what running sneakers?



  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    Thanks. Yea, we travel at least 20 miles just to get groceries, so Indiana is't "that" far. Although, my daughter is an athletic trainer at Penn State and I had her ask the trainer for the track team and there is a place over there that has a good reputation for runners. Looks like I may be in luck. Now I just have to convince myself that sneakers are worth $100+. I have never paid that much for shoes.

    What you do, if you can, is get your first pair of shoes where they do your gait analysis (it's decency - they actually have to pay to train their people to do it properly, it's not just reading a couple books and watching youtube videos). See if they have "last year's model" of whatever shoe is recommended (they should recommend several), they're usually at least $20 cheaper. Some shoes, depending on your gait, are less than $100 (I wear minimalist shoes but not the high end ones, and got them on sale at a race expo for ~$80). Unless you're in need of a bunch of orthotics and insoles, you should be able to walk out of there for less than $150.

    After that, go online, and do research. See how the shoe feels, and start watching for sales when you approach 400 miles in the shoes. If you tear up shoes, you'll need new ones, but they could last much longer depending on your gait and wear patterns. If you start getting mysterious pains in your knees, shins, or hips, investigate getting a new pair of shoes (I call it the shoes' "tell", for me it's my hips). The very first run in new shoes will tell you if your old shoes are done or if you have other issues. You'll figure out if you can buy shoes online for cheaper or in the store, I alternate as the models change - I like to try on a pair first, then scrounge for the cheapest I can find.

    I still remember the look on my dad's face when I insisted on buying him new shoes for his birthday the year he confessed to me that his shoes were the same age as I was (I was in my 20s - he doesn't run, but he walks around in them all day every day). He was aghast that I spent $130, until we went for a walk that evening. "My god, I thought I was just getting old and they were "old age pains" in my legs, they feel 20 years younger..." He now buys new shoes at the first sign of shin splints (his shoes' "tell"). This is a man who spends money on nothing - but shoes. If he can do it - anybody can!

    Sounds like you're off to a wonderful start!
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    I have been reading about needing to get fit for good running sneakers...problem is that I don't really live near a place that specializes in running equipment. About the closest thing is a footlocker....not sure if that counts or not. If I have to rely on getting them myself, what should I look for? Any specific brands or styles that you like?

    Ron do a little more research before buying shoes. Your feet are suppose to move, pronate, roll & flex.

    There are a lot of "facts" being thrown around the running world with no scientific validity. Check this video out to get your thinking going. As another poster or two above, I too have gone minimalists and it's the best thing I have ever done in the years that I have run. http://www.newbalance.com/NB-Minimus/minimus,default,pg.html

    BTW I currently weigh 237# & by going minimalist have no more running related injuries.


    Feel free to PM me if you have questions.
  • RonandDi
    RonandDi Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks, I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around the minimalist idea. I couldn't imagine running in my bare feet. I always thought more cusion was better.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Thanks, I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around the minimalist idea. I couldn't imagine running in my bare feet. I always thought more cusion was better.

    No one has advocated that you run barefooted. Though it is probably better for you.

    The feet are designed to run. The arches flex like the leaf spring of a car, the foot is suppose to roll through the stride. Running in cushioned support shoes nurtures bad gait and heel strike, both dynamics that cause shin splints, knee, hip &back problems.

    When running minimalist/barefoot, the runner is forced into a mid foot plant (verses heel strike), and to take shorter strides. The feet, ankles & knees work together to minimize the shock loads.

    As I stated earlier, do more research. Modern running shoes weaken our feet & nurtures the runner's dependance on them.

    Took me a few weeks before my feet quit aching after I threw my Asic Kaynos aside and went with the Minimus shoe. Now I run virtually pain free.

    BTW I always kept 3 pairs of Kayanos in rotation. I currently have 1 pair with 30 miles and another with maybe 5, currently collecting closet dust. I now have only the 1 pair of Minimus that I use daily.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Thanks. Yea, we travel at least 20 miles just to get groceries, so Indiana is't "that" far. Although, my daughter is an athletic trainer at Penn State and I had her ask the trainer for the track team and there is a place over there that has a good reputation for runners. Looks like I may be in luck. Now I just have to convince myself that sneakers are worth $100+. I have never paid that much for shoes.

    it took me a long time to get used to paying over $100 for sneakers especially because i'm a clearance sale/consignment shop junkie but they are WORTH EVERY PENNY! i also looked at it this way I have a Coach obsession and will think nothing of spending $300 on a purse that just holds my wallet, keys and cell so why not splurge on my FEET. i can always get another purse. i can't get new feet. LOL
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,233 Member
    I currently use the Nike LunarEclipse shoe. My next shoe will be the Nike Structure Triax, for more stability. I am still research if I want the new version (16), or last year's model - if I can find it.

    It is very important to find out if you pronate, or have any other specialty issues that require a certain type of shoe.

    If you don't have a running specialty store, get a referral to a podiatrist. They can tell you what your needs are, too.

    I have a pair of the Triax 15. Super, super cushioned, good support to keep things landing like they should and all line up (for me anyway). They are my go-to shoe if I will be running on concrete (they really did make that comfortable). The reason they aren't my overall go-to shoe is because they have a weird extra cushion under the ball of your foot-feels a little like there is a Q-tip laying across your shoe. It's a little unnerving to me-but the fact that I can run comfortably on concrete I'm them makes them a keeper.

    Don't know if the new model has that q-tip thing or if it would even bother you-but I figured I'd put it out there. If you aren't bothered by the Q-tip thing and you need a mild stability shoe, the Triax really are nice.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    Thanks, I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around the minimalist idea. I couldn't imagine running in my bare feet. I always thought more cusion was better.

    No one has advocated that you run barefooted. Though it is probably better for you.

    The feet are designed to run. The arches flex like the leaf spring of a car, the foot is suppose to roll through the stride. Running in cushioned support shoes nurtures bad gait and heel strike, both dynamics that cause shin splints, knee, hip &back problems.

    When running minimalist/barefoot, the runner is forced into a mid foot plant (verses heel strike), and to take shorter strides. The feet, ankles & knees work together to minimize the shock loads.

    As I stated earlier, do more research. Modern running shoes weaken our feet & nurtures the runner's dependance on them.

    Took me a few weeks before my feet quit aching after I threw my Asic Kaynos aside and went with the Minimus shoe. Now I run virtually pain free.

    BTW I always kept 3 pairs of Kayanos in rotation. I currently have 1 pair with 30 miles and another with maybe 5, currently collecting closet dust. I now have only the 1 pair of Minimus that I use daily.

    I agree with all of this, but would add the caution - feet are designed to run, but with all beautiful mechanical designs, once they get in the hands of a user and receive less than optimal treatment for years on end (decades?), imbalances develop, muscles learn to compensate, and joints learn to move accordingly. To go straight from "more cushion is better" to minimalist shoes may not be the best idea in a single pair of shoes. You can get shoes that encourage mid-foot strike by having minimal heel drop - but still some cushion. You can now get shoes that help pronation (by encouraging the foot to roll slightly better without forcing it into a different gait) AND have minimal heel-toe drop, something that was unheard of a few years ago. As your muscles get stronger, you can transition to more and more minimalist shoes - or not.

    Yes, I think minimalist shoes are the bees knees. They've worked awesomely for me. But after watching a friend slowly correct her pronation issues with a gradual and graduated approach over a long time (she's still not there, but she's doing amazing), I'd be very hesitant to encourage ONLY minimalist shoes. You need to do what works for you. Research is always recommended! But ultimately, they're your feet.
  • RonandDi
    RonandDi Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks for all the info. I feel like I at least have half an idea of what to ask when I go to get fitted.
  • starrchiild
    starrchiild Posts: 38 Member
    I brought Brooks Beast running shoes when I decided to start running and getting in shape....then I discovered weightlifting and it was all over :)
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I researched and researched last spring and tried on a ton of the ones I picked from doing all the research. Ended up with Brooks Glycerin 10 which are THE most comfortable shoes I've ever worn and they are a dream to run in. I also bought a pair of Nike Pegasus +28 so that I had two pair (& they were on sale for half the price of the Brooks), I have Nike Free TR2's and Free XT - I wear those for working out and zumba but there isn't enough support for me to run in them. My favorite place to buy my shoes is RoadRunnerSports.com. They have a way to help figure out what kind of shoe you should get if you can't get to a running store.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I researched and researched last spring and tried on a ton of the ones I picked from doing all the research. Ended up with Brooks Glycerin 10 which are THE most comfortable shoes I've ever worn and they are a dream to run in. I also bought a pair of Nike Pegasus +28 so that I had two pair (& they were on sale for half the price of the Brooks), I have Nike Free TR2's and Free XT - I wear those for working out and zumba but there isn't enough support for me to run in them. My favorite place to buy my shoes is RoadRunnerSports.com. They have a way to help figure out what kind of shoe you should get if you can't get to a running store.

    i have brooks glycerin 9s! love them.
  • RonandDi
    RonandDi Posts: 120 Member
    I tried on 4 different pairs of shoes and I was surprised at the subtle differences. I ended up getting a pair of Saucony Progrid Guide 6's. They feel a lot difference than my old ones...hopefully they allow me to continue to run pain free.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 467 Member
    I overpronate, and I LOVE my Asics. I just bought a pair of gt-2170s yesterday. I had a pair of gt-2160s that are apparently discontinued, and they're about to come out with the 2180s, so I got my 2170s for a reasonable price.
  • Deanna_garnermommy
    Deanna_garnermommy Posts: 118 Member
    mizunos, wave riders or inspires. Will not let you down. I have an average foot. My asics are okay but there is nothing like running in the Mizuno.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    My first pair of running shoes were a asics gel nimbus 10's. they were my best first shoe, just offered cushioning. Never had any problems and I lost quite a bit of weight.

    Then I decided I could run at 250 pounds. I could, but I developed plantar faciitis. I found other ways to exercise and when I lost 30 more pounds, I was able to run again but those shoes no longer work for me.

    So I went to our local shop for a gait analysis. I'm so glad I did. With my plantar faciitis, I needed a shoe with light motion control. I must have tried on 20 pairs and got accessed for each pair. Some over corrected or may not have felt right on my foot. I ended up with a pair of asics 2170. Wore them in the house for a few hours and used the cross trainer and felt they were a bit too snug so went back and got accessed running in a few other pairs. I ended up with a pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12's and they are perfect for me. They were worth the £100 because I can run virtually pain free. I have lost another 25 pounds since buying them and they already feel different so will wait till I get to my goal weight and get reaccessed.

    Bottom line is to find a good shop with a good return policy. One that checks your gait. Our shop doesn't rush to decisions at first because they know the longer you run, the more your natural gait will come out so you want a shop that cares. Some will charge a fee and some will be free if you buy your shoes at their shop.

    It's worth every penny to get the right shoe for you. I love running, even though I'm not very fast, but I would be gutted to not be able to run again.
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    I love Saucony
  • devan33
    devan33 Posts: 177 Member
    My long distance runner friend LOVES her Brooks..and now my hubby has them and he said they are great as well!
  • RonandDi
    RonandDi Posts: 120 Member
    Well, I got to run in my new shoes a couple times. I hope it is just that they are new/different, because I have muscles that are sore, that have never been sore. Still no joint pain though.