Not allowed to diet! arrgh



  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

    It's possible she's had an ED in the past. Right now with her weight she's at low end of normal BMI. I know there's better ways of measuring but since we don't see her that's all I have. He did get her a gym membership. Maybe don't encourage her not to listen to him so fast when it sounds like he's doing what's best for her.
  • WilhelmCF
    WilhelmCF Posts: 96 Member
    A pound of fat occupies more volume than a pound of muscle. So, yes, it is possible to weigh the same but change your shape. Also, a pound of muscle requires more energy to maintain than does a pound of fat so you may end up increasing your basic metabolic rate just by losing fat and adding muscle. As to your hubby, I'm sure he means well. I would never have taken him for a Hitler based on his concerns for your health.

    Continue lifting. If anything, a stronger you, a shapelier you will be a happier, sexier, more energetic you.

  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I'm 5'8".

    The time in my life when I wore the smallest size clothes was when I weighed the most. People thougt I weighed about 125, when in fact I was around 160. How can this be? Because I was all muscle, and muscle is much more compact than fat.

    Stop worrying about how much you weigh and focus on how you look. You won't be sorry.
  • animemoon5
    animemoon5 Posts: 55 Member
    I've made poor hubs sound like Hitler when he's just trying to help- haha

    Lol , I get the same thing sometimes, It's simply amazing how quickly listening to one's husband on occassion can instantly be perceived as total oppression and sound the alarms... =p

    My hubby and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum, I'm all fun&games full of emotions, he's down to earth, sensible and rational, most the time we do our own things, but every once in awhile... especially when it comes to my own health and safety, he may "Ban" me from doing something as well, o.O (i.e. I have issues with vision, dizziness and balance, and severe head pains and he will not let me drive a car) and it's not oppressive at all, he just loves me, and I will listen, because during these times, odds are he's probably being a bit more sensible than I would have been.... Sometimes I get impatient and despite having health problems I want to overdo it, emotions get the best of me.... It really helps having someone who cares about you, step in on occasion....

    Anyways ~ I am definitely no expert on this subject, I'm still learning , I haven't worked on "Training" much before, and I struggle with my own diet issues.... but as far as keeping up the calories, so you can build yourself up on training.... and not dieting.... Well perhaps instead of dieting and cutting the calories, you can just make the calories you do take more nutritious? Like making sure most of your meals or foods contain protein and perhaps cutting the sugar? your calorie intake will be the same, you'll be getting all the nutrients you need, and even if you don't lose weight, perhaps you can give your body more of the stuff it needs, that it can make full use of , energy and muscle, rather than being stored as fat? Perhaps instead of focusing on cutting calories, you can focus on how to get the most nutrition out of existing calories...

    I've been having a bit of fun with challenging myself on doing this.... finding out just how much protein, fiber etc I can pack into either a 1 cup serving, or a 200-300 calorie dish... my calorie intake has been completely the same, and I haven't lost weight this month, but giving my entire diet a healthy makeover has made me feel pretty good, and hopefully I'll notice a change soon, even if it isn't on the scale...
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Thanks moglet!

    I've made poor hubs sound like Hitler when he's just trying to help- haha
    Another vote for lifting. I'm only 7lb lighter than I was than this time last year, but I'm a dress size smaller and in much, much better shape. All because of lifting.

    Also, to those ranting about hubs - so what? He's not married to you. And frankly, there's worse advice out there.

    Well, he's right, sort of. (your husband, not Hitler ha,ha isn't that funny. Not.).

    One can train with a reasonable calorie deficit but an over restrictive diet (like Ducan can be) is not good for training hard with weights. Get yourself a copy of Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting (for Women) and you can teach him a thing or two...
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    So I've been the same weight for about 3 years now, always around the 141 lbs mark. I'm 5'9...

    Just before Christmas I got down to 137 lbs and was feeling pretty pleased with myself. Fast forward 3 weeks of holiday and festive eating and I've come back 9 pounds heavier. 146lbs. I feel so annoyed and not happy with myself. Hubby signed me up to a gym just before Christmas and I started weight training. I'm back in the gym now picking up where I left off.

    The problem is, normally I would have just gone on a diet, maybe Dukan or something to lose the weight but he is banning me from doing any form of diet! Apparently I need the calories for training etc. Which makes sense but it's driving me crazy as i'm not losing anything! In fact, i've gone UP another pound in the last few weeks.

    I need some motivation/support to keep going with the weight training. I know it will be worth it in the end but is it possible to change my shape but stay the same weight? Or even weigh more?

    Your husband sounds great - I'd rather a supportive other half that makes sure you are getting the right nutrition for your workouts, over one that applauds you for 1200 a day.

    It may still be worth you tracking on here, just to make sure you are enough calories/protein in.

    As for your motivation, take monthly measurements and photos, so that even when the scales aren't making you happy, the progress in other areas will.

    Good luck.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

    I think her husband is being sensible to be honest.....You DO need the calories whilst training at the gym, and going on some silly crash diet is a batty idea, so good for him being sensible.

    Eat healthily, workout, and you'll get results. Do some crazy diet and its likely that you'll put it back on anyway.

    Good advice.
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    I'm listening to him in this instance because he's been going to the gym for years and doing weights etc.

    I don't know what I'm talking about yet so I will reluctantly follow his advice.

    Why reluctantly? Most people would love to have the help of someone so close.
  • pullem
    pullem Posts: 87 Member
    Yes it is possible, your husband is making complete sense. In 12 weeks of weight training I've gained weight but lost 8.5 inches in total, all while eating at over 2000 calories per day. Pictures are in the link below of my before and interim 'afters'

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want any support
  • annie7hudds
    annie7hudds Posts: 199 Member
    I am 5'9" too - and currently weigh in at 166lbs! I am watching my diet -but am doing a lot of exercise such as Ripped in 30, Killer Buns and Thighs etc. And other dvds which involve use of weights and strength.

    I have not lost much according to the hated bathroom scale, however my jeans were tight towards the end of last year - a couple of months of almost daily workouts and they fit sooo much better.

    The scale, unfortunately, is how most of us do like to monitor the size and appearance of our bodies - however it isn't as true a record as we hope.

    Give the weight training a serious go - keep your food intake healthy, but sufficient to fuel your body and step away from the scales for a while :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

    Yeah, girl power!

    But seriously, ignore the feminists here. Your hubs is making good suggestion. Ignore the scale for a bit, try measuring inches instead. You will be much happier in general.

    Good luck :)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I agree with your husband. You're just going to hurt yourself by under eating and over exercising.

    You need to modify your diet to eat healthy within appropriate calorie amounts for what you're exercising. Not some fad diet.

    Also throw the damn scale away and buy a tape measure and a mirror both are much better indicators of progress than a scale.

    You may not lose weight or possibly even gain weight with a weight training program but you'll look a hell of a lot sexier and healthier. Forget the scale.


    Your husband is right. Rather than using a fad diet to shed a few lbs focus on your workouts and feeding yourself well in a sustainable, long term fashion.

    It certainly is possible to improve appearance whilst staying at the same weight or increasing weight, by putting on muscle and decreasing BF%.
  • sandra152
    If you are exercising you are on the right track just cut out all the junk in your diet and eat healthy you will get there in the end may take some time but baby steps and if you keep it up it will last longer than dieting . I have only been exercising twice a week since september and watching what i eat since june and have lost 23ib :happy:
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    I need some motivation/support to keep going with the weight training. I know it will be worth it in the end but is it possible to change my shape but stay the same weight? Or even weigh more?

    And also YES, yes it is possible. Take measurements.

    Staci proves you can.

    Also Loretta Lynn on these forums, maybe do a search on lifting success stories.

    Yey!! Staci ftw!! Love NF :D
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

    i love this!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    measure measure measure!!! :D it's not always about dieting, just make healthy choices and hit the gym, you should notice some changes (and stay away from the scale for a bit or it might drive you nuts!). Focus more on the measurements and you should see some awesome changes with weight training :) Since you are 5'9, you probably don't have much more to loose, and toneing will help alot, that's what I'm going to be focusing on now :)
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.


    YUP! He is obviously abusing her and controlling her life. I'm sure she's not allowed to think for herself she is a woman after all. Better call the cops. :noway:

    Gimmie a break. Her husband is looking out for her health and well being. And by stopping her from doing something stupid. He is doing what he SHOULD do. Not just sitting there and being all I ll support you no matter what dumb crap you do even if it is hurting you. He is being involved in her fitness as he should be, they are married after all. Or he could just sit on the couch and let her do what she wants. That sounds much better.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.


    YUP! He is obviously abusing her and controlling her life. I'm sure she's not allowed to think for herself she is a woman after all. Better call the cops. :noway:

    Gimmie a break. Her husband is looking out for her health and well being. And by stopping her from doing something stupid. He is doing what he SHOULD do. Not just sitting there and being all I ll support you no matter what dumb crap you do even if it is hurting you. He is being involved in her fitness as he should be, they are married after all. Or he could just sit on the couch and let her do what she wants. That sounds much better.

    Yeah but.... like what will happen to feminism if we allowed men in our lives to help us and stop us from doing dumb things?

    People on these forums just sicken me sometimes