Some people just don't get it....



  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    This is why I go home for lunch (also, because I can). I don't want people with bad eating habits trying to school me on what I'm doing right or wrong.
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I put a sign outside my cubicle wall which reads: Barkie the bear is on mission to try to lose weight; some of her choices are good one some of them are not so good, but they are my choices. If you would like to encourage me, and give me helpful hits please leave me a note. But most of all Please don’t feed the bear she bits. I'm tired of people knowing I'm trying to lose weight and then giving me crap which I don't need but still eat. Co-workers are so much fun to deal with. Most of them now get the hint and stop giving me food and telling me how to lose weight. Hang a sign and if she wants you to fix her a meal tell your Not UPS and you don't deliver. Otherwise charge her, hope this helps

    Want to split my bread pudding? if we split it, then it will be 1/2 the calories. =)
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    When I changed my eating habits years ago, my colleagues were extremely curious about my food. How I made it work, what I was eating, etc. When I lost weight, I got loads of compliments. Then they started to change the way they were eating. For celebrations, when we otherwise would have had cake, there were healthy sandwiches, warm food or salads, fruit and very clean snacks. Before I left most of them had changed their eating habit and lost what flab had settled in... that is except for a couple who were known to drink far too much. But those didn't exactly care about food.

    The point is - sometimes people may express themselves clumsily, but they ask because they are curious. And if they are curious, they want to learn, perhaps to use it to change their own lives. I don't think my losing weight changed it all, but I do know several of them were inspired by how I was eating, whole several others got ideas for how to bring their own food in to work, to make it healthier and better.
  • AnnaMarieDinVa
    AnnaMarieDinVa Posts: 162 Member
    I generally ignore them...with the pushy ones, I tell them that my excellent doctor told me to do it (which is also true.) That usually shuts them up...a few will say that they think I need a better doctor...those people, I have to ignore (either that or say something unprofessional, which I won't do)...last time someone said that to me, it was a morbidly obese woman who is constantly complaining about her medical problems...and walks with a limp...hmmmm...I don't think *I* am the one who needs a better doctor...assuming she is following her doctor's advice...
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    I have to admit, it looks like I'm always eating haha but it's because I am and it's all healthy. Once in awhile I have a coke and people comment on it like "Aren't you watching your weight"

    I am changing my lifestyle but I still enjoy a coke every now and then and its always in my food diary!! It's all accounted for!
  • HardRockCamaro
    Wow, you are all *so* polite, now I feel bad!

    If someone morbidly obese tucking into a coke and fast food was giving me a hard time I'd be:

    "Seriously? YOU are giving me healthy eating advice?! Like REALLY?!?!"

    I'm quite lucky I think, a lot of ppl at work are careful about what they eat and go to the gym every other day or whatever, so really I'm just catching up. I've not had anyone be anything but supportive... (which is good as I don't need to open a can of verbal whoop-*kitten*, lol!)
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Why do you find it necessary to be nice to jerks? If someone came up and commented negatively on what I was eating, and then asked what I ate for breakfast, they'd get a "I'm busy go away" the first time. Degrading insults would follow if they didn't stop. Some people are so clueless because others ALLOW them to be that way. I would take it upon myself to provide your coworker with the clue she so clearly needs.
  • Queen_Adrock
    Queen_Adrock Posts: 130 Member
    Bleh. I know what you mean. I have one friend who told me never to eat cheese. She said "it's HORRIBLE for you!" Really? I lost 33 pounds eating cheese damn near every day! Healthy fats are a good thing. The most frustrating part is that she's convinced herself that weight loss "isn't for her" because she's followed those stupid rules of only eating certain foods (which is based on misinformation) and didn't lose. :-/
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    I think it puts people in an awkward situation. Let me explain...

    Let's operate under the assumption that "diets" fail. Meaning, going along with a restrictive "diet", will allow one to lose weight as long as they restrict what they eat. However, once they stop and resume their old lifestyle, they gain it back.

    My co-worker lost 25-30 lbs by juicing. I feel that he was successful in losing the weight because, due to juicing 2 meals/day, he ate a lot of filling vegetables and therefore lost weight. However, once he stopped doing that, he returned to his old habits and started to gain weight.

    I lost 34 lbs by cutting down on my portion sizes, threw away the junk food, and exercised. Now that I'm at (or near) my goal weight, if I feel like having a "treat" once a week, I know it wont ruin my nutrition plan. I am confident that I have changed my unhealthy lifestyle to a healthier one and therefore I'm lighter and healthier because of it.

    Most everyone at our company knows he and I have been losing weight. Now, pretend you are a co-worker and you see us eating a slice of pizza or cake in the breakroom. What do you say to us? In my case, I'm having a rare once a week treat that wont ruin my nutrition plan. My coworker, is back to his old ways and is regaining all of the weight he just lost. If you say "Looks like you two are off of your 'diets' ", you will get two different reactions. My coworker, knowing that he is returning to his old ways may feel bad for doing so and this may be a reminder to change his nutrition plan. However, I will state that I'm allowing myself to have a rare treat and it wont ruin my nutrition plan.

    My point is, friends, family, and co-workers deep down inside mean well (except for insecure partners who feel that your weight loss is a sign that you are leaving them). They want to encourage you towards your goals. Unfortunately, at least half of the time, their comments are taken the wrong way. I would look at it as a positive in that they are looking at me as a role model for living a healthier lifestyle and when they see me eating something "unhealthy", it confuses them. They must be thinking "He eats cake/pizza and he still loses weight? That makes no sense to me!" My co-worker might be thinking "Ha, you caught me, I know I shouldn't be doing this."

    On a side note, it can be humorous when people tell you something they believe to be a fact even though it is wrong. As a statistician, I cant count the number of times I've been told in the casino about "The law of averages" meaning that in the long run things "even out". If your co-worker believes that the only way she can lose weight is to eat 1 meal a day and starve the rest of it, no amount of convincing on your part will change her mind. After her plan fails, be open to her when she asks you what your secret to losing weight is. I'm guessing her "starve yourself most of the day" plan will fail in about 3 months and she'll be asking you how you lost the weight.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I eat more then most people I work with, snacking every 2 hours is the usual.
    To leave the house: Tea with milk
    10am: 2scoops protein shake with instant coffee-don't knock it!
    12- Cesar salad with Chicken
    2pm: canned soup

    Tell her then:
    How in gods name am I smaller then you ^&*%*!!!
    Because obvs what you are doing ain't working well for you.
    Oh and don't you ever eye up my lunch again B^&%H!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I honestly don't know why people care so much what other people eat... It's their decision to eat what they want and in the end it will all reflect on their own scales and health down the road. Sorry she is getting in your business.

    Unless it is a close friend or family member that you know has health problems brought on my unhealthy food choices, such as diabetes or heart disease...

    Then what business is it of mine whether someone wants to eat nothing but double cheeseburgers and fries, or wheat grass every day for lunch.
  • PaulFromEssex
    Mate: I wished I could eat as much as you and stay skinny. I only have to look at a cake and I put on pounds ...
    Me: I eat often but its healthy. Plus I exercise regularly.
    Mate: What exercise do you do?
    Me: Lift weights 3 times a week and aerobics 2 times a week, plus walk 20 minutes to and from work each day.
    Mate: You wouldn't catch me doing all that pumping iron and grunting and straining! I think it looks ugly with all those abnormal muscles .... looking like a gorilla ha ha
    Me: It would take me many years of hard work to get that muscular, besides, footballers and sports stars work out regular with weights.
    Mate (while rubbing his bulbous belly): Well I'd rather enjoy my life rather than spend all my time in a gym.
    Me: Well, I'd rather be healthy and live longer ...
    Mate: Mmmm ...
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I normally just laugh at that type of ignorance. The person normally doesn't realize I'm laughing at them but that's ok.
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    jealousy because she doesnt have the willpower you do? its a possibility
  • sandyeggogrrrl
    I guess I'm really lucky...or maybe it's because I work in healthcare...but whenever I eat my lunch in the breakroom, all I get is praise for how healthfully I eat: "Doc, you always have the healthiest lunches! Good for you!" I find that little bit of validation really helps me stick with it. Too bad everyone can't be like that!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    I let them talk but mostly ignore.

    Loved that movie, what a great addition to this thread, lol.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    I hear ya. Had someone tell me today that if I want to lose more weight "you don't need to eat ice cream" (I was having ice cream craving yesterday that I didn't actually give into) Since I very rarely eat ice cream I thought it an odd comment (I might eat ice cream 2-4x/year, maybe)
  • kla0325
    My problem is just the opposite..... My co-worker is doing this insane 12 week program and losing inches and pounds and looking great. Ugh and I cannot loose an inch. I had to join a different gym just to get away from her. Love her, but it hurts to see her accomplishing he goal (and already looked great) and then theres me :(