What motivated you?



  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    It was weird as i had always been motivated to lose the weight but never motivated ENOUGH

    I think for me it was the donut that broke the box for me in that being called 'big fat greasy smelly Clark' at school, yeah good times, seeing other people achieve great results, working out harder and harder but not seeing anything myself, realising i could achieve so much with nutrition not hard workouts on their own. I stopped eating my feelings and thought out a game plan especially where food was concerned.

    I knew i couldn't run, lift big, blah blah - so i made a list of the things i couldn't do because i was heavy and unhealthy and very cheesily made it my 'To do' list.

    I joined MFP a year ago on the 1st Jan, before then, i couldn't run 1km let alone 10km, had an awful wardrobe, no confidence, and was a shadow of who i wanted to be. Now i run 10km and enjoy it, my asthma is practically gone, i'm enjoying life, i did a 100 mile charity cycle, got out of baggy black clothes, had two beach holidays - im still working on the topless confidence - i hope you find your own personal motivation, and to those that have you should be proud because to keep it going takes daily guts :happy:

    Oh and i forgot the best thing for me, saying *kitten* you to the people who put me down all those years
  • sweetcheeks1978
    My motivation was seeing a picture of myself (see the top half of my profile pic). I was mortified! I honestly didnt think I was that big. That shocked me into doing something, to look better, to be fitter and healthier and for my family. I am down about 50lbs and have another 30 to go but have made great progress. I can now run with my kids and not be out of breath and collapsing all over the place. I am blessed with a very supportive husband, he's been keeping me on track and recently he started down the 'keep fit' line with me :)
  • Mine was a friend's aunts wedding in 2011. I was genuinely convinced I look okay, and was dancing away, talking to everyone, getting in pictures... then the pictures were posted online, and OH. MY. GOD. I couldn't have been more wrong if I tried. It didn't help that one of my best friend's was a bridesmaid and looked absolutely stunning. That was the last straw for me I think.

    Nowadays, while that's still in the back of my mind (and the back of my phone when I feel like I'm slipping), the main thing motivating me is moving to London in September for university. I really want to make a great impression in the first few weeks. :) (Plus, one of my friends lives down there and wants me to meet her friend who she lives with... who's a dancer... and really toned... and beautiful. Yep...)
  • alevesque1990
    alevesque1990 Posts: 20 Member
    i tried mfp two times before this and it just never stuck cravings took over way to much!.. but i recently returned from my honeymoon looking at pictures i was ashamed at how much weight i had gained!! i want to be healthy for me!! and my husband who is a diabetic when i diet he follows and both our healths have began to improve!! i was unable to get pregnant because of being overweight and i am working to a goal to be able to conceive! i needed a life style change! and this time nothing is getting in my way!! also looking for some motivating friends!! add me!!!
  • smh1067
    smh1067 Posts: 45 Member
    An inkling of motivation started when I saw a photo of myself someone posted on FB when my baby was already 15 months old. I couldn't believe I looked like that! Even though I wanted another baby and knew that I needed to lose the weight first to avoid the health problems I had during my last pregnancy, I was still lackadaisical about it. The ball didn't really get moving until I read a quote of all things:


    I thought about it, and looked back to the failed attempts over the past couple years, and it just hit me. If I had been serious and committed a year ago, I'd be where I want to be, today. It just clicked for me, and here I am, taking charge of my own health!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Father had a heart attack younger than I was. He was in the military reserves at the time, so active. Had another one and barely made it.

    Grandfather had 2 heart attacks and died

    Other grandfather had knee surgery. stroked and died.

    Fear is a great motivator.
  • cailinlowe
    cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
    finding out that my 21st birthday is going to be the first day of spring break.. i knew i wanted to have a really awesome beach vacation so i decided to get fit. also, i'm joining the army!
  • michigangirl75
    michigangirl75 Posts: 28 Member
    Lost my Mom in 2005 she was 58yrs ( heart attack, she survived stroke and heart attack, last heart attack we lost her) sent me into a depression and eating my comfort foods. It clicked when ( 2011) I stepped on the scales and seen 174, I didn't think I gained that much weight then I seen pictures and my jeans started getting snug and told myself I wouldn't be in the next size up which would of been 12's. I started here in 2011 but didn't push myself, I started pushing myself more and more in June of last yr.
  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    Mine was a photo. It's my photo I have up now. I was going to start a workout program just be a use my sister was trying it but after seeing how I looked in the photo and how my body looked I knew I really needed to make a chance for myself and my family and I did!!! I stuck with the program called Insanity and it realty changed my life!!!!
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I'm a single mom of two via adoption. I had to be the best parent for them. At 340 pounds, I was not, so I made the decision to have gastric bypass surgery. No way in hell I could have lost 200 pounds and kept it off without surgery. It was the right choice for me.
  • khyman
    khyman Posts: 28 Member
    When the doctor mentioned gastric bypass surgery. Every year he had told me to lose weight (and I didn't) but the mention of this drastic step made me realize how serious the threat to my health was.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Pictures of me now vs pictures of me years ago. Also, I'm already up against some health issues if/when I want to have a baby. No need for anything hurting my chances on top of that
  • trishmce
    When the PA got a larger blood pressure cuff. I saw myself through her eyes. Yuck
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 437 Member
    Mine started with seeing a picture of myself holding my 18 mo. old but still looking like I was 7 mo. pregnant. That photo, plus the scale telling me I was back at 3rd trimester wieght, were the final straws.
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I had a nasty breakup with a guy who (at the time) I thought I was going to marry. My self esteem plummeted and I realized that I had no life outside the relationship. That's when I decided to reevaluate my entire life- not just my weight. I'm focusing on myself for the first time in my life! I have the best grades of my life (full time college student), better friendships and the pounds are falling off. I'm feeling great! I even had enough confidence to tell my ex boyfriend "NO!" when he tried to get me back ;)
  • StickingWithIt2015
    StickingWithIt2015 Posts: 34 Member
    Beating cancer. If I can beat cancer I can get healthy. :0)