight loss =P

    Honey you're on a "fitness" site. Everyone here is trying to lose weight/get fit in a healthy manner. Sudden weight loss through diarrhea is called dehydration... it's dangerous for your body and can cause terrible problems with your heart and other vital organs. Eating right, exercising and drinking plenty of water will give you the visual results that you're looking for.
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Eating right, exercising and drinking plenty of water will give you the visual results that you're looking for.

    GASP!!! You mean, we actually have to work to lose weight?

    Gosh darn!! I thought there was a magic pill to losing weight.

    *Sarcastic eye roll*
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Wow, this is a weird thread....:huh:
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 315 Member
    Wow, this is a weird thread....:huh:

    Yeah, I know right...:huh:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Eating right, exercising and drinking plenty of water will give you the visual results that you're looking for.

    GASP!!! You mean, we actually have to work to lose weight?

    Gosh darn!! I thought there was a magic pill to losing weight.

    *Sarcastic eye roll*

    LOL! Thanks... I needed that this morning.... though you owe me the couple of drops of coffee I spit out... those are precious ya know? See... the thing that frustrates the heck out of me is this.... DOING IT RIGHT IS SOOOOOOO NOT HARD! I'm 35 years old and I've taken every pill, done every fad diet and tried every easy way out possible. I tried starving myself - I have no will power. I tried vomiting...once... I'm not a good "puker". I have tried every magic pill, potion, diet out there... and everything I did was so much harder than eating well and exercising.
    I am never hungry. I have not had to tell myself "No - I can't have that" - I can have whatever I want... I just have to count it - and I really don't WANT crap anymore. I can't believe that I have lost 23 pounds eating the amount of food that I eat on a daily basis! I don't do a lot of strenuous exercise... I walk... I play on the Wii... I MOVE.. that's all... I move. WHY is everyone so convinced that this is difficult? Why are we so programmed to look for the "easy way out"? (I have a blog post on this) Society/the media/companies want us to believe that this is hard... NEWS FLASH - THIS is the eay way out.

    Whew... ok... going to get more coffee. Vent over... carry on.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Not recommended but my Mom would fix boiled cabbage... :glasses:
  • nimiry
    nimiry Posts: 20
    ok.. I know a couple things- hope you're not exagerating though with this:

    fruits: kiwi and plums ( I eat one kiwi or 3 dry plums like every day now- plum juice is good too)
    and of course the german thing: sauerkraut- really tastes good- but if I don't have any at home I at least drink a cup of sauerkraut juice...

    try not to exagerate with those things though... because your stomach might get "lazy" and that would mean that it stops working without help... know that because of my fastening cures... it takes a lot of time to change your metabolism when it's used to getting help- wish you good luck honey =D
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    omg This morning I had a bout of diarrhea and I was thinking to myself, "Guess I messed up somehow yesterday." as I reviewed in my mind what I had eaten. Then I saw this thread - sorry, but it's hard for me to understand why anyone would deliberately set a negative goal. Dehydration and it's effects are certainly not healthy. There are better ways (that are more satisfying and enjoyable) to accomplish weight loss.

    My policy has been to eat smaller portions, choose healthier foods, explore other ethnic foods, and exercise. It's been a delight learning about other foods and spices, and with the internet access to information, I've been having a blast! (The hardest part for me is drinking more water.) With the right attitude, you can work toward a healthier weight and still keep your smile!

    During the winter I used my basement steps for exercise, because I can't afford going to a health club. Now that we have nicer weather, I can get outside again to walk and rake, etc. I notice that the exercise that I have been doing has given me a little bounce to my step and a little wiggle to my walk. LOL I am happy to say that I now have my bp back to normal without messing up some other body systems. That was my highest goal - and, of course, I now also feel much better when I step onto the scale. (I must say that I am glad that I have been invited to a wedding in June where I can get dressed up to show off the new me. LOL )

    Hope you will reconsider your approach to weight loss. Peruse this site to learn some healthier ways in which to do it. Wishing you best of luck.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Wow, this is a weird thread....:huh:

    Yeah, I know right...:huh:

    I third that...:huh:
  • Laurirev
    Laurirev Posts: 5
    I think it's an individual thing, but I'll tell you, I cannot eat anything with flax seed in it. I know flax seed is really good you with all the omega 3's, but if I eat anythin in it, its gives me bad gas a diarhea. It took me a while to figure it out, but now in healthy recipes I either delete the flax or use wheat gern instead.
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