Do you treat yourself after weightloss?

i lost more than expexted this week and wondered to you guys treat yourself in this position or carry on with the diet?


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I don't generally do it that often, but when I do it's something that will keep me going. Something like new running shoes or mountain biking gloves or something. It's NEVER food related.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I treat myself when I feel like treating myself. I worked my butt off the other night at the I bought a donut.

    When I went from "overly obese" to just obese, it was pizza night.

    Basically, as long as the majority of the time you keep things on track, you'll be just fine. If you want to treat yourself, then go for it.

    Some people will say, "You're not a dog, so don't treat yourself with food" but I say..why not?

    If you look at food in terms of good or bad, then you're doing it wrong in my opinion.

    This is something you will be doing for a lifetime, food as a reward, or rewards after achievements or a part of life. Enjoy life, live it...control it, don't let it control you!
  • drgmac
    drgmac Posts: 716 Member
    No. The reward is the bod!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I generally look at the loss as the reward, but I did buy myself a fancy garmin watch for running as a gift to myself when I lost 50lbs. That's really the only "reward" I've included (and don't really have anything planned). I really look at the results (lbs/inches lost, new mileage/speed, etc.) as the reward.
  • jameseylefebure
    jameseylefebure Posts: 234 Member
    Well done on your weight loss buddy :)

    I generally don't treat myself until I get to "big things" like I'm planning to have a treat in 8lbs as I will have entered Oneder Land which has been a huge goal for me for aaaaaaaaaaages now. I know some people who get themselves a treat every half a stone or so which I think works, but for me I find that i work harder if I only "treat" myself when I feel it's deserved :) thats just me though :)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I reward myself here and there--definitely not on a weekly basis, but when I hit certain big milestones I like to give myself something nice. It's usually fitness related--new outfit, new shoes, etc. I never reward myself with food.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I treat myself in non food related ways. I hit a certain weight milestone recently so I went and bought a bunch more work out clothes. It would kind of defeat the purpose to reward myself with food. That's what I do for my dog when he rolls over or plays dead. I reward myself with things that I'll be able to enjoy for quite a while to remind myself of how far I've come.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Treating weight loss with food seems a bit odd to me. That's like an ex-cocaine addict having a line to celebrate a month of no drugs, in my opinion (although admittedly a little more extreme).

    For every stone I lose (14lb) I buy myself a new pair of shoes. Because I love shoes, and that's my 'reward'.

    I don't have 'cheat' or 'reward' days. However, I do appreciate that life is not about obsessing over what you eat all the time so if an event comes up, i.e, a birthday, a night out, an anniversary, Christmas, etc, I just eat what I want (I don't stuff myself, I just don't count) and then I get back on it the next day.
  • wildchild06241
    wildchild06241 Posts: 130 Member
    I am going to keep to my diet until my goal is met. Then I will think about rewards. But for me it's all about winning the biggest loser contest at my gym. So far I'm in the lead. I have until April. Thank I can relax a little. I am highly competitive and that is the only reason I started my heathly lifestyle again. I guess what ever it takes. I can't tell you how good I feel after this first month. Clothes are fitting looser (I actually thought the ones I was wearing were a size larger!), and people are already noticing. That's all I need to continue on this path.
  • BigAndyT
    BigAndyT Posts: 52 Member
    Lots of different views i like it, i dont agree with the people saying treating yourself is like a dog at all and i see no problem with treating yourself with food, I love pizza and havent had one since the diet but if i cut it out completely ill break, having a pizza but staying under my calorie goal is a treat and will keep the cravings away for a while.
  • brunetteavoxgirl
    brunetteavoxgirl Posts: 88 Member
    Here's the thing. I eat what I want. All the time. As long as it fits in my goals.
    I had a donut after church yesterday, and I crunched all my numbers to make my goal and I did.

    However, I treat myself to things like new workout gear and stuff. I'm buying myself a zumba tank once my measurements will fit in one! :)
  • BettyIW
    BettyIW Posts: 103
    I reward myself by going to a thrift store to purchase smaller sized clothing! I don't want to buy anything brand new until I reach my desired weight. Well......except for swim wear and underwear--that I buy new! Just because!
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    I treat myself with a self high 5, and a good look in the mirror at my progress. If I see it on the scale, mirror, and my clothes then I know I'm doing something right. With all the great recipes on the food forum I don't have to eat fatting food to reward myself. I will make a healthy version someone else posted, like the crock pot hot fudge cake, mmmmmmmmmm and I only had 1 serving yeaterday and taking 1 serving to work today.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    No. The reward is the bod!

    ^^^ This.

    It depends on the type of treat. If you are talking about treating yourself by allowing yourself to go over on calories, then no. That is counterproductive. If you are talking about treating yourself by buying yourself a new shirt, then that's fine and might help you stay motivated.

    I'm a pretty firm believer in the idea that most of us got overweight by using food as something its not. If you can break the psychological connection with food that so many of us have to make us feel better, make us happy, celebrate, etc. then this all becomes easy. For me, I have tried to make parties and celebrations more about the people than the food. Its actually more enjoyable than gorging yourself on junk anyways.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I think, for me, that I need to take away the idea of food being a reward, ever. Food is good, and it's to be enjoyed, but junk food is not something I deserve, as reward or consolation. I plan to reward myself with a good book or, when. I ned them, some new smaller clothes
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    I got a glow in the dark Star Wars shirt for my 20lbs loss mark, a Nirvana tshirt for my 40lb loss mark, my next will be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt at 60lbs lost! :D

    These are the kind of rewards that keep me motivated every time I put them on and see how differently they fit, they are things I love and things that make me feel good. I love food also, of course, but I don't reward myself with food because the reason I got overweight was emotionally eating comfort food. If I reward myself with food, I am triggering and encouraging that response. My goal isn't just to lose weight, it's to change my relationship with food altogether. :)
  • swingsintherain
    swingsintherain Posts: 121 Member
    I reward myself by going to a thrift store to purchase smaller sized clothing! I don't want to buy anything brand new until I reach my desired weight. Well......except for swim wear and underwear--that I buy new! Just because!

    That's my planned reward for 11 lbs from now!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I'm realizing that I treat myself way too much with food, so I need to find different ways to treat myself than with food, especially since my 'treats' tend to be things like hot wings and ice cream.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    For each 5 lbs lost, I would treat myself to a movie theater box of milkduds (eat half during movie, half during week) or a Pudding at Rudy's BBQ (If coworker and I went there for lunch).

    Not sure if this qualifies as a "Treat", but I enjoyed going out for new clothes as my old wardrobe was too big.