Your Goal Weight (especially for those with a lot to lose)



  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Goal weights can always be adjusted. Say you set your goal weight for 160 but when you got to 200 you were happy with your weight. You could always start maintaining. Or the other way around, if you set your goal for 200 but then decided you want to lose a bit more, you can keep going.

    I don't really have a goal in mind, I'm just losing until I'm ready to start bulking.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I have no idea what my goal weight (final number) will be. I figure it will be within 20 lbs of 200 lbs either way so I just set 200 as my goal. If I feel good at 215, I can stop there, if I have to go down to 180, I will.
  • blueyezfem
    blueyezfem Posts: 35 Member
    5ft 3" started at 272 would like to get to 150 :smile:
  • Fat2FitQueen
    Fat2FitQueen Posts: 79 Member
    i send u a friend request i think we should def. be friends I'm 5'5 and started MFP on jan. 02, 2013 at 280lbs. my personal goal is set for 200-190lbs. even though I know i'm suppose 2 weigh about 140-150lbs. but I think 4 me thats 2 thin I dont wanna look sick or something everyones so used 2 seeing me fat lol but I will be super happy at 200lbs...lets do this 2gether girl...I know we can reach 4 the stars with Gods help...tty soon ....annette...p.s. im only down 8lbs. so far but im gonna do this my way :happy:
  • cmfruin2012
    cmfruin2012 Posts: 157 Member
    A great point several people have made, and which I hadn't really thought about, is what is really attainable given your present age. Something to think about....
  • junebaby21
    junebaby21 Posts: 260 Member
    I started at 198 and now bounce between 171 & 173. My ticker shows a goal, but I am really on this site to learn how to live better long term. Sure, I'd like to see another -20 lbs drop off, but I won't beat myself up as long as I am active and healthy.

    Proud of everyone for committing to their health!! Keep up the good work. Add me if you need a friend or some support.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    I chose my weight because I have lost weight before. The first time I lost weight I was 260lbs at highest and had chosen 180lbs as a goal because I didn't feel I wanted to be "thin" just smaller than I was. I got to 180 and was not happy, chose 150. I got to 150 and still wasn't happy, chose 125-130. I never got that far before I ended up regaining the weight.

    So knowing that I am not happy at 150lbs (within normal range for my 5'6.5" height), and knowing my sister is pretty much exactly my height, 130ish and still has a small belly, I'm going for about 125lbs, or 130lbs with more muscle than my sister! haha.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I set my goal at 100 pounds. That will bring me to what I weighed when I first meet my husband 10 years. After that I will re-evaluate, but ideally I want to get down to 175.
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    (snip) Doesn't mean I'll stop there -- but right now it seems attainable -- and I don't want to overwhelm myself with some unrealistic goal when I have such a long way to go.


    That's a good plan. I know my ticker looks like I started at about 180, but that's when I started MFP. I actually started at about 220 and my first goal is to get under 150. I'm only 5'5" and according to BMI charts (which I know don't fit everyone, but I think in my case it would) the healthy range is 110 - 150. I think I would look like a skeleton at 110, but I was about 135 when I started college and I was slim, but healthy. So, my first goal is to just get into the healthy range and see where I want to go from there.

    So I think it's a good plan to pick something that seems reachable and see how you feel when you get there. You may be happy with yourself, but you may not be. It's hard to know how we will feel, and look, until it happens.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    I chose my goal weight by how I feel and look at that goal weight.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I chose my goal of 140 because it is a weight I previously looked good and balanced at. I'm 5 ft 4 and I am very full busted. Smaller than 140 I looked very unbalanced with no hips and huge bust.
  • ThePersnicketyOtter
    ThePersnicketyOtter Posts: 147 Member
    When I weighed 255, my goal was to hit 250. From there, 245, and then 240...and I'll continue that until I like the way I look, and am a healthy weight for myself. I don't really have any set goal, although I think my profile goal says either 120 or 150. I just put in a number that sounded like it was something a 5'8 18-year-old would look good at and figured, I'll modify as needed.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I think that's a good way of going about it! I decided on 158 originally because it was the top of the healthy range for my height (5'7") according to BMI and it was exactly 100 pounds for me to lose per 1st weigh in with Weight Watchers. I went down one more pound to put me more inside that range when I started here on MFP. I figure once I get there, I may work on getting closer to 150 to give myself some wiggle room but we'll see.
  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    I am 5`9 and my goal weight currently is to get to 229 (pre-prego weight) and then probably 200 and ultimately 165-175 range (i don't remember EVER being that low, ever). I started my journey in August 2009 at 343lbs. I currently am at 245-250 range. I work my tail off these days just trying to get back to were I was in Dec 2010. I will do it though, just takes time, determination, and patience.
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    I am 5'11 and currently 251.2 lbs! I started MFP at 290. My Ultimate Goal Weight is 175. This is on the high end of my healthy weight range which is 136-178, but I chose 175, cause I did think it was more obtainable and I have been heavy my whole life and could not think of being smaller than that. To tell you the truth I will just be happy to get in onederland, then I will reassess to see if I will lose the other 15. I have a feeling one I lose the 91 lbs to obtain onederland I will keep going if I have gone that far!
  • OMGitsaLisa
    I started off at 285 last summer which was by far the most I had ever weighed. The lowest I've ever been in my adult life was 200 so I set my goal for that. I have no idea how it feels to be thin and able to wear a swimsuit in public since I've been fat my whole life so I'm not even worrying about that now because the thought is overwhelming. I know I can do 200 because I've been there before.

    I don't really intend to stop at 200, but I'll reevaluate my goals when I get there. I have a really long time to think about it between now and then. Hehe.
  • saraduross
    Im 5'10 and 205 - Im supposed to be between 140 to 160 but I wasnt happy when I was at that weight - too skinny and I was happy with 175 so that's my goal to lose! It's all about being happy with what weight instead of being skinny and depressed. Good luck with your journey!
  • rogueriverbrat
    rogueriverbrat Posts: 115 Member
    I am 5'2 I wiegh 194 ,I would like to get down to 112 to 120 or a size 7/8 ,I say that because when I was working my weight was 150 and I was in a 7/8 I guess cause I had alot of muscle then rather than fat. Now that I am not working and alot older 59 it is harder to get rid of the fat and to get the muscle, I just want to be a 7/8
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    My goal weight had always been 150... but not sure that that is a realistic goal for my body... Will re-evaluate after I get to 175
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    5'3" small framed

    Originally 185 now down to 132 .. 132 was my original goal weight. For my new goal weight I chose 110 because it's the lowest I'd go, not really a true goal, I'm focusing on fitness and fat loss mostly..