Eating Clean: Did it work for you?



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you're starting out again for the millionth time, why not set your sites on something achievable that actually works. Perhaps something like.....eating whatever foods you like while maintaining a moderate calorie deficit. If you want to get jiggy with it add in some exercise.

    Seems a lot more realistic than completely changing your eating, shopping, and coming habits overnight. I've heard people have had success with this "eat less, mice more" plan

    mmhmm. Eat less, move more is the best "plan" out there. When you try to have an all or nothing attitude - you are setting yourself up to fail, especially when starting out.

    It takes time to change how you eat, your mentality on foods, and to create new habits..just like it takes time to shed the pounds. Make attainable goals..don't try to do everything all at once.
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    think you probably need to know yourself when it comes to changing habits--are you a baby stepper or do you have to go cold turkey to be successful.

    I had to go cold turkey when I quit smoking and quit fast food, but baby steps worked better for clean eating as well as cutting back on drinking and sugar.
  • GypsySoul_74
    GypsySoul_74 Posts: 152 Member
    i ate 100% clean (okay, maybe like 98%--i did accidentally eat one or two things that i *thought* were clean but weren't) for the first three weeks of this year. i committed to that just to try it--there was never any intention of sticking with it forever. i just like to experiment with diet/fitness concepts that are new to me so i can make my own decision about them based on the way my body responds.

    i have to say, i saw zero weight loss (lots of people will rave about how they lost SO much weight when they started eating totally clean), had less energy and felt worse physically and mentally than i previously had. i felt deprived, too, because i couldn't have chocolate, ice cream, wine or most boxed cereals--my favorites!

    my normal diet is about 70-80% clean, with treats incorporated every day. that's what works for me long-term--getting plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein, then adding one or two small portions of my favorite treats for dessert or snacks.

    as others have mentioned, as long as you're meeting your calorie and macronutrient goals, you should see progress. it's best to consider what you'll be willing to stick to in the long run--if you jump headlong into something you can't sustain, you'll be more apt to throw in the towel again. on the other hand, if you choose an eating plan you can live with for a long time, your consistency will pay off big-time down the road.

    best of luck :)
  • greyoutside
    Eating clean means something slightly different to everyone - which is why I recommend it highly. It's definitely a lifestyle change, though, not a diet. Figure out what eating clean means to you and be prepared to spend the rest of your life finding awesome ways to eat clean.