Wheat Free/Paleo



  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    How does consuming whole grain increase systematic inflammation. What in wheat does that?

    Wheat is one of the top ten allergens. Most allergic reactions include inflammation.

    From the excerpt in "The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods" which starts by stating "wheat is the most important grain in that it provides more nourishment for more people throughout the world than any other food" ends with stating that "wheat is a common food allergen, especially in children. Common symptoms associated with an allergic reaction to wheat products include chronic gastrointestinal disturbances; frequent infections, asthma and sinusitis symptoms; excema, skin rash, acne, and hives; bursitis and joint pains; faigue, headache, and migraine".
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    How does consuming whole grain increase systematic inflammation. What in wheat does that?

    Wheat is one of the top ten allergens. Most allergic reactions include inflammation.

    From the excerpt in "The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods" which starts by stating "wheat is the most important grain in that it provides more nourishment for more people throughout the world than any other food" ends with stating that "wheat is a common food allergen, especially in children. Common symptoms associated with an allergic reaction to wheat products include chronic gastrointestinal disturbances; frequent infections, asthma and sinusitis symptoms; excema, skin rash, acne, and hives; bursitis and joint pains; faigue, headache, and migraine".
    I agree it can be a problem for some people. In Canada peanuts are number 1, wheat is number 8. I would never suggest someone consume something they're allergic to and if someone suspects they are they should get tested. That doesn't mean I shouldn't eat peanuts, seafood, tree nuts, eggs, milk, wheat etc.
  • SamAdams125
    SamAdams125 Posts: 54 Member
    I agree it can be a problem for some people. In Canada peanuts are number 1, wheat is number 8. I would never suggest someone consume something they're allergic to and if someone suspects they are they should get tested. That doesn't mean I shouldn't eat peanuts, seafood, tree nuts, eggs, milk, wheat etc.

    I don't think the OP was suggesting that everyone should avoid wheat. She was just looking for other people who do and would like to support each other in that choice, swap recipes, etc.
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    Another paleo thread getting hijacked by CW folks. Go figure. I can see why one should stick to group forums. And so I think I will.
  • Pollywog_la
    Pollywog_la Posts: 103 Member
    "Wheat Belly" is unsupported. Davis is selling sensationalist books.


    CWB stands for Canadian Wheat Board. You think they might be a little biased?
    Whether Dr. Davis makes unsupported claims or not, this link is full of its own errors and obfuscations.

    "Wheat is the single most important source of plant protein in our diet"
    Wheat is very endemic in our diet, so this just means we eat a lot of it, therefore it is important by default. But it is not important to people who do not consume wheat...they have different "most important source of plant protein" in their diets.

    "Wheat, in its natural unrefined state, is a good source of fibre, manganese, and magnesium (a mineral that acts as a co-factor for enzymes involved in the body's use of glucose and insulin secretion"
    It is very rarely sold in its "natural unrefined state", so this is meaningless.

    "Products that list "whole grain whole wheat" or "whole wheat flour with added germ" in the ingredient section are the most nutritious wheat products."
    If one thinks wheat products in general are not optimal for human health, than something being its most nutritious option is also meaningless.

    "Grain products provide an important source of energy"
    Lots of foods can make this claim. And again, it is important if you consume wheat. If you do not, it is not important at all.

    When Dr. Davis is mentioned, they claim there is no GMO wheat on the market (which is not an issue) and ignores Dr. Davis' REAL claim...that the current version of wheat was bred to be more hardy and yield larger amounts of grain, but has the unintended consequence of gliadin in the wheat, negatively affecting people.

    I cannot speak with authority on their claims of celiac disease, but their statement that it is genetic doesn't support their position that wheat hasn't changed for the worse. It could very well be genetic, but it now expresses itself more because modern wheat reacts with this genetic trait more than archaic wheat strains. CWB acknowledges celiac disease is on the rise, but claims this is due to education and better diagnosis.

    Basically, the page will seem good to someone who supports eating wheat, but is hardly convincing to anyone skeptical of consuming wheat. I would expect better argumentation.
  • anitaplus4
    anitaplus4 Posts: 3,338 Member
    You guys can add me. I just started the Paleo diet yesterday.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member

    Basically, the page will seem good to someone who supports eating wheat, but is hardly convincing to anyone skeptical of consuming wheat. I would expect better argumentation.

    Why did Dr Davis say that finding gluten free substitutions to things like bread and pasta will have similar effects lol. Sounds like he's riding shotgun on the low carb diet, which he promotes all the way through this book, lets face it it's a diet book, but is using wheat as the ammunition (popular trend) to sell his book.

    If your interested.

  • osmom3kids
    My oldest son was diagnosed with celiac in 2008 and our whole familiy has been gluten free since then.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    I agree, if it is in a book it must be true

    yep, read it on the Internet, too.....