44 - Female - No self-control

I am new here. I have no self-control. I just ate two super king size hershey chocolate bar. Sigh. I hope that logging what I eat might be helpful to me. Any help is appreciated.


  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I am new here. I have no self-control. I just ate two super king size hershey chocolate bar. Sigh. I hope that logging what I eat might be helpful to me. Any help is appreciated.

    log everything. be honest. be accurate. even if you're not adhering to your goal settings at first, getting into the habit of logging is the first step for this whole process.

    once you are doing that, you'll start making slightly better food choices. it just sort of happens.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Start small -- You can do this!

    For the first few days, or even the first week, just log EVERYTHING you eat. Hopefully you will see how much you are over-eating and you can make changes from there with conviction.

    You got this!
  • melissahurst99
    I find that logging everything I eat really helps me see what I am putting into my body and motivates me to change. Log EVERYTHING you eat or you will just be cheating yourself! You can do this!
  • KateRepine
    KateRepine Posts: 60 Member
    I'm sorry you are having a rough day, don't let yourself get hungry/Pre-plan your day/work toward small weight goals. You can do anything, The only one stopping you is yourself - good luck :)
  • ausped
    ausped Posts: 58 Member
    Do you need friends? Friend me if you like. We are the same age :)
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    I am new here. I have no self-control. I just ate two super king size hershey chocolate bar. Sigh. I hope that logging what I eat might be helpful to me. Any help is appreciated.

    log everything. be honest. be accurate. even if you're not adhering to your goal settings at first, getting into the habit of logging is the first step for this whole process.

    once you are doing that, you'll start making slightly better food choices. it just sort of happens.

    this X infinity
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    You have self-control; I'm sure of it.

    Just start out logging everything. You'll find your mojo.
  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    Opening your food diary to the public or your friends on here..really helps keep me on track. I think Oh my gosh everyone can see what Im eating:0) Don't beat your self up..Tomorrow is a new day and new choices can be made!!
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    I was amazed at how logging everything - honestly - made a difference. By comparison, I feel like I wasted the first two weeks of my diet.

    I have learned so much about my body through this process. It doesn't even take self-discipline for me any more. It's become a habit.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Everyone is right, just log everything, be true to the diary. You've got this. The other thing try to daily find something awesome to congratulate yourself on. Lot's of time our over eating comes from trying to fill something up inside of us. So when we say negative things about ourselves we tend to eat more.

    Write down everything, food, exercise, and feelings. I use the blog offered here to write my thoughts and feelings.
  • mammysan
    Take it from a 69 year who is still struggling - get it under control now and you will never regret it. It is much harder the older you get. Listen to the ones who have made it or wither are getting there. You can do it.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    1) Be kind to yourself.
    2) Eat breakfast early---with lots of protein.
    3)Log everything.
    4) Protect yourself from craving by drinking lots of cold water when you feel it coming on, have a protein snack on your person at all times---if you do lose it, log it and move on.

    Protein helps me cut my cravings.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    You'll find mfp forums very supportive and helpful. Not only the feedback you'll get..but also reading other peoples stories of successes and challenges.

    I started just by logging my food..and trying to stay to a calorie limit. I failed for months...then something clicked in my head and now i'm doing it and loving the results. Also.another thing I did was increase the calories I was allowing myself. As you read through the forum you'll see a lot on this. I increased my calories and i'm still losing..and eating foods i love and enjoying making dishes more low calorie but great tasting.

    you can actually allow yourself some chocolate..just count it..that's the best part of calorie counting..include the foods you love..just the right amounts. I eat really dark chocolate with 85% cacao ..which is actually pretty low in calories for a good size piece. I saw a recipe where you melt the chocolate in the microwave and add pistachios and dried cherries and put it in the freezer. It turns into a healthy crunchy chocolate bark..and it is 120 calories per ounce.

    Anyway...hang in there..good luck.
  • Ann_02
    Ann_02 Posts: 5 Member
    I am overwhelmed by so many responses in such a short period of time. So nice that you took your time to respond to my message and that some of you even added me as a friend. I appreciate it. Thanks. I will log everything. I will be true to myself. Thank you all.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Joining here is your first BIG plus!! Well done for taking that step. I would ask why you felt you needed to eat two big Hershey bars. Were you bored, miserable, depressed - just take a few moments to think about it. MFP asks you to log everything you eat and drink and that in itself is a sort of self control. You probably wouldnt want to log those bars - it will help you think before you eat.

    Take heart - we have all been there - and that's why were here now. People who are overweight are exactly that because they have no self control - or had none - we are all learning as we go.

    Find yourself some friends - add me if you want to. We encourage and support each other all the way. Welcome aboard!!
  • 1FitBabe
    1FitBabe Posts: 111 Member
    Two things...protein to help with control - like a hard cooked egg before the chocolate

    High cocoa chocolate. You get the taste but it helps you stay in control more than sugary chocolate.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Logging makes a HUGE difference. Since I joined, and I've been logging everything I eat, my new little self-motto is "If you eat it, you own it." Logging it makes you see it. Knowing that you will have to log it later makes you think more seriously about what you are choosing to do. Is this the right food for right now? Is this the right amount? If I eat this now, what will I be able to eat later in the day? If you don't want to own those calories those particular macros, don't eat it. If it is something you want to own, go ahead.

    Way over-simplified, I know, lol.
  • SallyAnnNorton
    SallyAnnNorton Posts: 30 Member
    I had two pieces of kentucky fried chicken, popcorn chicken and fries yesterday, but that was yesterday, today i am back on track, and your today will be yesterday tomorrow! move on log your food and be possitive, you can and will do it.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I am new here. I have no self-control. I just ate two super king size hershey chocolate bar. Sigh. I hope that logging what I eat might be helpful to me. Any help is appreciated.

    log everything. be honest. be accurate. even if you're not adhering to your goal settings at first, getting into the habit of logging is the first step for this whole process.

    once you are doing that, you'll start making slightly better food choices. it just sort of happens.

    This. It is what I did and even started my husband on. It will be helpful in the long run. also many times we don't even realize what is different foods. it has been a huge educational experience. Next it is just one day...don't beat yourself up. Tomorrow is a new day, and right now is a new moment in time. You cant undo, so don't dwell move forward. It will all fall into place. :-)

    BTW feel free to add me. I love new friends.
  • rasp35
    rasp35 Posts: 13 Member
    Log everything. Good and not so good food choices. Try to start thinking how much food you could've eaten that would amount to same calories as the 2 Hershey bars you ate............. Probably the equivalent of 2 meals. You could've had a nice full belly with no guilt :-)
    Baby steps......... Log 1st then make better choices. It's not going to happen overnight :-)