Periods and Exercise

Do you do any exercise while on your period or just wait a week? I mean in terms of rowing machine, stationary bike etc. while dealing with cramp. I read that it's not good to exercise while on pain killers in case you damage a muscle without noticing. Or do you just toughen up and go without pain killers?


  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    Do you need pain killers? Sometimes I do, most of the time I don't. Exercise helps me feel better and generally I don't need any sort of pain killer when I exercise.
  • Ghadah88
    Personally, I do insanity & I take a break during this time. Some women keep working out but not me, I tried once for about 10 minutes & I wasn't comfortable at att "specially in stretch " (if you know what I mean). But also walking is very healthy during this time, so if you won't workout then at least walk.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Even when I was on prescription pain killers for my periods, no one ever suggested I should sit it out. As a matter of fact, being able to participate in sports was one of the reasons they gave me a prescription. I had a student once who claimed that her doctor suggested bed rest for her menorrhagia, but none of mine ever have.

    I am generally a little slower and a little less coordinated for a couple of days, but never the whole week. Well, there have been a few occasions when the second or third week of bleeding slows me down, but that is why I try to avoid processed soy these days.
  • Kelseybee13
    Exercising helps my cramps a lot, especially swimming. I take painkillers if I need but that usually doesn't happen until after my workout. If you do need to take them before your workout I suggest you eat something like a banana or it can make you sick, particularly with cardio.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I do exercise through my period. Especially if I'm cramping. Ive found if i can workout through the cramps they are gone ten minutes into my workout and the rest of my period is less miserable.
  • veggiegirlie2
    veggiegirlie2 Posts: 26 Member
    I did exercise during my last period. I felt that my period was less severe and I overall all around felt better. it really just depends upon the person as well all know us ladies are all beautiful and different in our own ways. do what is to your own limits. i always research things that spark my interest. i read that it's better to exercise while mestrauting, you burn more calories. but like i stated it's best to go with your comfort zone not that it's okay to push limits. have a good day :]
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    I lighten it up, but I know if I stop completely, I will lose the habit. So rather than the heavy cardio, I might do less time on the elliptical, along with some light stretching or yoga. I find it helps my cramps to keep moving, stay warm, and stretch.

    I have also been doing Maya Abdominal Therapy which has been pretty much miraculous in terms of my period. I would get really painful (doubled over) cramps for two days straight. When I started doing MAT, some periods I would only cramp for maybe an hour, and lightly at that (just a twinge), and others I would actually forget I was on my period because there were no cramps at all.

    You can learn more about MAT here:
  • TequillaLover89
    TequillaLover89 Posts: 260 Member
    Personally, exercising at that time of the month helps.. A lot with cramps
  • lauradawson1123
    I'm planning on working out throughall mine. Yesterday as less cramping with my run and hoping for the same results today :)
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Doesn't affect my exercise schedule - I exercise right though it as I would any time of the month.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Considering that we actually have a lower rate of metabolism during our cycles, I definitely make sure I exercise. If you're miserable or really worried about hurting yourself, do something lighter like stair-stepper, elliptical or arc...or do weights...go for a pilates or yoga.

    I feel less "blah" if I work out during.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Did we suddenly slip back to Victorian England where women need to take to their beds for their periods? Why on earth you would you not do whatever you normally do?
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I absolutely exercise during my period. There is no reason not to.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Did we suddenly slip back to Victorian England where women need to take to their beds for their periods? Why on earth you would you not do whatever you normally do?

    LOL - That's what I was thinking but you worded it much better than I could have. :)
  • invincible_summer
    Did we suddenly slip back to Victorian England where women need to take to their beds for their periods? Why on earth you would you not do whatever you normally do?

    LOL - That's what I was thinking but you worded it much better than I could have. :)

    It depends on how heavy your periods are. I genuinely do sometimes stay in bed on the first day.
    TENILLE44 Posts: 2 Member
    I skip the 2 heaviest days and try to work out as usual on the other days
  • moustache_flavored_lube
    I follow a periodized training plan :laugh:
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I always workout on my period no matter what. With or without pain killers and I do just fine. In fact I think it helps!
  • kariannmbc
    If I do weights during mine, or abdominal work, I want to stay in bed and/or die the first few days. So, I just walk or use a stationary bicycle. I know it's not a huge calorie burn, but it's better than awful cramps.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    For the first couple of days I will skip out on working out because I can get light headed and sometimes I get very tired on my period but after that I am good. I think you need to just go with how you feel, if you feel like you can't workout then then don't,