What do you all snack on?



  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    Bananas, apples + peanut butter, yogurt alone or with berries mixed in.
    Nuts - almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios.
    Little bowls of steamed veggies or raw veggies with some sort of healthy dip (or on their own if they're yummy enough!)
    Nakd bars. They have so many flavours and are delicious!
    Graze snack boxes.
    Protein shakes/smoothies (check cals/sugar though. Some are super high!)
  • poemdiva
    poemdiva Posts: 11 Member
    light string cheese
    raw veggies
    low cal crackers
    almonds (dark cocoa and butter toffee)
    salt craving - jolly time health popcorn (mini bags)
    chocolate craving - dove mini dark chocolate - 36 cal for one mini and they taste really good
    sweet craving - Ben and Jerry's Greek Yogurt Ice Cream - only a couple flavors but hits the spot.
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    1. Fruit (grapefruit is my favorite, pears second)
    2. Roasted root vegetables (I LOVE roasted beets and sweet onions)
    3. I always make a quart or two of Green Smoothies in the morning, which consists of a lot of leafy greens and no less than an apple, but usually more fruit than just that (today is an apple, 2 strawberries, pomegranate seeds, and 1 cup each of beet greens and chard). This Smoothie is nursed throughout the day which alleviates the desire to snack.
    4. Maybe Stuffed Grape Leaves once in a while.
    5. PEPPERMINT TEA. I drink no less than 3 cups a day. I love this stuff. I don't drink coffee or regular tea, but I'm addicted to Peppermint Tea. I need rehab.

    Seldom will I head to a processed carb, mainly because I try to save them for either a special occasion or a dinner out occasionally. That's not a horse I want to let out of the barn, and with the exception of an occasional TBSP of half and half or a bit of cheese, I don't eat dairy regularly, so yogurt is out.
  • wrotruck
    wrotruck Posts: 72 Member
    Almonds and Cottage Cheese