44 - Female - No self-control



  • jweisshoff
    jweisshoff Posts: 74 Member
    Throw out ...or give away those kinds of goodies. I went through my pantry.....if it is not there...I find I won't be tempted. Make little portion bags/ containers of things you could eat instead. I have little portioned bags of pretzels, raisins, almonds, fruit cups, etc. I also keep some of these in my car/purse when I am on the run.....or find myself hungry or stressed out. A much better grab! And don't beat yourself up or be discouraged over it...it certainly happens to everyone that they fall off the wagon at some point. Just dust yourself off and move on. Document everything....good or bad...it really helps! If you need some extra support and motivation...friend me. :smile:
  • alisonsurf
    alisonsurf Posts: 92 Member
    Self control is mythical. Don't beat yourself up over it for starters. Log it, consider WHY you ate it (lack of choice, angry at self, boredom, got too hungry to think straight, hormonal surge, etc), forgive yourself and let it go.

    Every moment is an opportunity to treat yourself with respect, care, love and if you waste time with recriminations, doubt and deprecation you will be missing out on the best of yourself.

    I'm you age too if you want to friend me.:flowerforyou:
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I'm almost 38 but would love to be your friend

    I log all I put in my mouth and set my diary to public. that helps me stay on track
  • snerd2123
    52- female...I have same issue...but yesterday after my newest labs came back with bad numbers I got scared...that ahd highest bpp ive ever had...I have lupus and cant take bp meds or thyroid meds without it triggering a flare up and getting really sinck...so no meds..have to seriously start taking care of myself--the dr. suggested this app. Im on day two...in lieu of hersheys bar...I got some skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and they are only 150 calories...and really good--best of luck to you---hope you have a better day tomorrow
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    I can easily eat 2 huge candy bars (Symphony w/toffee) and Im not kidding!
    When I started I told myself- fine, I can have anything I want, so I will..just until I hit my calorie limit, and I did.
    After a while I started thinking, well, maybe 1 candy bar and I can have more substance for lunch..it sort of works itself out,
    you want more food so you play numbers games to get that balance and eventually youre eating low fat and healthier.
    Wait until you start exercising so you can have more, haha!
    Good luck, youve taken the first step and everyone is so right, LOG LOG LOG!
  • DraftedByTheMan
    It's true....I'll look at a small candy.....45 calories....then I decide it's not worth giving up 1 oz single malt scotch (60 calories) for it...hehe
  • Ann_02
    Ann_02 Posts: 5 Member
    Throw out ...or give away those kinds of goodies. I went through my pantry.....if it is not there...I find I won't be tempted. Make little portion bags/ containers of things you could eat instead. I have little portioned bags of pretzels, raisins, almonds, fruit cups, etc. I also keep some of these in my car/purse when I am on the run.....or find myself hungry or stressed out. A much better grab! And don't beat yourself up or be discouraged over it...it certainly happens to everyone that they fall off the wagon at some point. Just dust yourself off and move on. Document everything....good or bad...it really helps! If you need some extra support and motivation...friend me. :smile:

    I like the idea of creating portion bags. I can do that! That would be fun to have. Btw, I don't really buy chocolates, I know I cannot resist them, so I avoid buying them. It is my husband who buys it for me. He thinks it calms me down when I am upset about something. I will take your advice and I will start throwing all kinds of goodies out. Thanks.
  • audra0831
    audra0831 Posts: 244
    You can do this! Friend me if you want to - we're the same age, and we can support each other! :smile:
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Honestly, It gets easier. Most people here including myself, seem to have started out the way you have but after a week or so you will start making better choices. You only need to make small changes and once you have your first success you'll have more drive to make further changes to your diet and lifestyle. I just read something that said just by swapping a daily danish pastry (600cals) for an apple you could lose more than a pound a week.

    I have children at home and there is always sweets and chocolate in the house. I used to pick at it throughout the day and never imagined I would be able to leave it alone but 3 months down the line I give the kids a biscuit and usually put the lid back on without taking one myself.

    Obviously there will be bad days (and I do include a limited amount of choc in my diet) but that doesn't mean we have to give up. We owe it to ourselves to learn from our mistakes as you have by starting this post :)
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    You can actually allow yourself some chocolate..just count it..that's the best part of calorie counting..include the foods you love..just the right amounts. I eat really dark chocolate with 85% cacao ..which is actually pretty low in calories for a good size piece.

    This. Quality over quantity. I have a few squares of very dark chocolate every night (along with a glass of wine!) and I'm still losing weight.

    Keeping track of what you eat really helps- a friend who's a doctor (and who LOVES MFP!) swore she couldn't lose weight no matter what she did. When she started tracking calories on everything she ate, she started to lose weight. You may find that some things you feel so-so about are way more calories than they're worth (I feel that way about anything fried) and easy to cross off your list. Others that you like may be practically "free" calories.

    And if you possibly can, get your worst temptations out of the house so they're not pleading "Eat me!" every time you walk by.
  • genericaroar
    genericaroar Posts: 51 Member
    I am new here. I have no self-control. I just ate two super king size hershey chocolate bar. Sigh. I hope that logging what I eat might be helpful to me. Any help is appreciated.

    log everything. be honest. be accurate. even if you're not adhering to your goal settings at first, getting into the habit of logging is the first step for this whole process.

    once you are doing that, you'll start making slightly better food choices. it just sort of happens.

    Beautiful advice here. I also lack self control and am a great binge eater just for the sake of eating. If it is there, I will eat it. My problem has nothing to do with junk food either, I'll binge on anything. Still just a terrible habit and it makes you feel like crap wondering why you can't get a grip. I am much better now after using this site. Accountability, seeing what you're eating as the day goes on right in front of your face and a sense of community will do wonders if you just stick around and log every single thing.
  • loseitmw
    Wish you the best... It works great for me.... And the best thing you can do is not buy them so they are not tempting you.. maybe have a small one you can do that as a treat... and to say I will do one step at a time .....It keeps up with all the foods you eat and the exercise you get and the water you drink...:smile:
  • professlohr
    This is a great community, and there are so many people here to encourage each other. Definitely log everything, I know it's been helpful to me to be honest with what I'm eating each day. Also, I've found that getting some form of activity in each day makes a HUGE difference in not only how we feel, but also allows you to eat more calories for fuel, which is very important. Even walking around the neighborhood for half an hour can boost endorphins and metabolism. It's not about perfection each day, just making mindful decisions because you are worth it. Take care-- and I wish you the very best.:smile:
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Control doesn't work for everyone. Change WHAT you eat. I promise you that it is completely unnecessary to struggle.
  • mityjoe67
    mityjoe67 Posts: 15 Member
    I totally agree with everyone here. I also felt I had no self control, but once I told myself I would log everything, because if you aren't honest, you are only hurting your progress, and go from there. Surprisingly I have made strides, once I started looking at everything I was eating, I was able to strat to make smarter chocies. Someone said it just sort of happens and they were right. You can do this. You definitely can do this.
  • nichelle02
    Everyone has given great advice. I'm a newbie here and can already attest to the benefit of logging. I've never been so aware of what I'm consuming. It has really opened my eyes. I'm sure I will have challenging days ahead but I've never felt so in control. We all really do have self control within us. If you'd like a friend I'm here and can give encouragement. I'm really happy to do so!
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Btw, I don't really buy chocolates, I know I cannot resist them, so I avoid buying them. It is my husband who buys it for me. He thinks it calms me down when I am upset about something. I will take your advice and I will start throwing all kinds of goodies out. Thanks.

    Have a talk with your husband and tell him that seeing the results of the treats he brings you when you step on the scale will NOT calm you down! He needs to know how he can support you in your effort to get control of your eating, and not bringing irresistible treats into the house is a good start.
  • jamielypr
    journaling what you eat, really make you stop and ask yourself if you really want to use up your calories on that item. The longer you journal, the easier it gets!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Ditto everything!

    Log log log... And eat 'darker' chocolate....LOL
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I just sent you an invite. Friend invites to me are always welcome. :bigsmile: