Buddy survey



  • cinthyathreeohfive
    Age: 22
    Gender: female
    Married? nope
    Kids? 1
    Goal weight: 125
    Current weight: 166
    Height: 5'2
    Favorite exercise: treadmill!
    Least favorite exercise: sit ups
    Pets? nooo
    Calorie goal: 1200 per day
    Special dietary needs: i really want bread, but trying hard to stay away
    How often do you work out? still establishing that
    Current program you're using: still figuring that out, might try Zumba out
    Best workout song: really weird but any reggaeton song or classic rock song
    Worst workout song: "sexy and i know it"
    In the gym or at home: dont know yet
    Outdoors or indoors: both
    State you live in: Virginia
    Fastest mile: pssh
    Heaviest lift: dunno
    Favorite healthy food: carrots
    Favorite naughty food: gyros