Followed calories and worked out, gained weight



  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    According to your diary for the past couple of weeks, you eat no fresh unprocessed food like fruits and vegetables.
  • lfergurson1
    lfergurson1 Posts: 137 Member
    Morning I am no fitness expert but I read alot I am on week 3 week one was amazing weight just fell off last week and possibly this week I am staying the same and possibly shifting by half a pound. There is a transition process for the body after youve been at it for a month you may want to watch even harder but I happen to think not freaking out and staying consistant will bring results. Because I am new to this and its looking like you are also we may wanna see to much to quick and I am not sure thats always gonna happen. However, if you drop alot in the very beggining, It may not last and here ya go again.. Not sure this makes sense but I think we are in the same place. Good luck. Keep loggin in!
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    This is copied from a message I sent a pal:

    "The weigh ins.....
    I've gotten into the habit of weighing in weekly. I've been doing this for the past six months or so. While I love seeing the number go down, for me it seems to be go down two, up one, down two, up one..... I think having the weekly record of my weigh ins has helped me. I don't sweat the weeks that I gain now because I know that's just the way I lose. I'm not saying that you should necessarily do the same but wanted to put it out there for you."

    Keep doing the right things and you will get results and don't let the scale get you down.
  • teacherspet1
    teacherspet1 Posts: 142 Member
    I would say you eat too much bread......If you want to lose weight you need to change your eating habits....there are plenty of good healthy foods to eat so you dont have to base your diet around bread.
    Why not try cereal for breakfast? Pasta is filling and slow release energy....get some good fruit and vegetables down your neck and you need to cut down on cheese.
    There is such variety to be had and they say its the spice of live it......
    Good luck in your quest

  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    My first week back on track I lost 8 pounds sitting on the couch with a back injury. The next week I was back to work and exercising. I gained every single day hat week, almost 3pounds! I didn't go over calories once. Read the "In place of a road map thread" and worked my numbers. Turns out I wasn't eating enough! Scared me but I increased my calories and have never looked back. I've lost every week since. Take a look at that thread, someone already posted the link. Wrk your numbers and see if that helps.
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    ur not eating enough calories

    find out ur BMR AND TDEE
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Something might be missing from your diary that you are eating and not realizing.. like Olive oil in your pan before you cook an egg. 1 tablespoon of oil is 140 calories. Try to make sure everything is logged.. a nut.. a brownie.. a drop of oil.. it can all add up quickly. I'd vote something is missing.. coffee you drink? do you measure everything? Measuring is important. You could think you have a half a cup but it could actually be a cup.. same thing with a tablespoon vs. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. Try measuring and weighing everything for a couple of days and see if you are still "under your calorie goal" and be careful not to over estimate and eat back your exercise calories. You might be over estimating those and then eating the incorrect back.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Also, go here:

    It's an excellent link, follow the directions given. I've been doing it for a couple of weeks now and have already seen a couple of inches lost.

    You should follow the link above and calculate your TDEE and eat based on that. You are a male and eat only as much as I do, a 5'2" female weighing 125 pounds. I think you need to eat more.

    Also, you have not likely gained muscle in a short period of time - how often do you weigh? Probably water weight gain...
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    You have to improve your diet, add some fruits and some vegetables and once that's done you can cut back on all that bread you've been eating.

    I totally agree with this! You are eating way too much bread and not enough foods that are good for you. Lean meats, fruits and vegetables and lots of water.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Weight loss takes time!
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    Looked at your diary and here are a couple of things about logging. If you eat multiples of an item, you can select it under Recent or Most Used Food and change the number of servings. For example bread 1 slice, bread 1 slice= 2 slices of bread. If your bread is homemade, it may actually have more calories. You can use generic if you don't put in the ingredients under Recipes tab.

    Another thing is exact foods. You listed 5 servings of Sushi. Was it 5 rolls (6 pieces each)? What kind? You can put in the type of Sushi and click the drop down box and it will give you choices. Also if you know the calories (from the back of a package) you can click on the blue "nutritional info" above the drop down box and see if the calories match so you will at least be close to the food you ate.

    I love lox but you might want to look at the sodium content. Get your 8 glass of water (water, tea, coffee, non calorie/non carbonated items) in.

    You didn't put on this weight overnight and if you lose it fast, you will probably regain it.. Message me if you have any other questions about logging. Good luck.

    You have just recently joined so I doubt it is muscle gain. Probably just water retention.
  • Seriously don't worry about the scale!!! I'm on day 21 and have only lost 4 lbs but have lost inches!!! Make sure you measure and try not to step on the scale! There are many factors that will make you gain! For me it isn't about losing pounds but inches!! There is a differece between fat loss and weight loss!!!
  • 4mydogs
    4mydogs Posts: 66 Member
    You have to improve your diet, add some fruits and some vegetables and once that's done you can cut back on all that bread you've been eating.

  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Bread is all homemade, and I counted every calorie that went in. Everything involved in the cooking process was added(other than spices like italian seasoning), so for example the eggs had no cooking oil used. I juice twice a week, so none of it was store bought.

    I think that most of it is just my sodium consumption and the fact that I just started. Thank you all for the helpful advice, I just freaked out cause I was so close to breaking that 250 glass ceiling for myself and then seeing I was up 2.4 pounds really threw me off.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    How many calories are you consuming?
    What is your workout routine? Strength training or cardio or both?
    Have you taken measurements?
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Around 2000-2200 a day

    Looked up my body fat, it is about 28.9%

    My BMR it says is about 2.2k to 2.4k a day before activities

    So I need to be eating at least that much everyday. So basically I have been under-eating by about 200 to 400 calories everyday, and that is before exercise
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Is there a reason why you are consuming 1/2 of your daily calories in bread?

    What exactly is "Tyson Chicken Sauce"

    And why haven't you eaten a single vegetable?
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Tyson chicken sauce is home made recipe of chicken, pasta sauce, and mixed veggies, basically if there is anything that is a recipe it has veggies in it, at least 2 servings.

    4 days a week I typically juice which is super concentrated greens, only non veggie in it is apples.So normally I have 32 ounces of green juices 4 days a week.

    Even with all the bread consumed I am staying below MFP carbohydrates for the day by nearly 1/3. It is my main carbohydrate because I have a bread maker, it is cheap, and ever since I started eating the mainly whole wheat bread I don't get hungry, even when my calories are much lower. Also it is one of the few healthy things I can afford for carbohydrates that does not have high fructose or MSG.

    Water I am normally consuming 1/2 a gallon to a gallon a day, just forget to update it.

    I get the feeling that I just might not be consuming enough calories each day.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member

    I get the feeling that I just might not be consuming enough calories each day.

    You're probably right, but if you do decide to increase your calories, don't add 3 more slices of bread...load up on some vitamin packed vegetables (not juiced) to add some more vitamins and fiber to your diet--the hunger pangs you were feeling wasyour body telling you "I NEED SOME DECENT VITAMINS, MINERALS AND FIBER!...Give me something to work with here, will ya??". As the old cliche goes...Man does not live on bread alone.
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Yep started a new thread with consolidated information, finishing updating my calories break down. I have not gotten hungry once in the last three weeks since I started juicing on a regular basis, as well as consuming whole wheat bread.