I'm tired of living in denial and being out of shape



  • opheliasroom
    In reply to Sammieaus...

    Oh, I know those feelings, particularly the not looking in the mirror one... :(
  • irenematilda
    irenematilda Posts: 45 Member
    I've had pretty much the same low spots as everyone else, including the optician spotting the cholesterol thing. Health scares, one particularly embarassing and horrific photograph, the odd cutting comment... so many wake-up calls, and I've slept through them all. It wasn't any of my own 'fails' that ended up motivating me in the end, but other people's successes.

    I'd been harbouring the usual idea over Christmas that I'd let myself go for too long and was going to start reeling myself back in after New Year. On January 3rd, I came across an article listing various diet apps. One of them sounded streets ahead of the others, but the price was described as 'free'. Wondering what the catch was, I clicked on the link and found myself here on MFP. Looking around I found that you could log practically anything, as well as pull up various progress reports. Much joy to my stat-junkie heart - I can do this!

    Then I found the Success forum, and within it lots of 'after' pictures of women of my height who'd begun at my start weight and finished at my goal. The biggest surprise was that some had even started out with my baby belly too, and all had made it disappear. I'd never seen any evidence before that this could be done. Apparently it can, and so I'm determined it can be done by me. I can SO do this :)
  • the_texreb
    the_texreb Posts: 138 Member
    My belly went from a pot belly to a gut. And my belt buckles started to cut into the underside of my fat flap. And I refuse to buy new uniforms, so I have to lose a lot of weight. I went from being a border line small/medium to pushing the large size. I can't afford all those clothes.
  • Frenchy86
    My dp... The pic on the left was taken whilst holidaying last year summer.
    The pic on the right was new years eve
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    People asking me if I was pregnant. Appalling.

    I've been avoiding the camera for years now. I want my self confidence back!
  • jacksonkenneth77
    Mine was just looking in the mirror and saying, I'm sick of this crap!!!! Also, realizing that both my parents passed away relatively young, both due to issues with their weight, my dad having diabetes, and my mother having a pacemaker. It's time!!!
  • cepemp
    cepemp Posts: 4 Member
    I am still reeling from the comment I received at the YMCA in November when I was working out and an EMPLOYEE of the gym stated how much weight I've gained....said it a few times. I left sobbing in tears...when I complained about it they did nothing about it. I cancelled my membership and joined Planet Fitness which is awesome. But for someone to out me while I was working out was horrifying. I would have taken it better if I had been chowing down at a buffet. It hurt a lot...still does. I have had a lot of reasons why I gained back a lot of weight I'd lost...but I'm working on it. People can be so cruel.
  • lala5570
    When I saw a picture of myself and couldn't believe how big I looked...my face, my upper body!! I was repulsed!
  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    Same as many on here, I was just sick and tired of being fat (and completely tired after minimal activity).

    Last summer, my fiancee and I booked a cruise to Cozumel (coming up next week now). I didn't want to look that big, and to be embarrassed in a swim trunk without a shirt on, so I decided it was finally time to man up and lose the weight. It was the first real "motivation" I got, as year after year, all my numbers (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.) were always on the borderline, but never to the "holy crap you have issues" point, and when I doctor says that you'll be fine if you just drop 10 lbs, it was hard to get really motivated.

    Now that I'm at where I'm at, I'm more motivated than ever to keep dropping weight, building muscle, and becoming that guy that can say at 50 that he's in better shape then than he was in his 20's (8 years to go until I can say that, so i'd better keep it up).
  • ashleym9925
    I couldn't fit my clothes anymore and I gained 40 pounds in one year. I decided I couldn't be a productive citizen, if I didn't get this weight off. I also did it for my health, for I have PCOS and I have a greater chance of developing diabetes.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    It's been the mirror for a long time. But recently I've had this feeling, like I'm not in my life anymore. I need to unzip the fat suit so I can get on with living. So though it's been a while is I joined MFP, 2 weeks ago I decided to put some real effort into it and I'm down by 10 lbs now.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
    I used to be very social and very out going, the bigger I got the more I removed myself for my life and my friends.

    Oh my goodness this is me!

    I don't go anywhere anymore and have been hiding from friends since I have gained all this weight.

    I feel disgusted with myself.

    I've always been a binge and emotional eater and have been dealing with my issues. It's tough but I take it one day, hour, minute at a time.

    But now I am doing it right. Eating clean and lifting weights and becoming more active.

    I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't recognize myself and knew right then and there I had to do something.
  • SheriF49
    SheriF49 Posts: 50 Member
    Mine came with before being so proud that I was not taking any meds for my age and weight. Then recently, they put me on BP, Cholesterol and 3 test for diabetes. Twice it showed up as Type 2 and then the third after a week with no sugar, it dropped to Pre-diabetes. I told my dr that the next time I am back in 3 months I will be off all of my meds. I don't like taking them, so I decided to get off my butt and do something about it. I am not done torturing my husband for many years :)
  • ellycotton
    ellycotton Posts: 29 Member
    My breaking point was when I couldnt get a uk 16 pair of jeans to do up :(
  • dawnoreo
    dawnoreo Posts: 5 Member
    I had a bit of a breaking point last night while having a bit of a flirty conversation online with someone, then realizing that there is no way it would go anywhere because I am not comfortable enough in my own skin to allow anything to get....physical.....I one day want to get married and have babies and all that..but it won't happen unless I can get comfortable with myself.
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    Honestly, and I've said this on a few venus on this site, but truly it's my mother. My mother is barely over 60, but having been overweight her whole life, it has recently (and when I say recenlty I mean the last 5 years) gotten really bad. She has yo-yoed like the best of us, and in my 25 years I have seen her lose over 100lbs on two occasions, but it just kept getting worse.
    My mother is now 62 years old, she is a type 2 diabetic, has no circulation in her legs, is on oxygen and care barely get from one end of my parents condo to the other. Last year her doctors told her that if she didnt change things, she would have five years.
    She used to be so active, and my father dreamed of a retirement filled with travel and fun (now he spends his time taking care of her). I know my parents love each other, but it makes me sad to see the tole it has been taking on my father (as well as the pain my mother feels knowing there is nothing she can really do to make it easier on him while she's in this condidtion).
    Now, onto me.
    I've always been overweight, but about a month ago I looked in the mirror, after buttoning a pair of work pants that used to be really big on me, that were now pretty snug and I realized that I had to stop living in this false delusion that it wasnt that bad, or that I could do what I want because I'm young. Looking at my mother I've realized that I, first of all, I never want to put anyone in the situation my father is in and second of all, I want to help my mother to find her way, and I can't do that if I dont even attempt to help myself.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • mstjmack26
    mstjmack26 Posts: 121 Member
    My breaking point was when my mom started losing weight and started donating her fat jeans to me! Lol I went from being in the gym all the time to someone who I didn't even recognize anymore. Gone for a minute but I'm back now!
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    it was a few...but when my already super tight size 12 pants were gettin hard to get on.....i knew it was time for change. realizing that my "baby" would soon b 3...that was hard. no more "well its the baby weight" and my self esteem had just really gotten bad...14lbs down i am starting to feel like a woman again! :smile:
  • disneydreamer71
    Realizing how few pictures I am in with my 2 year old daughter. I am tired of hiding!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    seeing a picture of myself after being a shut in for a few years, and not knowing who I was or being able to associate myself with that person, after having a huge personal victory - it almost killed me.