Buddy survey



  • qqemokitty
    qqemokitty Posts: 4 Member
    Fun :3

    Age: 29
    Gender: Female
    Married? Nope
    Kids? Nope!
    Goal weight: 180
    Current weight: 303
    Height: 5'9"
    Favorite exercise: Yoga
    Least favorite exercise: Running
    Calorie goal: 1770 (I never meet this)
    Special dietary needs: Gluten Free / Primal
    How often do you work out? Once or twice a week
    Current program you're using: Beginner's Tai Chi
    Best workout song: Nature sounds :P I like all music, I just don't use any in my current exercise interests.
    Worst workout song: See above
    In the gym or at home: Neither. Both!
    Outdoors or indoors: Outdoors
    State you live in: California
    Fastest mile: ...?! No. :P
    Heaviest lift: Unsure.
    Favorite healthy food: Steak and veggies!
    Favorite naughty food: Ice Cream or BBQ Kettle Chips
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    Age: Old and Young enough
    Gender: She-wolf
    Married? to Jesus.
    Kids? Two, a parakeet and a turtle.
    Goal weight: Hot
    Current weight: Almost hot.
    Height: Dwarf
    Favorite exercise: Twerking
    Least favorite exercise: Jerking
    Pets? See "Kids" above.
    Calorie goal: should be less but wants to be higher.
    Special dietary needs: Sriracha deprivation leads to fainting.
    How often do you work out? As often as I work the corner, which, explains my success.
    Current program you're using: Country Abs with Tim McGraw
    Best workout song: Do I look like a slut? -Avenue D
    Worst workout song: Fiona Apple's entire discography.
    In the gym or at home: Underworld.
    Outdoors or indoors: Indoors...in the Underworld.
    State you live in: The one with the city that's named after an obnoxious proverbial red fruit.
    Fastest mile: 8 mile.
    Heaviest lift: My grandma.
    Favorite healthy food: Cheeseburger without the ketchup.
    Favorite naughty food: Perv!
  • Kit_Kat76
    Kit_Kat76 Posts: 24 Member
  • bonsaiblossom
    bonsaiblossom Posts: 133 Member
    wooo lawwd ,.. is it supposed to fun reading everyone's life story?? lmao!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Age: 42
    Gender: Female
    Married? not anymore
    Kids? 2 kids son 13 daughter 7
    Goal weight: 130
    Current weight: 236 at the moment but hopefully lighter tomorrow :bigsmile:
    Height: 5'6
    Favorite exercise: walking
    Least favorite exercise: running
    Pets? yes I have a german shepherd , 2 cats and a parrot
    Calorie goal: 1860
    Special dietary needs: no
    How often do you work out? lately not much but working on that I would like to workout 5-6 times a week
    Current program you're using: counting calories
    Best workout song: dont have any
    Worst workout song: dont have any
    In the gym or at home: at home
    Outdoors or indoors: indoors but will be doing outdoors when its summer since I have a pool :bigsmile:
    State you live in: California
    Fastest mile: 0
    Heaviest lift: 0
    Favorite healthy food: quinoa/brown rice
    Favorite naughty food Doritos
  • juanyjoanna
    juanyjoanna Posts: 36 Member
    Age: 28
    Gender: Female
    Married? Happily :) for almost 4 years!!
    Kids? 1 son 1yr and a half...
    Goal weight: 165
    Current weight: 275
    Height: 5'7"
    Favorite exercise: Bike Riding.. I love it! ... I just need a bike lol
    Least favorite exercise: Runnung... for now but 'twill be my new found love once i can do it withought dying lol
    Pets? Nope...
    Calorie goal: 1000 (impossible) well no not really but it stinks lol
    Special dietary needs: no sugar, low carb
    How often do you work out? not often enough... YET!
    Current program you're using: Lap Band system... i'm 20 days post-op :)
    Best workout song: I dunno
    Worst workout song: I dunno again lol
    In the gym or at home: At home for sure.... no need to have anyone see my cookies jiggle lol
    Outdoors or indoors: Either
    State you live in: CA
    Fastest mile: HAH! lol (Uhem! sorry!) no idea...
    Heaviest lift: I dunno...
    Favorite healthy food: Fish
    Favorite naughty food: PASTA! PASSTA! PASSSTA!!!!
  • hannahpark3r
    hannahpark3r Posts: 50 Member
    Age: 18.
    Gender: female.
    Married? no.
    Kids? no.
    Goal weight: 120?
    Current weight: 204.
    Height: 5'4.
    Favorite exercise: squats.
    Least favorite exercise: running.
    Pets? I have two cats back home.
    Calorie goal: 1200.
    Special dietary needs: I'm a pescatarian?
    How often do you work out? a bit every day.
    Current program you're using: I'm not.
    Best workout song: All I Do is Win. haha.
    Worst workout song: anything slow/depressing.
    In the gym or at home: home. I use the gym occasionally.
    Outdoors or indoors: indoors.
    State you live in: Tennessee.
    Fastest mile: I can't run, but I can walk a mile in about 10 minutes.
    Heaviest lift: ~50? I don't really know.
    Favorite healthy food: salad.
    Favorite naughty food: cookie dough.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Age: 54
    Gender: F
    Married? Yup
    Kids? 3 and 3 grand babies
    Goal weight: 125
    Current weight: 128
    Height: 5' 5"
    Favorite exercise: Hiking
    Least favorite exercise: Running
    Pets? Yes - adorable Springer Spaniel
    Calorie goal: 1200 net
    Special dietary needs: vegan
    How often do you work out? try to every day
    Current program you're using: Variety - The Firm, Pilates, Yoga
    Best workout song: Don't have one
    Worst workout song: Anything rap
    In the gym or at home: Home
    Outdoors or indoors: Both
    State you live in: South Dakota
    Fastest mile: I once did 120 mph in a Mazda on the Autobahn in Germany (I don't run)
    Heaviest lift: My friend's 40-pound toddler
    Favorite healthy food: quinoa
    Favorite naughty food: PIZZA
  • oudixon
    oudixon Posts: 389 Member
    Age: 31
    Gender: Male
    Married? No
    Kids? 75 for 8hours a day- I am a teacher. :) Otherwise, none.
    Goal weight: 200- To begin with
    Current weight: 342.2
    Height: 6'1
    Favorite exercise: Watching others workout- I would say Elliptical right now
    Least favorite exercise: All of them
    Pets? None
    Calorie goal: 1500-1800 a day
    Special dietary needs: nope
    How often do you work out? once a day
    Current program you're using: My own? Cutting calories and trying to build cardio before weights later this year.
    Best workout song: I listen to anything.
    Worst workout song: Classical
    In the gym or at home: Home
    Outdoors or indoors: Indoors for now
    State you live in: SC
    Fastest mile: Haven't ran one yet since I started
    Heaviest lift: Was benching 250 10 years ago when I lifted.
    Favorite healthy food: Chicken or Fish
    Favorite naughty food: Pizza- but haven't had any in 3 weeks.
  • Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Married? Engaged
    Kids? No
    Goal weight: 180 lbs
    Current weight: 217 lbs now; started at 230 lbs
    Height: 5'5
    Favorite exercise: ZUMBA and Body Works Abs at LA Fitness
    Least favorite exercise: StairMaster
    Pets? White Maltese, Winter
    Calorie goal: MFP Goals
    Special dietary needs: No
    How often do you work out? I try for 5-7 days a week
    Current program you're using: Special K
    Best workout song: My Workout Playlist
    Worst workout song: Any song that doesn't have lyrics that I can relate to wanting to change my life or push myself to exercise harder
    In the gym or at home: Both
    Outdoors or indoors: Both
    State you live in: Illinois
    Fastest mile: N/A
    Heaviest lift: N/A
    Favorite healthy food: Fruit
    Favorite naughty food: Pasta and cookies (monthly)
  • jgoodknight
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Married? Yes
    Kids? Nope
    Goal weight: 165
    Current weight: 187
    Height: 5' 9"
    Favorite exercise: Jogging
    Least favorite exercise: None in particular
    Pets? One cat, Mazie.
    Calorie goal: 1250 a day
    Special dietary needs: None
    How often do you work out? Whenever I get the chance.
    Current program you're using: None
    Best workout song: Depends on the workout.
    Worst workout song: Love Story - Taylor Swift
    In the gym or at home: Home
    Outdoors or indoors: Outdoors
    State you live in: Florida
    Fastest mile: 8 minutes
    Heaviest lift: Don't lift much anymore, I can't remember.
    Favorite healthy food: My Buffalo Chicken Wrap
    Favorite naughty food: Taco Bell
  • Fabulous247Juany
    Here's a quick and fun way to meet like minded fitness buddies! Fill out the survey, then come back later and add the peopke with similar goals!

    Age: 27
    Gender: female
    Married? yes
    Goal weight: 135
    Current weight: 269
    Favorite exercise: squats
    Least favorite exercise: burpees
    Calorie goal: 1420
    Special dietary needs:
    How often do you work out? 7 days a week
    Current program you're using:
    Best workout song: sexy bi*ch
    Worst workout song: na
    In the gym or at home: gym
    Outdoors or indoors: both
    State you live in: tx
    Fastest mile:15
    Heaviest lift:
    Favorite healthy food: raspberries
    Favorite naughty food: chocolate
  • gemkat13
    gemkat13 Posts: 60
    Age: 37
    Gender: female
    Married: yes
    Kids: 4
    Goal weight: 145
    Current weight: 184
    Height: 5'6
    Favorite exercise: Aerobic type dancing in my living room with blinds shut so nobody can laugh at me
    Or call 911 because they think I'm going into convulsions.
    Least favorite: Spinning
    Pets: 4 naughty cats: Killer, Rigby, Stelli and Taco
    Calorie goal: measly 1200
    Dietary needs: none
    How often do you work out? When I can
    Current program using: calorie counting and portion control
    Best workout song: Flatline by Fireball Ministry / July by Katatonia
    Worst workout song: anything country
    In gym or home: at gym at my company
    Outdoors or indoors: indoors
    State you live in: Michigan
    Fastest mile: 11 min
    Heaviest lift: my cat Killer
    My favorite healthy food: grilled kabobs w/ chicken, pineapple, mushrooms
    Favorite naughty food: chips and cheese deluxe with guacamole and sour cream
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    I wanna play too! :)
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Married? No, engaged
    Kids? Yes
    Goal weight: Short term140, long term 120
    Current weight:162
    Height: 5'1
    Favorite exercise: Cardio/back and chest
    Least favorite exercise: squats
    Pets? Yes, 2 dogs
    Calorie goal: 1200
    Special dietary needs: None
    How often do you work out? 5 days a week
    Current program you're using: ?
    Best workout song: Deadmau5's "Strobe"
    Worst workout song: Anything from The Beatles
    In the gym or at home: Gym
    Outdoors or indoors: Both
    State you live in: Az bleh
    Fastest mile: 5 mi. in 20
    Heaviest lift: 190
    Favorite healthy food: Onions and peppers
    Favorite naughty food: Chimichanga
  • Supastarrnikki
    Goal weight:125
    Current weight:150
    Favorite exercise:running
    Least favorite exercise:hmm, not sure.
    Calorie goal? eat less than I burn :)
    Special dietary needs: nonnne
    How often do you work out? everyday since ive started going to the gym again
    Current program you're using: I need a program..
    Best workout song: sexy and i know it, lol.
    Worst workout song: i dunno anythign depressing
    In the gym or at home: gymm
    Outdoors or indoors:both
    State you live in:washington
    Fastest mile: just under 7 back in highschool lol. 8.5 a few days ago
    Heaviest lift: not really into lifting i dont want to be bulky...
    Favorite healthy food: almost any fruit! yum!
    Favorite naughty food: ughh, mountain dew? Starbucks? Candy? i can go on and on..
  • boomerz12
    boomerz12 Posts: 140
    Gender: Female
    Married? No
    Kids? 1
    Goal weight:120
    Current weight: 166
    Height: 5'1
    Favorite exercise: Weight training
    Least favorite exercise: Cardio -.-
    Pets?2 bassets, 1 mixed, 1 cat
    Calorie goal: 1240
    Special dietary needs: None
    How often do you work out? 6 days a week
    Current program you're using: 30ds,
    Best workout song: I listen to My world by sick puppies a lot while working out. Song pisses me off cause I can relate to it so I bust my *kitten* working out.
    Worst workout song: Country.
    In the gym or at home: Home
    Outdoors or indoors: Both
    State you live in: GA
    Fastest mile:10 mins
    Heaviest lift: 30 give or take
    Favorite healthy food: Anything fruit.
    Favorite naughty food: Taco Bell is my weakness.
  • TwinkiesNKetchup
    Here's a quick and fun way to meet like minded fitness buddies! Fill out the survey, then come back later and add the peopke with similar goals!

    Age: 48
    Gender: Female
    Married? Divorced but I have a steady Eddie :)
    Kids? 3
    Goal weight: 145
    Current weight: 159
    Height: 6'
    Favorite exercise: walking (4mph)
    Least favorite exercise: planks
    Pets? My son has a beagle
    Calorie goal: I eat when I'm hungry
    Special dietary needs: diabetic / low carb
    How often do you work out? 6 days a week
    Current program you're using: Everything they put on pintrest
    Best workout song: God's not dead
    Worst workout song: idk I stopped listening to a few albums I purchased!!
    In the gym or at home: at home/outdoors
    Outdoors or indoors: Outdoors if at all possible!
    State you live in: Oregon although I'm in California right now
    Fastest mile: 7.10 (this was 15 years ago!)
    Heaviest lift: 285 (granted this was 25 years ago!)
    Favorite healthy food: prime rib :P
    Favorite naughty food: potato chips/french fries

  • Kimistry_
    Kimistry_ Posts: 91
    Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Married? Yes!
    Kids? Two
    Goal weight: 120
    Current weight: 175
    Height: 5'4"
    Favorite exercise: Dancing
    Least favorite exercise: Wall Sits!!
    Pets? 2 cats and 2 dogs!
    Calorie goal: 1000 (special case)
    Special dietary needs: Need extra protein and iron
    How often do you work out? 3x week
    Current program you're using: c25k, 30ds
    Best workout song: Avenged Sevenfold -Carry On
    Worst workout song: Anything Country
    In the gym or at home: I prefer gym, but I have no time. Just have to do home now!
    Outdoors or indoors: Out!
    State you live in: Idaho
    Fastest mile: 6:10
    Heaviest lift: 130
    Favorite healthy food: Cottage cheese and pineapple!
    Favorite naughty food: Little Debbie makes these little snacks called "Fancy Cakes." They are devils wrapped in cellophane and darn delicious!
  • Fat2fitgirl18
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Married? Nope
    Kids? Nope
    Goal weight: 97
    Current weight: 125
    Height: 4'9
    Favorite exercise: Strength training and walking.
    Least favorite exercise: Anything slow. I like workouts that make you sweat.
    Pets? Two dogs and six chickens.
    Calorie goal: 1200
    Special dietary needs: I have to be mindful of dairy:(
    How often do you work out? Everyday!!!
    Current program you're using: Coach Calories lose 10 pounds in a month. Best website:)
    Best workout song: Oh gosh, so many, Payphone by Maroon 5 and Stay by Rihanna
    Worst workout song: Anything jazzy.
    In the gym or at home: At hoe
    Outdoors or indoors: Both.
    State you live in: Oregon
    Fastest mile: 10.
    Heaviest lift: 35 pounds.
    Favorite healthy food: Salad and cucumbers:)
    Favorite naughty food: Apple pie with vanilla ice cream.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Age: 46
    Gender: Male
    Married? Divorced
    Kids? 2
    Goal weight: 230
    Current weight: 240
    Height: 6'3"
    Favorite exercise: Power lifting and Crossfit
    Least favorite exercise: Burpees
    Pets? Dog and cat
    Calorie goal: 1200 min.
    Special dietary needs: I have to be mindful of dairy:(
    How often do you work out? 6 days a week
    Current program you're using: 3 days of power lifting and 3 days of Crossfit
    Best workout song: Droppin Plates
    Worst workout song: Gym music
    In the gym or at home: Gym
    Outdoors or indoors: Both.
    State you live in: Jawga
    Fastest mile: 7 min.
    Heaviest lift: Deadlift
    Favorite healthy food: Steak
    Favorite naughty food: Baklava