Ending 1200 Calorie Bashing: Respecting Your Peers



  • angelacooper3
    angelacooper3 Posts: 32 Member
    It certainly isn't a one size fits all. Even without medical advice some people (me certainly) need the psychological kick to see a bit of decent loss quickly then increase calories to something more sustainable after a few weeks for the long haul.

    As the OP has sought and is following medical advice it is great that she is sticking with it for her future health. Unfortunately the internet breeds "experts" and keyboard warriors. There are people with ED's here but with their diaries open and frantic exercise logging many are very easy to spot
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    Where are we at as a community when the person recommending medical consultation and highlighting that there is not a one-method-fits-all solution is treated like they are absurd? That thread is downright discouraging and depressing. Why couldn't it have carried the tone of something like "1200-Calorie Roadblocks and Alternatives?" Why would it outright attack people like me and try to make us feel doomed?

    So again, please, try to actually be my fitness pals, not my fitness judge and jury. Words are very powerful things and we have to be careful with them.

    With love,

    Wow great response

    I love this whole post, but especially that quote.

    Where are we as a community if the person recommending medical consultation ... is treated like they are absurd?

    - at a turning point where some people need to stop pushing their habits and beliefs onto other people as "The Only Way To Jesus". People like you should be cheered for standing up and calling out intimidation and a culture of insulting people who follow this website's own calorie recommendations.

    Yes, people can lose weight with a less drastic calorie cut, and -2 lbs a week would require a caloric restriction below 1200...(which is why MFP stops there) but most of us are so sick and tired of being overweight and tired of hating ourselves and feeling like we aren't good enough because we are overweight that we need to do something about it NOW, we need to make ACTUAL progress traveling down the road.

    If you start a long journey, and only make it a half mile from your home, how likely is it that you would turn around and convince yourself that you should go back and sit on your couch.. As opposed to making it ten miles, turning around would be just as hard as pushing forward.

    This is a psychological battle because we cannot quit our drug or coping mechanism of choice. Alcoholics can stop drinking, heroin users can go to rehab, but overeaters cannot stop eating, in fact it is required that they continue to eat, and all it takes to fall off the wagon is "just one more bite"
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    To much reading ill come back to it later. Seems interesting.
  • CandiSki
    CandiSki Posts: 57 Member
    Great post! :smile:
  • Jane_1705
    Jane_1705 Posts: 152 Member
    Loved reading this thread. Am a newbie on this site and I had almost given up on reading threads due to the amount of bashing that posters seem to get from the 'community' great to see sensible and positive posts. Thx
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    For the first 8 months of this stage of my journey (since joining mfp), i faithfully followed a 1200 calorie plan.

    I felt fantastic, my doctor was thrilled with me, both by my progress AND by the foods/calories i was choosing.

    He said.. and i quote " you are like my star patient! I wish more of my patients would follow your lead!"
    I also gave him info about mfp, he checked it out, and has since recommended it to others as a wonderful way to track choices and monitor progress.
    Since then he has totally eliminated one of the two prescriptions i was taking for high blood pressure! Something he says he so rarely ever gets to do for anyone, he was thrilled.
    (I remain on diuretics only for blood-pressure, as i have a life long history of water retention, even when blood pressure was fine)

    since getting so near my goal i upped my calories. But i have NOTHING bad to say about 1200 calories...

    go you!!
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    I'll be honest and say that while your post is really important in that it's a great reminder that MFP is supposed to be a supportive community and not a bunch of attack dogs, I think there is a valuable reason behind why people discourage others from eating 1200 cal diets and refer people who do to IPOARM.

    Not everyone has all of the issues you described - a lot of the people doing 1200 are not obese and do not have medical issues. You get to be the special snowflake. Not everyone can also afford to see dietitians or use a bod pod. Blanket advice is very useful and I would say that for 99% of people 1200 calories is too low. Metabolisms do vary, but that's why BMR uses an average and people are encouraged to play around with their numbers after giving eating more a try.

    I'm also going to point out that saying "1200 calories is ok for me! It's ok for you too!" seems a bit irresponsable given that you are medically recommended to do so. I'm expecting swarms of "I do 1200 calories and I love it so everyone telling me to eat more should shut up" comments.

    But yes. You are correct. Supportive community, blah blah. Play nice, blah blah.

    I know it was a long post, but I do hope you can go through it again with more time. I said, on at least three separate occasions, that there are certainly a great deal of people at 1200 calories who should not be. However, I just don't think that's up to us to decide and certainly not through shaming. I never said 1200 calories is okay for me and okay for you. You are directly misquoting. I said anyone with such caloric restriction should try to seek medical consult because it is risky. I explicitly said nothing I do is in anyway an indication of what anyone else should do.

    Also, I posted on this before, but without a gym membership, the BOD POD costs roughly $20-$40 dollars. You can find locations where it is available on their website.

    I spent 22 years of my life without insurance and come from a low-income disadvantaged background. I am the first in my family--even extended family to go to college--it's absolutely astronomical that I'm finishing my doctorate now. I understand the struggles of economics and weight loss. That said, I also know that there are a lot of wonderful free clinics and low-cost options for people and I strongly encourage people, especially embarking on significant weight loss, to seek that out.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    If your happy with your choices then why bother about others opinions? I'm pretty sure the 1200 crowd have their own groups they can converse in without fear of being 'bashed'. Not sure this huge post was needed. It will only provoke the inevitable arguements. You do it you're way, your happy, it's cool. No need to shout at the rest of the world eating more than 1200 cals. We're happy that your happy :flowerforyou:
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    Bumping so I can read this later.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Until a few days ago, I was on a 1650 calorie intake. That would probably be equivalent to you being on a 1200 calorie intake. I am 6 ft and 238 lbs. I just upped it to 2080 so as to slow my eight loss down. (this is net. I eat back my workout calories) I don't see how that can be considered "to low" especially for a female. That sounds about right for a calorie deficit. People bashing it are just sh!tbags. Great post BTW. This was MFPs calculation for me to lose 1.9lb/week.
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    Awesome post!
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    Welcome to the internet, place of speech of all forms, bad and good. Take it or leave it.. If you aren't sure to post in the forums because *kitten* will say things..then don't
  • ColletteNicole
    ColletteNicole Posts: 145 Member
    Great post, thank you! :heart:

    I'm also on a Dr. recommended 1200 calorie diet and even going a little higher (like 1400) seems to stall me. I think it's a lot less extreme that the VLCD (around 700 calorie) medical programs that are out there and of course it's much safer than actual weight loss surgery. I really don't understand the bashing. I've deleted several mfp friends on here after feeling pretty much bullied with "you aren't eating enough" comments. There really is a crazy amount of pressure to conform to the "eat more to weigh less" mindset that is so rampant on this site. I researched it plenty myself (who wouldn't WANT to eat more, I was tempted to try it) and couldn't find anything legitimate online advocating it at all. It's been my observation that the people that strategy works best for just don't have that much weight to lose. Someone that has 100+lbs to lose isn't going to go into "starvation mode" eating around 1200 calories.

    IMHO, there is no tdee or bmr calculator out there that is going to do more than give me a generic estimate, which isn't enough when you're fighting for your health (and sanity). I'm know I'm not going to make the needed effort to consistently workout and count every single calorie only to risk it being a wasted effort because I'm eating a lot more than I should because some online calculator told me too:laugh:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I have PCOS, Insulin Resistance, and hypothyroid.... My doc had me on 1200 because I wasnt working out that much..and was on meds.... I think if you have metabolic syndromes..the "norm" will not apply.

    If I eat too many carbs..I get really bloated and feel like crap..but thats casue my body has a hard time with them.. Do what works for you...I have commented on certain posts and give my 2cents...

    now I eat anywhere between 1500-2000 a day..still have 10 pounds to lose..but I am way healthier than I was. I lift and do cardio about 6 days a week...take everything with a grain of salt...most women who eat 1200 calories dont have a medical reason...you do...and trust me..once you get closer to your goal weight and you increase your workouts..you will eat more than 1200...
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I think that you might also consider that for every person for whom eating under 1200 calories is a reasonable option (lower metabolism, slight and small, medically supervised, etc) there are a number of unhealthy persons that are either willfully chosing to do so or another set of individuals that are either borderlined ED without knowing it.

    While the screeds here tend to be frantic and go for extremely long threads without taking into consideration the points that you have highlighted which are valid for you, I would suggest that you also take the same advice you give out.

    Your acceptable <1200 calorie lifestyle is not necessarily suitable as a one size fits all for most people. In fact, given the prevalence of people with EDs on this site, recovering EDs or just plain unaware of what a VLCD diet can do both physically and mentally when incorrectly followed it is the general good advice to avoid that type of diet. For the vast majority of people it would be wrong - that you are the exception does not negate that simple statistical reality on which MFP has been programmed and with which most people can relate to.

    I hope you can find the balance to not be attacked on this site but also to not give the general impression that a diet significantly lower than 1200 is generally acceptable. It is not.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Everyone is free to express their own opinions here, It's called freedom of speech. Don't read the posts if they upset you that much. You can not dictate to anyone else as to what they can or can not say here. That is a job for the moderators!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I'll be honest and say that while your post is really important in that it's a great reminder that MFP is supposed to be a supportive community and not a bunch of attack dogs, I think there is a valuable reason behind why people discourage others from eating 1200 cal diets and refer people who do to IPOARM.

    Not everyone has all of the issues you described - a lot of the people doing 1200 are not obese and do not have medical issues. You get to be the special snowflake. Not everyone can also afford to see dietitians or use a bod pod. Blanket advice is very useful and I would say that for 99% of people 1200 calories is too low. Metabolisms do vary, but that's why BMR uses an average and people are encouraged to play around with their numbers after giving eating more a try.

    I'm also going to point out that saying "1200 calories is ok for me! It's ok for you too!" seems a bit irresponsable given that you are medically recommended to do so. I'm expecting swarms of "I do 1200 calories and I love it so everyone telling me to eat more should shut up" comments.

    But yes. You are correct. Supportive community, blah blah. Play nice, blah blah.

    You said everything I was going to say, so, QFT. :heart:

    QFT the QFT :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'll be honest and say that while your post is really important in that it's a great reminder that MFP is supposed to be a supportive community and not a bunch of attack dogs, I think there is a valuable reason behind why people discourage others from eating 1200 cal diets and refer people who do to IPOARM.

    Not everyone has all of the issues you described - a lot of the people doing 1200 are not obese and do not have medical issues. You get to be the special snowflake. Not everyone can also afford to see dietitians or use a bod pod. Blanket advice is very useful and I would say that for 99% of people 1200 calories is too low. Metabolisms do vary, but that's why BMR uses an average and people are encouraged to play around with their numbers after giving eating more a try.

    I'm also going to point out that saying "1200 calories is ok for me! It's ok for you too!" seems a bit irresponsable given that you are medically recommended to do so. I'm expecting swarms of "I do 1200 calories and I love it so everyone telling me to eat more should shut up" comments.

    But yes. You are correct. Supportive community, blah blah. Play nice, blah blah.

    I know it was a long post, but I do hope you can go through it again with more time. I said, on at least three separate occasions, that there are certainly a great deal of people at 1200 calories who should not be. However, I just don't think that's up to us to decide and certainly not through shaming. I never said 1200 calories is okay for me and okay for you. You are directly misquoting. I said anyone with such caloric restriction should try to seek medical consult because it is risky. I explicitly said nothing I do is in anyway an indication of what anyone else should do.

    Also, I posted on this before, but without a gym membership, the BOD POD costs roughly $20-$40 dollars. You can find locations where it is available on their website.

    I spent 22 years of my life without insurance and come from a low-income disadvantaged background. I am the first in my family--even extended family to go to college--it's absolutely astronomical that I'm finishing my doctorate now. I understand the struggles of economics and weight loss. That said, I also know that there are a lot of wonderful free clinics and low-cost options for people and I strongly encourage people, especially embarking on significant weight loss, to seek that out.

    OP, I just want you to look at many responses in this thread (particularly as Emma was hitting on somethings OTHERS said, therefore addressing not only you in her post); already, multiple people have not quite grasped your post or its intent, and have already gone to the "okay for me!" issue.
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