200+ (Week 22) Fling into Spring!



  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey ladies. Funny that I have not lost much lately, but I have been hearing so many compliments this week it is amazing. Guess something is going on with my body that the scale is hiding from me!

    All is good if people notice even though the scale may not move. (I think it is holding out on me. I swear it is a conspiracy between the fridge and the scale):laugh:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say a quick Hello, I am back from one Doc appointment and off to my mamogram. I had blood work done and should know the results by tomorrow.....with the pms problems...they want to switch pills again, a low dose hormone...I kept asking about other alternatives and he mentioned IUD....but it is really not birth control I am worried about, it is the migraines and pms symptoms that take over 2 weeks of every month!! He said my blood pressure was super, even better than last time I was in...I have to go back again in 6 weeks....depending on what these blood tests reveal...I might have to get myself a female Doc....I mean, I have had this Doctor for over 20 years and I just love him...he will sit and answer and and all questions I have until the cows come home...but I'm not sure he is understandin what I am trying to tell him and he doesn't seem to think that my weight is a problem, because I am healthy....but ahhh....hello...if it is a problem to me...doesn't that make it a problem? I weighed in last year on thhose Doc scales at 232...today I was 212.....I had clothes and shoes and such...so I'm not to worried about the difference from the 206 reading I got on Sunday...but what I noticed was ...only 20# loss in 11 months...and that is with working out pretty much every day for at least 75 minutes, I cut calories, I upped calories...I switch things up until all the time, I've worked out hard...I've walked only.....I just don't understand my body right now...or understand why it is fighting me so bad......I guess I will finally know tomorrow....if the tests look good...I'm not sure what I'll do next....if they show a thyroid problem....well, at least I will finally know....oh goodness....off my soap box now...I have to run...I'll check in later.
    Have a great day everyone!!! I'll check in later tonight.....I still have to fit a workout in today too....
    Hey great on those smaller jeans ladies!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I hit enter before I was finished SORREEEEEE. Dixiegal, I realy like the way you worded this : "if i let this revelation defeat me and i give up just because i got a little off track, then i have let my weight win"
    It is exactly what has tripped me up in the past and my weight has indeed won. Thanks so much!

    i am glad this helped you. it was my "aha!" moment.

    i had a wonderful day! i went out to lunch and shopping with my boyfriend today. i have been wearing a size 22 jeans biut today i went to lane bryant and found that i now fit into size 20! the 22s hve been getting baggier and baggier lately and i noticed really bad today. i bought 2 pairs of jeans while i was there (they were on sale). i feel good to have jeans to wear that are not falling down around my hips and butt anymore. i also have a problem with jeans gapping in the back. the lady at lane bryant told me to use a belt to correct that but with my tummy the belt buckle digs in and hurts me so then she said to use a long scarf instead. so i went to wal-mart and got a really cute scarf to wear with my jeans. i didnt get to excersise like i wantted today but thats ok there is always tomorrow.

    I don't know if you have a Macy's near you or not, but Levi's has "Women's" sizing now and specifically makes jeans for that gaping issue on the back. They are wonderful and go up to a like 28 I think I saw! $38.00
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Deb--Hang in there. I hope all goes well with the doctor. love, hugs and good thoughts!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Deb- I hope things go well with the tests. If you really feel like you need to add/replace another doctor, you absolutely should. I imagine it could be hard after being with the same one for so long, but if you're not getting the answers/help, you really need, you need to do that for yourself. Good luck sweetie!

    Today's exercise was fab! It's gorgeous out. I'm totally feeling the high 40s/low 50's semi-breeziness we're currently rocking. So I decided to go for another run today outside. I figured I would get bored doing the same loop over and over again and was feeling a bit adventurous, so I did a different one... one that was significantly more hilly. Was my pace slower? Yes. Did I stop? No. I ran (according to my dailymile map) 3.78 miles (!!!) in 53 minutes. I'll take it! I would like to continue to pump up my speed a bit, and would love to get up to 4 miles within the next few weeks, but I'm feel pretty fab about myself. Tomorrow- a break from running/ellipticaling, even though I probably won't be able to last chance work it on Thursday, but I've done that three days in a row and need to give the legs a bit of a break, but might still do some recumbent bike at the gym. Swimming would be good as well, it's just that the lap swim times tend not to work out great for me. We'll see!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I know today is Tuesday but I feel like its Monday. And it was a Monday at work. I'm a fairly low stress person and my left eye is twitching and so is my left thumb. O.M.G. Most of my stress isn't caused by work but some of it is. I haven't talked to my mom in over two weeks. It is a long story but we got in a fight on the phone and I hung up on her. Never in my life have I done a thing like that and it is surely taking its toll. However I am not ready to cross that bridge right now so I will deal with the twitching.

    Worked out for 41 minutes today. I can tell allergies are kicking as it was harder to breath on the elliptical but I powered through it. Tomorrow i will go for longer.

    Good job Aka on the running! I think I might try to do some running on the treadmill again this week some time. Maybe tomorrow.

    Deb there is surely something to be said for having a female OB for female type things. I love mine. She is no nonsense and straight to the point which is wonderful.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    sounds like today was rough for some of us. I know i am ready to unwind. I got my chamomile tea (which i highly recommend bringing into your daily routine). i try to have a cup about an hour and a half before bedtime. little splenda, little milk....it really is soothing.....anyhow.
    Lacey--sorry things are rough between you and your mom right now. i have no clue what happened but i had a bit of a falling out with my mom about a year ago. long story short, she was arguing w/ another family member, in front of my son, and i stepped in and told her to stop now or leave...this was not appropriate behavior to have around a small child. needless to say, after reprimanding your mother, she chose to leave. Things have cleared up between us, but it is very hurtful on your heart. Hang in there and do what you feel is right. :heart:

    Aka..i don't even know what to say. your a power house!!! so happy and proud of you. you inspire me to maybe get outside and run on saturday....who knows!!

    I was super busy today taking my mom to the dr and whatnot, and before i knew it, it was tea time. no exercise for me today, but i did stay about 100 under my calories, so i'm trying not to sweat it....lol. nice pun huh?
    i joined in another group that doubles everything on wednesday, so that is my goal. 4 miles tomorrow on the tready....ugh!!! I can do it though!! probably won't run the whole time but i am going to try to push past my usual 2.

    good night all!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning Group!!! At least I have a light day with only 2 clients this morning. I hope to get out for run this afternoon. I may have to try for 4 miles - Carolyn and Kristina you both inspire me to try harder. My jump rope should be here tonight - I can't wait to try it!!!! I think next Monday, I will take my bike to the shop and have new tires put on it to have it spruced up for spring. I didn't get on it once last year and it's such a great form of exercise. I need to start riding to mom's (6 miles) rather than taking the car (I'll let you know if I ever do it!!!)

    Lacey - ((((((hug))))))) Good luck resolving issues with your mom. Hopefully your stress goes down soon. I hate it when Tues feels like Monday.

    Deb - I hope the lab tests answer all your questions. My thoughts are with you.

    Keep up the great job everyone!!!! Only 2 more days until this challenge ends and I get to go on vacation for the weekend.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The date was great! :bigsmile: He and I totally click. Hes going to meet me at my gym tonight to work out. I can take a guest a couple times to see if they want to join so yeah. :bigsmile: Olive Garden was really nice last night. I haven't been logging my calories for a couple weeks so I definitely don't wanna know how much I had yesterday, but I only ate half of my plate so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal, glad you had a great time. Here's to many more (((((cheers)))))!!!!! It's awesome that he is supportive and wants to workout with you.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Having a BBBBAADDD week. Just not feeling well and I think "TOM" is not playing fair. I don't have any energy to do anything. I am trying to keep my head on straight with eating all, but it's not working. Ugh, calgon take me away.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Got to work and my eye started twitching. Sigh.....

    Gonna do a good work out tonight at the gym. Am going to go back and look again at those ab exercises posted a few weeks back. I want to start working on my middle section. I know that you can't spot reduce but its time to start getting those mucles reactived and working again too.
    So my goal today in between working is finding more exercises for that region. Neck to hips. Particularly the sides...lats I think they are called?

    I've read everyone's posts but don't have time to reply to them all. Hope everyone has a good day!
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Good Morning all!!! Today has been one of those days that I just don't feel like doing anything. This is my Friday, so at least I don't have to get up early for work any more this week.

    I ran for about 3 minutes last night and walked for 15 (outside)!!!! It was sooo nice. I am trying to get into the C25K thing, but every time I start running and get done my lungs hurt sooo bad. I think I'm gonna have to go get my asthma checked again. I haven't had problems with it in 10 years though...ugh.

    Mish : It's been a bad week for me too. "TOM" isn't playing fair at all. I think mine has something to do with the new birth control I started after last TOM. I am not sure if I like it or not. Still debating that one.

    Lacey : I understand the whole eye twitch thing. Mine does that after staring at the computer for too long. And I understand the fighting with mom thing too. Hopefully everything gets worked out between you guys!!

    Kendall : I'm glad everything went great!!! I'm hoping that it works out for the best for ya!! You deserve to be happy!!

    You guys are all an encouragment to me!!! Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Got to work and my eye started twitching. Sigh.....

    Gonna do a good work out tonight at the gym. Am going to go back and look again at those ab exercises posted a few weeks back. I want to start working on my middle section. I know that you can't spot reduce but its time to start getting those mucles reactived and working again too.
    So my goal today in between working is finding more exercises for that region. Neck to hips. Particularly the sides...lats I think they are called?

    I've read everyone's posts but don't have time to reply to them all. Hope everyone has a good day!

    Here is a link I got from another board here that can help you figure out how to target certain muscles. Its pretty cool.


    And this one has animated dumbbell exercises
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    ok, so apparently the post goblin stole my post that i wrote this morning!!!

    totally forget everything I said, but i know I am happy for kendall, and want to put some support out there for deb and lacey!!

    didn't hit my four miles today, but i did 3.6miles, and ran 3 of them. phew!! then more packing......and now i am resting.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- glad the date went well! fabulous! sounds like a winner of a guy. Keep us up to date on the progress :wink:

    Lacey- I hope you get things worked out with your mom. Hang in there- also hope the twitch goes away. Blech!

    Mish- Sorry you're having a tough week. Stick with it though- tomorrow is always a new day! :flowerforyou:

    ejm- sorry to hear that you're having issues with your breathing when trying to run. Sounds like something you'll want to check out. Make sure you're not running at too fast a pace to start out either. It is amazing how quickly you can progress though if you slowly, but steadily increase your time/distance.

    Carolyn- great job on the run!! Very impressive!

    Nothing much new to report here. I just wanted to check in briefly. Today's been much more hectic than planned at work and tomorrow I feel will be worse, so I don't know how much I'll be able to check in prior to weigh-ins Friday morning (though I'll definitely start a new thread that night. New challenge too! Shrinking into Summer is still the name, right?) Eating has gone well the past few days. The scale is still teasing me in the morning- teetering right above the 200 mark. I'm hoping for it to dip below by Friday. Plan to eat very well the rest of today and tomorrow to help facilitate that. I've been stepping up the workouts this week in anticipation of our challenge ending weigh-in, especially as I probably won't be able to last chance workout it tomorrow cause I'm working late. I need to be a little more low impact today after three straight days of either running or ellipticaling. Plan is to hit the rec center today and do some biking or possibly a bit of rowing. We'll see! Some form of movement planned!

    Good luck everyone!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Cool tips about running your first 5k...thought it has some good info

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Funny was just looking at www.irongirl.com...they have all sorts of 5 & 10k events all over the US and there is one in Seattle in September that would be fun to do. They are geared towards femals from 9years old to 80+, all shapes and sizes. I emailed the link to my BFF to see what she thought about it. It wold give me something to work towards this summer...training to run a 5k starting in June. And give me some time to really work on losing weight and conditioning before June.

    I watched Biggest Loser with my MIL last night and we decided that we would be kicked off the show if we ever got on it because we both cuss too much, lol. At any rate, it was pretty dern inspiring watching them slug out 26.2 miles on their bikes last night. About an hour and a half of work. I have half a notion tonight of doing an hour on the elliptical and seeing how far that is...I know its about 6000 strides. I forget to check to see what the mileage is.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439

    Nothing much new to report here. I just wanted to check in briefly. Today's been much more hectic than planned at work and tomorrow I feel will be worse, so I don't know how much I'll be able to check in prior to weigh-ins Friday morning (though I'll definitely start a new thread that night. New challenge too! Shrinking into Summer is still the name, right?) Eating has gone well the past few days. The scale is still teasing me in the morning- teetering right above the 200 mark. I'm hoping for it to dip below by Friday. Plan to eat very well the rest of today and tomorrow to help facilitate that. I've been stepping up the workouts this week in anticipation of our challenge ending weigh-in, especially as I probably won't be able to last chance workout it tomorrow cause I'm working late. I need to be a little more low impact today after three straight days of either running or ellipticaling. Plan is to hit the rec center today and do some biking or possibly a bit of rowing. We'll see! Some form of movement planned!

    Good luck everyone!

    We'll miss you!!

    Lacey--so inspiring that you are going to do a marathon!! What a rock star.

    I watched part of BL last night, and I wouldn't make it either. I think i would cuss at the other people too.
    Still, i completely agree that them cycling so much was inspiring. I kept thinking about that as i was doing my treadmill run this morning. What if it was for 10K???
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Well gang, I did it. I jogged 4 miles in 55 min!!! Plus walking another 1/2 mile for the warm up and cool down. The "imapmyrun" app really helped to find the turn around point on the last mile. My legs can feel - it's gonna be a hot tub night to soak them. Well I gotta run to do some paperwork since I wont be home this weekend.

    Good luck on getting in the last chance workouts!!!!