
Looking for opinions here =)

Just how "Good for you" would you guys consider milk to be, and when you're aiming for either weight loss , or a long term change in your diet, do you include milk? I used to think skim milk was the way to go, but then I've recently heard a few things advocating raw whole milk as almost a necessity ....

I can't stand juice, I struggle drinking water, and I confess I've been hooked on diet soda.... which of course I hear is going to destroy my bones one of these days..... I used to love milk, and at one point was able to drink a gallon of it per day, and only stopped when I got addicted to diet cokes..... For awhile I was going back to it, thinking it would be better than drinking diet soda, I also found myself feeling more full during meals when having milk with it, and I thought it would help with the calcium a bit.... Until I started counting calories and realized just how many calories are in milk, even skim...

What do you think? =x I know vegans feel one can go entirely without meat or dairy products, but what would you recommend for the non-vegan/vegetarian crowd?


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    You don't need to drink milk per se, but it you like it, then by all means drink it. If you can go without milk, or milk products for the rest of your life, then that may be a reason to find something else to replace those.....personally that will never happen.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    I don't understand the anti-pasteurization movement.

    Anyway, I love dairy. I'm losing weight just fine with my 1% milk, Greek yogurt and full fat cream in my coffee on a near daily basis.

    Among other things, milk is a fabulous source of protein.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Milk is a very well balanced food, rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. I love it and drink a lot of whole milk. It's also an excellent post-exercise recovery food, with just the right nutrients and electrolytes to support muscle recovery. Overall, A+ from me.

    I choose whole milk, but if you want to save calories by going with a lower fat option, I'm fine with that. I don't think skim milk is a great plan, because both vitamins A & D are fat soluble, and without the fat you won't get the full benefit of those nutrients- and vitamin D especially is one of the main benefits of drinking milk.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i haaaate milk, but i do include skim milk in coffee etc. i would never ever be able to stomach whole milk, whether raw or pasteurised, and im losing....
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I can't fit milk into my calorie budget. It's just too "expensive" calorie-wise and frankly, it's not the end-all-be-all source of calcium that it's hyped up to be. I take a slow release calcium supplement along with my multi. If you really like milk, you may just have to budget for it. Perhaps consider it a treat instead of a drink staple. (Same advice I'd like to give some of my beer-is-the-forgotten-foodgroup friends.)
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    When you consider a cup 8oz of 1% Milk is 110 cal, if you extrapolate that out that's 165 cal in a 12 oz serving. Compare that to a can of coke and yes it is slightly higher (a can of coke is 140 cal). However, the big difference is when you look at the rest of the nutrition label. The can of coke has nothing but sugar in it; well and a little sodium. By comparison, with the Milk you're getting a good serving of protein, some key fats that your body needs, a good dose of Vitamins A & D, Calcium plus a whole variety of other nutrients. So in that regard while yes it may be 25 more calories, you're getting far more benefit from the Milk than you are the soda. Soda is one of the best definitions of empty calories.

    So if you enjoy milk, drink it!! Personally I love milk and have at least one serving every day. Chocolate milk is one of my favorite recovery drinks after particularly heavy exercise. There's lots of good stuff in there even if the calories come with it to. Just log it with the rest of your intake and you'll do fine.
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    I drink 8 oz of organic whole milk 2-3 times a week, and also use small amounts in cooking. I think milk has a lot of healthy benefits, including calcium, and I drink it if I'm really lazy after a workout and don't want to prepare anything. 8oz=8g protein/8g fat and 150 calories. I'm looking into protein powders and might add a half scoop every now and then for a real protein boost.
  • ifyouknew
    ifyouknew Posts: 68 Member
    I'm a doctor, and I can tell you that raw milk is a really bad idea. Pasteurization was invented for a reason- because there are a lot of harmful bacteria that can live in raw milk. I grew up on a farm and drank raw milk until I left home, and I still think it's a bad idea.

    Personally I find milk really fills me up, so I do include skim or 1% in my diet. I have it as a 'snack' sometimes and it's as filling as the same number of calories of food. Plus calcium, vitamin D and protein. It's the only beverage with calories that I drink.
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm a doctor, and I can tell you that raw milk is a really bad idea. Pasteurization was invented for a reason- because there are a lot of harmful bacteria that can live in raw milk. I grew up on a farm and drank raw milk until I left home, and I still think it's a bad idea.

    Personally I find milk really fills me up, so I do include skim or 1% in my diet. I have it as a 'snack' sometimes and it's as filling as the same number of calories of food. Plus calcium, vitamin D and protein. It's the only beverage with calories that I drink.

    Do you have an opinion on non-homogenized milk? My preferred milk is organic, whole, non-homogenized, but it is pasteurized. That is too pricey for me sometimes, so I stick to organic whole when I can't afford it.
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    I agree with all the other comments--milk is great. I have a very low calorie diet, but I still manage to fit it in here and there. I don't eat any diet foods--including skim milk, so I only do whole. It's definitely a treat. The thing I really want to say is that you're going to have to make peace with water. I'd just go cold turkey and not allow yourself to drink anything but water for a month. I drank diet pop most of my life and then thought I could only drink water with crystal light or other crap in it. Then one day I just forced myself to only have straight water and it took.

    I did however realize that not all water is created equal. I hate tap water (it's really bad where I'm at). I hate the taste of cheaper bottled water like Arrowhead. Just go do a water taste testing. You'll find something! Your body really needs it. It helps your metabolism! Nothin else can compete with it. If you're really having a hard time, lemon and ice might help (but not sugar!). You could even add cucumber slices to it (very refreshing!). Just stop looking for substitutes. I promise you'll totally end up loving it.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I agree with all the other comments--milk is great. I have a very low calorie diet, but I still manage to fit it in here and there. I don't eat any diet foods--including skim milk, so I only do whole. It's definitely a treat. The thing I really want to say is that you're going to have to make peace with water. I'd just go cold turkey and not allow yourself to drink anything but water for a month. I drank diet pop most of my life and then thought I could only drink water with crystal light or other crap in it. Then one day I just forced myself to only have straight water and it took.

    I did however realize that not all water is created equal. I hate tap water (it's really bad where I'm at). I hate the taste of cheaper bottled water like Arrowhead. Just go do a water taste testing. You'll find something! Your body really needs it. It helps your metabolism! Nothin else can compete with it. If you're really having a hard time, lemon and ice might help (but not sugar!). You could even add cucumber slices to it (very refreshing!). Just stop looking for substitutes. I promise you'll totally end up loving it.

    also just adding fresh herbs, like mint, to your water bottle does nothing to the water itself but makes it taste great
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    Oh also, this is the only milk I'll drink

    Trust me, once you've had that--it's game over for other milk. It isn't raw, but it is vat pasteurized, non-homogenized, with grass-fed cows. It's ethically produced which is a big determining factor for me.
  • laurenlynn82
    laurenlynn82 Posts: 12 Member
    i'm pretty sure raw milk is illegal in the united states. i drink a glass every now and then. i get milk that doesn't use cows treated with hormones and antibiotics. the only time i drink milk is if there's something chocolate that i'm eating... = \
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    i'm pretty sure raw milk is illegal in the united states. i drink a glass every now and then. i get milk that doesn't use cows treated with hormones and antibiotics. the only time i drink milk is if there's something chocolate that i'm eating... = \

    It is most certainly not illegal.
  • x1v16
    x1v16 Posts: 66
    As a former vegan I understand the moral basis for not drinking milk, and found that a lot of other foods are high in calcium and some are lower calorie than milk if that is what floats your boat.

    You get 100% of your calcium in 570 calories of sesame seeds, that is 2/3's of a cup
    You'd have to eat 2300 calories of almonds to get 100%
    1750 calories of flax seeds has 100%
    900 calories of turnip has 100%
    170 calories of spinach (4 cups)
    882 calories of brocoli (18 cups)
    2655 calories of baked beans gives 100%
    377 calories of kale gives 100%

    Now after all those numbers know that 286 calories of milk gives 100% of your daily calcium needs. Clearly then, spinach wins the gold, followed by milk(which soy milk ties), followed by kale, sesame seeds. For calcium everything else is beyond easy consumption on a low calorie diet. I suppose spinach would be a better choice.

    All that being said, I'm no longer vegan and I drink 1-2 cups of milk a day, which together with other foods usually makes me reach my calcium goal. You might be interested to know that eatting 2 times your necessary protein makes you pee out 50% more calcium, thus leading to higher calcium requirements according to scientific studies. This is a factor in the high incidence of osteoporosis. Hope that helps you, ta ta for now.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    As a former vegan I understand the moral basis for not drinking milk, and found that a lot of other foods are high in calcium and some are lower calorie than milk if that is what floats your boat.

    You get 100% of your calcium in 570 calories of sesame seeds, that is 2/3's of a cup
    You'd have to eat 2300 calories of almonds to get 100%
    1750 calories of flax seeds has 100%
    900 calories of turnip has 100%
    170 calories of spinach (4 cups)
    882 calories of brocoli (18 cups)
    2655 calories of baked beans gives 100%
    377 calories of kale gives 100%

    Now after all those numbers know that 286 calories of milk gives 100% of your daily calcium needs. Clearly then, spinach wins the gold, followed by milk(which soy milk ties), followed by kale, sesame seeds. For calcium everything else is beyond easy consumption on a low calorie diet. I suppose spinach would be a better choice.

    All that being said, I'm no longer vegan and I drink 1-2 cups of milk a day, which together with other foods usually makes me reach my calcium goal. You might be interested to know that eatting 2 times your necessary protein makes you pee out 50% more calcium, thus leading to higher calcium requirements according to scientific studies. This is a factor in the high incidence of osteoporosis. Hope that helps you, ta ta for now.
    You forgot to mention that oxalate and zinc bind to the calcium in spinach and it turns out that spinach is probably the worse source of bioavailable calcium you can get. I don't blame you for this goes with the territory.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    When you consider a cup 8oz of 1% Milk is 110 cal, if you extrapolate that out that's 165 cal in a 12 oz serving. Compare that to a can of coke and yes it is slightly higher (a can of coke is 140 cal). However, the big difference is when you look at the rest of the nutrition label. The can of coke has nothing but sugar in it; well and a little sodium. By comparison, with the Milk you're getting a good serving of protein, some key fats that your body needs, a good dose of Vitamins A & D, Calcium plus a whole variety of other nutrients. So in that regard while yes it may be 25 more calories, you're getting far more benefit from the Milk than you are the soda. Soda is one of the best definitions of empty calories.

    So if you enjoy milk, drink it!! Personally I love milk and have at least one serving every day. Chocolate milk is one of my favorite recovery drinks after particularly heavy exercise. There's lots of good stuff in there even if the calories come with it to. Just log it with the rest of your intake and you'll do fine.
    Perfectly stated. /thread
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I'm a doctor, and I can tell you that raw milk is a really bad idea. Pasteurization was invented for a reason- because there are a lot of harmful bacteria that can live in raw milk. I grew up on a farm and drank raw milk until I left home, and I still think it's a bad idea.

    Personally I find milk really fills me up, so I do include skim or 1% in my diet. I have it as a 'snack' sometimes and it's as filling as the same number of calories of food. Plus calcium, vitamin D and protein. It's the only beverage with calories that I drink.

    Hey, I'm a Doctor too !:glasses:
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    i haaaate milk, but i do include skim milk in coffee etc. i would never ever be able to stomach whole milk, whether raw or pasteurised, and im losing....

    I totally detest milk too. hate the stuff. Haven't had a glass of regular milk since I was 10yrs old and i am 55 now. What I just discovered was Almond Milk (I lack calcium and Vitamin D and wanted to find some kind of dairy that would help these area's) I saw lots of my friends on MFP using Almond milk flavored with vanilla. So I bought a carton of it.. and guess what I like it. It is packed (better than regular milk) with all kinds of calcium and vitamin D as well as other good stuff. I bought the unsweetened soy / lactose free kind (which I hear all Almond milk is lactose free) It is made from almonds and not from animal. so there is no fat etc in it. I liked it so much I bought a few more cartons of it (was on sale and exp. date is end of March). You may want to try this too. I know I was so glad to finally find something to put in place of Milk. (which I totally can not stand)
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    I can't fit milk into my calorie budget. It's just too "expensive" calorie-wise and frankly, it's not the end-all-be-all source of calcium that it's hyped up to be. I take a slow release calcium supplement along with my multi. If you really like milk, you may just have to budget for it. Perhaps consider it a treat instead of a drink staple. (Same advice I'd like to give some of my beer-is-the-forgotten-foodgroup friends.)

    Try Almond milk unsweetened.... it has 30 to 40 calories per 8 oz's and it is packed with calcium and vitamin D.. more than milk has, along with many other vitamins nutrients. You can get original flavor or you can get Vanilla flavor (I like the Vanilla flavor). I buy his because I just can not stand milk at all and needed the calcium and Vitamin D.