How did you set your weight target ???



  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I don't put much stock in weight range charts because they are outdated and do not really reflect an athletic build favorably. For example, I am just under 5'8" and most weight charts have a range between 121 lbs to 162 lbs to not be considered "obese." Honestly, my goal is 185 lbs at 7% body fat. Thus, I'm completely ignoring the weight/BMI charts because of their silliness.

    yup. I'm 5 foot 8 or 9 (175 cm tall) and they give me an 'appropriate weight' range of the weight i was when i was a teen living in Japan and far too thin. Looked like lollipop barbie girl. HATE.
    I just add on ten kg to the highest number - boobs, muscle, and some butt to balance out the boobs. That's MY ideal weight - and my goals just under that.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I checked what the average for my age and height was as an idea but then I decided that I wanted to lose 5stone as people kept saying I didn't need to lose that much yadayada but now 5months down the line and 5stone lighter people realise that I was in fact correct. I'd say I set the right target :)
  • SarahJayRigdon
    SarahJayRigdon Posts: 113 Member
    My goal weight of 185lbs still puts me in the overweight range according to "the charts". I am 5'11" my hands are as large or larger than most men. My sholders and hips are broad, and I have always been strong. I'm far from dainty, but I've always worn the weight well. I've always felt that a weight of 155lbs would not only make me look and feel strange and dis-propotinate, but I feel that it would be an unrealistic goal for myself. I don't think I could reach it in any healthy way and I would hate to set myself up for failure or worse; risk setting my self up for somesort of eating disorder to reach such a low weight. I use my goal weight as a guide, and I look to smaller signals along the way such as the way my clothes fit or the way I feel after a day of cleen eating or an excelent workout.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I chose a weight I recall being comfortable in. Eventually, 1 kilo over that goal, I decided I didn't want to lost anymore, worried I'd look too skinny if I did (that happens when you do strength training and you're heavier than you look), so I decided to stop losing.

    I think the best option is set a goal within the healthy BMI range, but not be fanatical about it. You might feel like you don't want to lose anymore even if you're 10 lbs over the goal, or maybe you'd reach your goal but feel like you can lose a little more... It's not carved in stone.
  • lynchyboyeeeee
    When you see your ideal weight for height ratio it can look a bit extreme, especially if you are used to being a certain weight. For my height it says I should be between 142 and 176 lbs. Well I got down to 168 and still felt I could go further but when I started out at 210 lbs I thought it was impossible and would look strange. It wasn't and didn't. I would say just check your ideal weight range and get in there where you feel comfortable. I try to eat well and train hard and if there is weight to lose then it will come off I guess :D