Do you treat yourself after weightloss?



  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I should also just mention... that, IMO (key words), if you feel like you REALLY need to treat yourself with "forbidden" food, then you might be being too restrictive on your diet.

    I guess everyone does it differently, but I have managed to lose quite a bit of weight without feeling like I have deprived myself of anything except portion size.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I usually do treat myself. But just to something nice like a new dress / jewellery. If I think I've done especially well!
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    When my work trousers were falling down and I looked like a clown, i treated myself to a couple of really nice pairs of new ones. In my new smaller size of course. I don't have much money but I did it as a treat for shrinking out of those old tatty ones!!
  • MasterKat
    MasterKat Posts: 149
    I have little treats in place for every 10 lbs until I hit 40 lbs. Each 10 lbs the treat gets bigger. If I am craving a so-called no-no food...I eat it IN MODERATION. I ate pizza this weekend; I know the sodium will have a toll on me for a couple of days. If I restrict too much then I will go haywire and binge all weekend. Next treat in line... new running shoes!
  • thedescentofhope
    thedescentofhope Posts: 118 Member
    When I've lost a decent amount my treat to myself shall be some lovely new clothes. We aren't dogs who need food a a reward. I'm not dieting, I'm just over hauling my entire lifestyle and my attitude towards calories and nutrition, so I don't need to treat myself with food, if that's what you meant. I don't want to set myself back. However I will be consuming a Lindt white chocolate bunny once Lent has finished and I shall thoroughly enjoy it!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Well said cmcollins001...could'nt agree more...
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I do but not with food. I treated myself to a private KB lesson. With an Rkc instructor. Makeup. Lesson. New workout pants from lululemon. Things like that
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Well said cmcollins001...could'nt agree more...
  • darcyrose_texas
    When I lost 5 pounds, I bought myself a new dress that I had been admiring, but was a little more expensive than I normally spend. I told myself when I reach 10 pounds, I would start looking for prom dresses. I love rewarding myself with new clothes! Helps to keep me motivated :)
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    Yep I do every month. This month got new UA Jacket, pants, socks and running shorts. I very rarley reward with food.
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    No actually inspires me to work harder seeing progress! I mean, I don't treat myself with food. Maybe new clothes every once in a while...
  • BigAndyT
    BigAndyT Posts: 52 Member
    I got a glow in the dark Star Wars shirt for my 20lbs loss mark, a Nirvana tshirt for my 40lb loss mark, my next will be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt at 60lbs lost! :D

    lol these are great rewards!
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I treat myself when I feel like treating myself. I worked my butt off the other night at the I bought a donut.

    When I went from "overly obese" to just obese, it was pizza night.

    Basically, as long as the majority of the time you keep things on track, you'll be just fine. If you want to treat yourself, then go for it.

    Some people will say, "You're not a dog, so don't treat yourself with food" but I say..why not?

    If you look at food in terms of good or bad, then you're doing it wrong in my opinion.

    This is something you will be doing for a lifetime, food as a reward, or rewards after achievements or a part of life. Enjoy life, live it...control it, don't let it control you!

    This! Especially if it fits in my macros!
  • puella202
    puella202 Posts: 4 Member
    I treat myself after big accomplishments .. with food. I agree with the posters who said that if you keep staying away from something you have a huge craving for you will eventually break and want to have it anyway, so might as well have it in moderation as a reward. When I lost 25 pounds I celebrated by having a food reward.

    As long as you are still moving in a positive way towards your goal, I am all for it!
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I haven't eliminated any foods from my diet, so food isn't a treat. If I want pizza, I plan for it and have it. I also have one cheat day a week if I want it. Some weeks, like last week, I don't use it. Some weeks I do. In general, I'm just pleased with the accomplishment and move on to the next goal. I do brag a little, just to get some kudos. That helps!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I haven't eliminated any foods from my diet, so food isn't a treat. If I want pizza, I plan for it and have it. I also have one cheat day a week if I want it. Some weeks, like last week, I don't use it. Some weeks I do. In general, I'm just pleased with the accomplishment and move on to the next goal. I do brag a little, just to get some kudos. That helps!

    This is how I'm doing it. Only instead of one 'cheat day' I have one meal where I go out to eat with my fiancee and we eat whatever we want. Normally it fits into my cal goals anyway so it all works out, and I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. I've also made my own pizzas at home (store bought crust, sauce and cheese) as a normal dinner and it's fit in just fine. :)

    I do have plans to get a little something with each 30 lb loss and at my final goal. First up is a heart rate monitor!
  • massabm1
    I hit the 10 lb weight loss mark. And am rewarding myself with a new exercise bike. Does that count?
  • seamanny
    seamanny Posts: 134 Member
    I agree with most everyone on here. You can have a food treat, if it falls within in your calories for the day. However, it makes more sense to reward yourself for all of your hard work with a non food item. I like all the people who treated themselves to fitness attire and gadgets. I just treated myself to a new MP3 player that I can wear on my arm while exercising.
    In my opinion, by looking at food as a reward, you're really falling into your old mindset and setting yourself up for failure. This is a lifestyle change, and we need to stick with the idea that no food item is taboo, as long as you track it and it fits within your calorie range.
  • jaebennetti
    jaebennetti Posts: 44 Member
    I don't treat myself to food, but after my initial 80 pound weightloss I treated myself to a new haircut/style and clothes. After I lost this next 75 to 80 pds I am treating myself to a trip somewhere. Not sure where yet.
  • irenematilda
    irenematilda Posts: 45 Member
    I've promised myself a reward when I drop from the 'obese' category into the 'overweight' category (which is only a pound away now - yay!), but it won't be food-related. I love doing nail art (having wet fingernails is great for keeping your hands out of the biscuit tin too - bonus!) and so I'll be treating myself to a new Konad plate (a little metal disc with patterns on it for nail art stamping). I intend to do this with each milestone I hit, apart from goal, when I'll be rewarding myself with being able to fit into tons of my old clothes again and buying new.

    I don't see a problem with food rewards if they keep you from cracking completely though, but as another poster has said, I haven't felt deprived enough (or even at all) yet to consider a food reward worthwhile, so you may be being too hard on yourself now in order to earn them.