Breakfast or no breakfast ?



  • medtrans79
    If I don't eat breakfast I end up starving at lunch and overeating. My favorite things to eat are two nutrigrain wheat waffles with peanut butter and an apple OR a protein bar and a cup of yogurt. This keeps me full until lunch and even then I'm not starving. I personally tend to feel hungrier if I eat eggs in the morning, go figure. Hope this helps and good luck.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    The reason eating breakfast makes you hungrier is that it gets your metabolism moving in the morning. That being said, it's still better to have it - if you are hitting your calorie goals then it's better to spread the food out so that half of your calorie intake for the day doesn't hit you like a rock with your metabolism crawling along at below normal.

    Anything high in protein and fiber can help you be fuller for longer, but I generally like a snack at 10:30 anyway.

    I usually eat cereal with 1% milk, or a vitamuffin with a yogurt, or a spinach/onion omelet.

    Keep a low calorie snack with you to have before lunch for when you do get hungry. I feel like I'm constantly eating since starting this diet. From bigger breakfasts to morning and afternoon snacks.... But I've lost about 30 pounds since starting, so I guess it's okay!

    Someone mentioned SlimFast and it not being the optimal thing to do. And, no, I'm sure it's not and plenty of people will argue all the healthier options if time wasn't an issue. But something is better than nothing, and if that's all you have time for, knock one back! My husband and I also have Zone Fitness Bars for those days we just don't have time.
  • lulu64uk
    lulu64uk Posts: 62
    Thank you everyone, some brilliant answers and advise, Glad to hear hear it happens to others aswell. I will start thinking about what I eat and at what time in the morrning, and maybe take on board the healthy snacking approach throughout the day ! Trail and error I suppose :O)

    thank you all
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Eat! Period. Don't starve yourself! I usually have a small snack before hitting the gym (5:00 AM), then have breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, etc... Easting about every two hours so I'm not starved by the end of the day. Also, eat back most of your exercise calories! Enjoy food; don't let it control you.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Breakfast! :flowerforyou:
    (I know it's what everyone said, but I like the answers and wanted to bookmark it :smile:)
  • vjh431
    vjh431 Posts: 38
    To me a lot of grains are taxing early in the morning so I save that for lunch. I prefer having a large salad with diced fruit and veggies and a yogurt to compliment. Sometimes I steam veggies and prepare some broiled chicken and that to me feels more fulfilling than sausage & eggs or cereal in the morning. Bread is a major no-no in the morning since it makes me feel lethargic so I supplant that with strawberries or orange slices.
  • supercool111
    Yeah I know what you mean. If I eat breakfast I pretty much end up eating all day whereas if I dont I don't over-do it. The reason people say that you should eat breakfast to lose weight is because most people binge later on if they skip breakfast or else they eat really high fat/sugar foods that day but not everyone is like that. Its a very individual thing. Don't eat breakfast if you dont want to.
  • kelkie11
    kelkie11 Posts: 18
    Oh Ya - When I eat breakfast, I am starved alllllll day...but that is what they say gets your metabolism moving. When you don't eat till later in the day your metabolism is at a stand still and that is not good. That is why they say to have 6 meals a day (small