caveman paleo diet



  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    What did you find in the multiple previous threads when you did the easy search?

    So you came in just to reply with that? If it bugged you why not just ignore the thread? And aren't message boards supposed to be social? If people just wanted to search they could Google. Message boards are for communicating. Just sayin'.

    bravo! :flowerforyou:
  • motogsp
    motogsp Posts: 109 Member
    Wow had no idea how hot of a topic this was. Thanks for the feed back.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I borrowed the book, Practical Paleo by Diana Sanfilippo, from my fiance's co-worker and at first I thought, "this is stupid, why would anyone want to restrict themselves that much!?" I read through most of the beginning and began realizing just how much I was missing in my own diet. I was all for the low calorie, quick snack options (cereal bars, Luna bars, cereal etc.). I've read into Paleo a little more and there are some things I think are definitely important to follow and others that I find just a little too restrictive for a happy lifestyle.

    I, for one, don't believe in completely eliminating grains. I do think everyone should slow it down a little in the "whole grain" consumption and not rely on them every single day. *raises hand* I was guilty of eating whole grain cereal every morning. Little did I know, after limiting it more, that I was starting my day off bloated and feeling just all around "bleh" when I did consume whole grains like that.

    Another thing I took away from Paleo is to be more conscience of my ingredients in the food I buy. I'm making an effort to eat more whole foods, looking for meal options that are just what they say they are; if I buy pasta sauce, I want it to be made of (first) tomatoes, garlic, etc., etc. and hope that at max there are 5 ingredients in that sauce and that they're all real food items and not a bunch of 'scientific' additives. Since I mentioned pasta sauce, I'd like to add that spaghetti squash is a great replacement for traditional spaghetti/pasta noodles.

    My personal reasons for following Paleo a little more are; to hopefully get my sweet tooth under control because I'm convinced my crazy cravings happen because my diet isn't balanced exactly right, to efficiently build up my muscle through cleaner eating (which I swear is working) along with proper exercises and to improve my mood (when I eat better I feel a lot better).

    Read into it more if you're considering it, do what's practical for YOU. Don't go eliminating foods from your diet you know you won't be able to resist temptation to because it WILL whirl its ugly head later when you "fall off the wagon". If you notice you're probably eating too many quick foods in place of a more healthy option try and substitute. Be more aware of what's going into your body. I'd highly recommend the book I mentioned above, it is just what it says it is, Practical Paleo.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Such a divisive topic is really better suited to the groups section.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I have read that it is one of the most expensive diets to follow.

    I call Bull$hit on this one. You may have heard that, but you heard wrong.

    I agree.. my grocery money is just re-allocated.. instead of bread and pasta, i buy eggs and meat.. and what I save in eating at the golden arches or subway more than makes up for any increase in groceries.
  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    I have read that it is one of the most expensive diets to follow.

    I call Bull$hit on this one. You may have heard that, but you heard wrong.

    I have never felt better. Also, I don't'feel like I am dieting at all. it is more of a lifestyle change.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    True, but the OP did want to hear the good and bad of it; more likely to get people who used to follow it and no longer do on the general boards. I would guess that those in the private groups have mostly only good things to say about it.

    messed up quote thingy; in reply to Such a divisive topic is really better suited to the groups section.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    True, but the OP did want to hear the good and bad of it; more likely to get people who used to follow it and no longer do on the general boards. I would guess that those in the private groups have mostly only good things to say about it.

    messed up quote thingy; in reply to Such a divisive topic is really better suited to the groups section.

    MFP frowns upon divisive topics and topics that are not pertinent to the entire MFP population and therefore don't allow everyone to contribute.
  • MonaMel01
    It is more of a lifestyle change than a 'diet'. I started it 9 months ago and have lost 30 lbs. so far. I hope to lose another 20 this year. I stay active and nothing else would work. This is easy to live by, or I wouldn't still be doing it.

    I really don't miss the carbs and am not 100% strict. I don't think anything is black and white, eating is the same. I think that if paleo works for you, do it. It probably isn't for everybody, but what is?

    I do like that it cuts out all processed foods, which aren't good for you anyway. Only's made me try brussel sprouts and now I'm TOTALLY ADDICTED!
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Lots of people swear by it, so if it works for some, great.

    I'd never try it because it just cuts out way too many things I enjoy. I don't feel like something that restrictive is sustainable. I'd be far more likely to be stricter about eating "clean" or even converting to vegetarianism than to go paleo. I feel great eating what I'm currently eating. I enjoy the foods that I eat. I stick within my calorie guidelines - basically nothing is broken in my diet so there's nothing to fix.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I have read that it is one of the most expensive diets to follow.

    it ought to be the cheapest if you hunt and gather all the food yourself, like cavemen did

    ETA: I have nothing against the paleo diet.
  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    I gained ten pounds in three months doing this diet. I didn't count calories, but it's a diet that can be high in fat so I would count calories too, they will tell you it's not necessary, but I wish I would have.
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    My goodness, its just food people.. FOOODD!! Meat, veggies, fruit nuts.. lets all take a deep breath.

    I've been Paleo for about 5 months now and have never felt better. I have more energy, sleep better (have always had insomnia problems) and my skin looks great. Paleo, in a sense, is simply trying to eat wholesome foods, and remove all the overly processed, chemical junk. It is not a super strict must do everything exactly right. Most people who are paleo do the 80/20 aka "Weekday Paleo" where they eat as good as possible during the week and then splurg on the weekends.

    Paleo is NOT expensive. I mean, it can be if your eating organic/grassfed steaks every night. Hubs and I are broke as a joke (25,000yr income) and we manage to make healthy choices and eat Paleo.
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    I'm doing a Paleo challenge at my CF gym right now, except i'm vegetarian :) it's much harder. So, I am managing well, I just add legumes (rarely) for extra kick (say, I make a recipe for soup w beans I won't cut the couple of beans out that are in there). It's a great plan for those weight training, the people at my gym have much success with it and are SO happy eating all the meat they want. I do eat eggs, which helps with my protein intake (I'm not vegan).

    another link to check out is:

    I'm sorry if that's a duplicate, I didn't read every post here yet :) It will talk about the first 30 days and the detox process. Add me if you would like, I can't give meat advice (LOL) but I do eat as paleo as humanly possible!!

    I'm trying to write a veggie paleo blog as well to document my workings with the plan :)

    Good luck and hope you find what works best!!

  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I've lost about a hundred pounds essentially eating the primal way. I'm not psycho about it though. I try to avoid sugar (although I do eat dark fairly traded chocolate), beans (I have gout so I'd do that anyway), grains (except a whole grain rice tortilla because I love quesadillas!), I eat berries every day and I eat vegetables (almost at every meal) so I get lots of fiber. I also eat a fair bit of dairy but not as much as I used to (I measure now!). I eat eggs, beef, chicken, tuna, salmon, cheese, yogurt. I feel great! People think this isn't sustainable but i could do this for the rest of my life. I make biscuits and bread out of almond flour but they are quite high in calories so I don't eat them a lot. I make crustless pizza, and nachos by covering a huge pile of vegetables with cheese maybe pepperoni and spices. It's all the good stuff only more of it! When I eat sugar, and I have on summer or Christmas holiday, it takes a while to get past the carb addiction but when I do I feel more at peace. Try it! Everyone is different but if it works for you it can be a really healthy way to eat especially if you eat a lot of vegetables. I think it is really all about the vegetables not really about the meat. Good luck with your adventure!
  • meredith824
    meredith824 Posts: 10 Member
    I just started eating Paleo and I am loving it. I read Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution and it really makes sense for me. I actually started eating Paleo after completing a juice cleanse (BluePrint) and didn't want to go right back to my old habits of Lean Cuisines and 100-calorie packs.

    I am actually having a hard time hitting my calorie target each day. I think it is because I am eating much more nutrient-dense foods instead of processed foods that don't fill me up. (e.g. Instead of a protein bar for breakfast, I am having 2 eggs, 1/2 avocado and a large handful of cherry tomatoes for the same calories.) I am also much more attuned to my hunger and only eat when I'm hungry as Robb suggests in his book (instead of eating due to boredom or because it's 'time" to eat).

    I highly recommend doing your research and figuring out what will work for you.

    Also, as for the expense-- look for what's on sale. Buy in bulk and freeze it. Robb also recommends eating produce that is "in-season" which will be cheaper than other produce.

    PS. I've lost 3 lbs eating Paleo since Sunday...
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member

    you may get better information there.

    also, the way i like to think of it is, while i'm spending more on organics & grass fed meat, i'm saving money in the long term by being healthy and giving my body the best food i can afford.

    as a vain 20 something, my skin clearing up after i went organic was heavenly. worth it just for that.