My Snarky Motivational List



  • PottsvilleCurse1925
    PottsvilleCurse1925 Posts: 354 Member
    I bet you're so snarky that people probably can't handle it! SNARKY all the way!
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    I bet you're so snarky that people probably can't handle it! SNARKY all the way!
    omg I'm going to add that to my profile right now. MEOW! I'm SNARKY! lol
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    snark·y [snahr-kee]
    adjective, snark·i·er, snark·i·est. Chiefly British Slang.
    testy or irritable; short.

    I see nothing testy, irritable or short on this list.
  • clhous03
    snark·y [snahr-kee]
    adjective, snark·i·er, snark·i·est. Chiefly British Slang.
    testy or irritable; short.

    I see nothing testy, irritable or short on this list.

    Mmmmkay. The things people say and the looks they give me make me pretty testy and irritable, and having revenge as a motivation feels pretty snarky to me. And I'm 5'1" so I'll always be short. (lol!)
  • clhous03
    -Not having to hear my mother ask, “Should you be eating that?”

    PREACH, sister. My mom is overweight as well, and I'm sure she "means well" - but that doesn't get it with me. It makes me want to eat 10 times whatever she's talking about. I want to punch her in the face or say mean things - "take your own advice!" Instead, I take out my frustration with her on the gym. She's started losing weight too, but I REFUSE to let her get smaller than me. PERIOD.

    My mom has never, not even pregnant, weighed more than 125 lbs. My father, however, weighed well over 400 lbs. when he passed away. I know my mom's comments come from a place of love and concern (especially since my dad died), but they have ALWAYS ticked me off.
  • pattycakes1978
    pattycakes1978 Posts: 40 Member
    This is going to sound awful...

    I was always the hotter one in my marriage with my ex. He lost 80 pounds after the divorce, though, so my motivation has been, "Oh HAIL NO! He's not going to look better than me!!!" lol

    I would like to proudly report that I'm the hotter one again.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    That's some good motivation!!! Good for you.
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    I like MissKortney. She's snarky and sassy. She keeps me motivated.
  • clhous03
    One more to add: Never having to hear "you've got such a pretty FACE" ever again. :happy:
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    One more to add: Never having to hear "you've got such a pretty FACE" ever again. :happy:
    Yes! lol That is code for "U R FAT". Give em the old snark and they will learn! lol
  • clhous03
    One more to add: Never having to hear "you've got such a pretty FACE" ever again. :happy:
    Yes! lol That is code for "U R FAT". Give em the old snark and they will learn! lol

    What I usually think is, "And I'll still have it once I lose the weight, but you will...." Yeah, you know what I'm thinking. lol
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    One more to add: Never having to hear "you've got such a pretty FACE" ever again. :happy:
    Yes! lol That is code for "U R FAT". Give em the old snark and they will learn! lol

    What I usually think is, "And I'll still have it once I lose the weight, but you will...." Yeah, you know what I'm thinking. lol
    No. I don't. I imagine it's SUPER SNARKY though! lol
  • hrubyk1804
    "'But, she was probably right, huh? I mean, nobody has to eat soup and salad every day for lunch, but it's probably a less filling option that a cheeseburger and fries. (and maybe the soup and salad were why she was 'skinny'...)"

    I hear what you're saying and you're right...but trust me when I'd have to know her... ;)
  • clhous03
    One more to add: Never having to hear "you've got such a pretty FACE" ever again. :happy:
    Yes! lol That is code for "U R FAT". Give em the old snark and they will learn! lol

    What I usually think is, "And I'll still have it once I lose the weight, but you will...." Yeah, you know what I'm thinking. lol
    No. I don't. I imagine it's SUPER SNARKY though! lol

    The nicest way to phrase what I'm thinking is, "I can change my weight, too bad you can't change YOUR face," but it generally comes out much snarkier even.
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    One more to add: Never having to hear "you've got such a pretty FACE" ever again. :happy:
    Yes! lol That is code for "U R FAT". Give em the old snark and they will learn! lol

    What I usually think is, "And I'll still have it once I lose the weight, but you will...." Yeah, you know what I'm thinking. lol
    No. I don't. I imagine it's SUPER SNARKY though! lol

    The nicest way to phrase what I'm thinking is, "I can change my weight, too bad you can't change YOUR face," but it generally comes out much snarkier even.
    You are so snarky I CANT HANDLE IT lol
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Only one thing on my motivation list that I would deem snarky:

    To prove all those hatin B*tchz at my work who talk behind my back (last 6 months) that I can and WILL do this with/without support from them. The comments have just gotten just plain stupid and border on harassment now :)!

    More fuel for my fire I say!
  • fungirl1234
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Walking past a couple of snarky bishes somewhere and hearing one of them mutter about how I need a sammich.
  • Saaaam42
    Saaaam42 Posts: 154 Member
    I had a 'skinny friend' who would always order something like soup or salad when we went out to eat and the she'd say to me..."Ooo, I'm so glad I didn't order what YOU did! I'd be so full!"

    So once I'm down to my goal weight...I think I'll ask her out for lunch...LOL....
    LOOOVE this.
  • clhous03
    Agreed! Take all the negative comments and use them as fuel for motivation...I will definitely take that advice. :wink:
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    ahhh #1 is so real.