Ending 1200 Calorie Bashing: Respecting Your Peers



  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    Unfortunately it seems like our society is much more comfortable ripping on other people rather than focusing on their own journey.

    However, this is a public forum and we know the trolls are around. Or the people who made it work for them, so they MUST know it all. It's our responsibility on a personal basis to say 'My doctor says this is ok, maybe I won't let this comment get to me.'

    I get a lot of people harping on my calories too, but you know what? I've lost 50 pounds since August and I have PCOS and diabetes. So it's harder than average.

    Keep doing what your doing, working with your doctor, and forget the people who are ignoring their own lives by trying to dominate yours. :)

    Keep it up girlie.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    I think more important than strict calorie counting is listening to your body and your needs. And I know for me, when I'm eating healthier food (not processed), it's much harder to get to my calorie goal without feeling totally stuffed. But I don't want to be stuffed--I want to be satisfied. We all should be listening to our bodies and hearing what we each need at that point in time. Maybe in a few years, you may be doing just fine on 1500, or even 2000, or maybe still at 1200. But as long as your nutritional needs are being met--as long as you have enough of the macros and micros to be fit and healthy, and not feeling starved, then you are doing exactly what YOU need to do.

    I think at times there is a lot of bashing all around, particularly for those of us who don't fit the mold of others. When someone says, "Hey, this is the journey I'm on, this is what works for me, and I'd love some support," the response should never be "You're doing it wrong!" or any form of shaming/attacking, but rather of learning from one another and supporting each other regardless of whether or not we agree on every little aspect of health/wellness/weight loss.

    PS. From one Cyster to another, keep at it and keep moving towards that goal. Listen to your body and what's right for you, and you will go far!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    You are awesome. Thanks for this.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    You can endorse a low calorie diet without directly telling people that it works for you, it'll work for them. It's implied when you make a very wordy post condemning the masses on the forums for directing people to the roadmap and other information that discourages very low calorie diets. The majority of people on the forum denounce 1200 or lower diets for a reason. It's not ideal, unsafe and unhealthy for most people. So just because your doctor recommends it for YOU, why is it offensive that it's pointed out to others to be too low. For most it IS too low and unhealthy, so pointing that out and directing them to more information isnt bashing at all. If *YOU* are called out in the forums, then defend it there. Because your post sounds like flame-baiting. It sounds like you are trying to stir up the debate. For most, it's not ideal. I'm happy for you that you are part of less than 1% it's good for. Why you wouldn't want to see the others discouraged from unhealthy dieting practices is beyond me. If I were in your position I might caution others from mimicking what I'm doing because only a doctor should be making those exceptions. Instead you seem to give the impression that it's right for many, that lots of your friends are special snowflakes bullied by the forums.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    i commend you for standing up to those who doubt what you are doing. I myself am apersonal trainer.... i NEVER give out advice to eating unless someone specifically asks me. i may know a thing or two about exercise... but a nutritionist i am not. Hell i dont eat the healthiest . I say if it works for you and you are speaking to someone and someone is helping you , then by all means good luck to you. and just so you know.... feel free to creep my profile... as i was once in the 300 range myself.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    You did your homework and you know what you're doing, forget the crap comments, they are not worth listening to. :)
  • jaebennetti
    jaebennetti Posts: 44 Member
    Well said. I lost 81 pounds prior to coming to MFP by doing exactly what you said. I have PCOS and found out when I was 18 yrs old, since that time I listened to people tell me how to lose weight and kept getting bigger. Screw em, I now do what works. I am proud of you for doing the same.
  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you for your post! I too am on a 1200 doctor recommended calorie limit. I don't get on forums much but do love MFP and the friends I have. I have spinal stenosis in my neck and need neck surgery. I am also morbidly obese, which I already knew and have tried dieting and regained. In order to have the surgery safely, I need to lose some weight. I see a dr once a month for guidance and use MFP. Please add me as your friend. It's not because we want the calorie limits but there is a genuine reason and I totally understand where you are coming from. Good luck and we CAN do this together!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Most immediately jump to 1200 calories, because they believe they will reach their goal faster. I can understand doing such a thing out of ignorance. However, that won't last long.

    The "everyone is different" mantra is getting quite old. No, everyone is not different. You can't defy the laws of thermodynamics. 1200 calorie diets coupled with an exercise program should not be "prescribed" to anyone. I don't care how big and or how much weight you need to lose. Weight loss is not a short term solution, it's a long term endeavor.

    Agree 100%

    I love when Men in particular have advice for women on weight loss . It's so cute

    Hate to ruin what might by my only opportunity to be "cute," but why can't men advise women on weight loss?

    Weight loss between the sexes is a teeny bit different . I've been on MFP since August , logging , measuring and working hard 5 times a week . My Fiancé who thinks chicken parm subs are a healthy lunch because chicken is in the name , doesn't work out , and wakes up at 3 am and eats donuts recently lost 10 pounds due to work stress . Granted he ate a few less cookies that week . My Father also recently lost 30 pounds by cutting out Bacon ! And before you ask he was having it everyday with breakfast . My Mother who eats salad everyday told me she might just kill him . That's the difference
    And that means nothing. Your husband and your father ATE under their caloric maintenance. You're acting like women follow some different set of rules. Sorry but they don't. The only difference is most require fewer calories. And when I mean by fewer, I don't mean by much.

    And if I have to be called snarky the so be it. I rather be snarky than enable a "snowflake" to create a blizzard. Like I have always said, a lot of people don't come here to help. They are looking for validation.

    You get to play the ignorance card once.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    great post. i stay between 1200-1300 cals a day, with a crazy binge day every 15th day. ive lost over 50 pounds since september. i know alot of people on here dont like the idea of 1200 cals a day, but it doesnt bother me too much what others think... i also, wear my pajamas to the grocery store and bank, yell at my kids in public, go to class with my teens when they break rules, and have weeds in my front yard... so, yeah... im just not one to really care about what others think... that being said, i too am monitored by my doctor, and she is very pleased with my progress...
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    You want respect on the internet? LOL.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    This thread has taught me something. I'm never going to mention someone's calorie intake numbers, ever. If I think they are hurting themselves, I'll say nothing. Because I might not have the verbal judo skills necessary to not come off as potentially... too forceful. OP, I hope you're able to tell people nicely enough if you think they are doing harm to themselves to have an actual impact. I hope you're skilled enough to convince them without hurting their feelings and without encouraging potentially harmful relationships with food.

    I'll admit now, I don't have those skills.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    This thread has taught me something. I'm never going to mention someone's calorie intake numbers, ever. If I think they are hurting themselves, I'll say nothing. Because I might not have the verbal judo skills necessary to not come off as potentially... too forceful. OP, I hope you're able to tell people nicely enough if you think they are doing harm to themselves to have an actual impact. I hope you're skilled enough to convince them without hurting their feelings and without encouraging potentially harmful relationships with food.

    I'll admit now, I don't have those skills.
    Brower, I am with you 100%. It appears you can't talk about three things now: Politics, Religion, Caloric intake.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    This needed to be said and you did a superb job.

    For those of us overweight with less poundage to lose, the same variability in metabolism and dynamics of health still exists. Hence the variability and appropriateness of nutrition and exercise remains true too. I want to underscore your sound practice of using the skills and knowledge of a trained professional to help design a program that works for you.

    My maternal family has a history of endocrine and auto-immune issues. My doctor (MD & wholistically trained) continues to be a valuable resource to me.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    i commend you for standing up to those who doubt what you are doing. I myself am apersonal trainer.... i NEVER give out advice to eating unless someone specifically asks me. i may know a thing or two about exercise... but a nutritionist i am not. Hell i dont eat the healthiest . I say if it works for you and you are speaking to someone and someone is helping you , then by all means good luck to you. and just so you know.... feel free to creep my profile... as i was once in the 300 range myself.

    What a great attitude. I would love to have you for a personal trainer. You look freaking amazing!
  • MrsWitt01
    MrsWitt01 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for sharing this :smile:
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    I'm not a doctor, but I'm an ICU nurse who sees comatose patients who cannot move or do anything all day..... they are fed 1600 calories just to maintain life. Sure, the 1200 calorie diets are great for quick weight loss, and may be very beneficial to those who are morbidly obese who need to lose a lot of weight in a faster manner than others. I once saw a "weight loss" doctor who told me that I should eat 1200 calories despite training for a marathon and working out 30-60 minutes a day, 5 times a week. If I ate this much and worked out this much, I would lose weight. I didn't, I had no energy, I felt like garbage. Again, 1600 calories needed to maintain a body that is doing NOTHING...... I think it is a worry when people maintain this 1200 calorie diet for long term, or like others have brought up, have what is believed to be ED's. The thing about MFP is it's NOT a medical site, and people (I believe) think there is a doctor behind the curtains fixing your calorie count for you individually. It's not. It gave me 1200 when I first started, and I thought this was right for me. Sure everyone is different, but as someone mentioned, it is science, and 1200 can't possibly be maintained long-term for a healthy lifestyle. This is not bashing, it's just airing genuine concerns.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Most immediately jump to 1200 calories, because they believe they will reach their goal faster. I can understand doing such a thing out of ignorance. However, that won't last long.

    The "everyone is different" mantra is getting quite old. No, everyone is not different. You can't defy the laws of thermodynamics. 1200 calorie diets coupled with an exercise program should not be "prescribed" to anyone. I don't care how big and or how much weight you need to lose. Weight loss is not a short term solution, it's a long term endeavor.

    Agree 100%

    I love when Men in particular have advice for women on weight loss . It's so cute

    Hate to ruin what might by my only opportunity to be "cute," but why can't men advise women on weight loss?

    Weight loss between the sexes is a teeny bit different . I've been on MFP since August , logging , measuring and working hard 5 times a week . My Fiancé who thinks chicken parm subs are a healthy lunch because chicken is in the name , doesn't work out , and wakes up at 3 am and eats donuts recently lost 10 pounds due to work stress . Granted he ate a few less cookies that week . My Father also recently lost 30 pounds by cutting out Bacon ! And before you ask he was having it everyday with breakfast . My Mother who eats salad everyday told me she might just kill him . That's the difference
    And that means nothing. Your husband and your father ATE under their caloric maintenance. You're acting like women follow some different set of rules. Sorry but they don't. The only difference is most require fewer calories. And when I mean by fewer, I don't mean by much.

    And if I have to be called snarky the so be it. I rather be snarky than enable a "snowflake" to create a blizzard. Like I have always said, a lot of people don't come here to help. They are looking for validation.

    You get to play the ignorance card once.

    Women DO need a different amount of calories AND their fat intake needs to be higher than men's. Hormones. They control much more than most realize.
  • cathywishart3
    Natalie -
    I'm new to this site. However, I wanted to comment on your post.

    First of all, the amount of information that you have and research you have done speaks volumes - you have done your homework, and you made me feel better about my calorie intake (I have been attempting to go mostly vegetarian, so I'm having lower calories than recommended but higher carbs). You should be proud of your accomplishments - you've lost 16 pounds and you are making lifestyle changes that will help you stay healthier for the rest of your life.

    On any forum, there are going to be naysayers who mean well but send negative vibes out of their tapping fingers without even realizing that's what they're doing. You are strong, and you know your body's needs. Ignore the naysayers and stand strong in your own knowledge. With that said, it would be a shame to have your voice silenced here. Please continue to post and be part of this family I am just getting to know.

    I hope that you continue to get support here and you continue to share. It seems to me that you have a lot of knowledge to offer.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    You can endorse a low calorie diet without directly telling people that it works for you, it'll work for them. It's implied when you make a very wordy post condemning the masses on the forums for directing people to the roadmap and other information that discourages very low calorie diets. The majority of people on the forum denounce 1200 or lower diets for a reason. It's not ideal, unsafe and unhealthy for most people. So just because your doctor recommends it for YOU, why is it offensive that it's pointed out to others to be too low. For most it IS too low and unhealthy, so pointing that out and directing them to more information isnt bashing at all. If *YOU* are called out in the forums, then defend it there. Because your post sounds like flame-baiting. It sounds like you are trying to stir up the debate. For most, it's not ideal. I'm happy for you that you are part of less than 1% it's good for. Why you wouldn't want to see the others discouraged from unhealthy dieting practices is beyond me. If I were in your position I might caution others from mimicking what I'm doing because only a doctor should be making those exceptions. Instead you seem to give the impression that it's right for many, that lots of your friends are special snowflakes bullied by the forums.
    This is incredibly well put and I agree with it completely.
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