180+ heart rate while running-- is this okay?



  • denisestewart57
    That's interesting, I run near power lines, but II find I can't get an accurate reading anyway do to inconsistencies in my thyroid levels.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I never worry about my max or my average, I really look at it as my recovery rate. Is my HR back to normal when I'm stopped within 15 minutes of stretching etc. When I do HIIT training, mine is all over the place, maximum when working out then nothingness when I stop. My resting HR is extremely low, after exercise it returns to about 60's, and within 2 hours it's back to what I normally run. But it can get up to 160 easily or higher when running.
  • SandraNancy
    SandraNancy Posts: 127 Member
    edited August 2017
    I saw this old post of mine today and thought I'd update it. After an abnormal EKG in 2016 I went through a whole bunch of tests with a cardiologist-- Holter monitor for 24 hours, stress test, echocardiogram, umpteen more EKGs and guess what? My heart is just fine. Fantastic even. It just beats fast.

    Just goes to show that every body is made differently and what's true for one might not apply to another. During the stress test I was lightly jogging on the treadmill, not sweating yet, and easily able to chat with the nurse... and yet my heart rate was 180. She was surprised and kept asking if I felt alright, and I thought "SEE! That's why I think something isn't right. I shouldn't be so high for minimal effort!"

    So if you're like me and you're an otherwise healthy individual with a wacky heart rate don't despair. Definitely get it checked out, but for me it was a relief to know I wasn't going to keel over dead after a pleasant jog.

  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    You've got 3 data points, 2 HRM and a gym machine. So the number is correct.

    It's certainly worthwhile to see if you can identify why it's elevated.. It's probably not urgent, but it is important to remember to bring it up next time you see your Doctor.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I saw this old post of mine today and thought I'd update it. After an abnormal EKG in 2016 I went through a whole bunch of tests with a cardiologist-- Holter monitor for 24 hours, stress test, echocardiogram, umpteen more EKGs and guess what? My heart is just fine. Fantastic even. It just has an extra pathway which means that when my heart gets pumping it receives a secondary command to beat, instead of just the one, so it beats an extra time.

    Just goes to show that every body is made differently and what's true for one might not apply to another. I'd never even heard of something like this before, but it was gratifying to have someone else see what I was talking about. During the stress test I was lightly jogging on the treadmill, not sweating yet, and easily able to chat with the nurse... and yet my heart rate was 180. She was surprised and kept asking if I felt alright, and I thought "SEE! That's why I think something isn't right. I shouldn't be so high for minimal effort!"

    So if you're like me and you're an otherwise healthy individual with a wacky heart rate you may just have an extra pathway in your heart. Definitely get it checked out, but for me it was a relief to know I wasn't going to keel over dead after a pleasant jog.

    Thanks for this update. I have a really high exercise heart rate as well, but feel fine. I'm glad to know someone in the same situation found out they are perfectly healthy.
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    edited August 2017
    Edited to delete...didn't realize that the original posting was a zombie thread.