


  • amyvacek
    amyvacek Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah, swimming is my downfall too when it comes to triathlons. I definately need to get more open water swims in before the next one, good luck!!!
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    Bump for later . . . . off to workout, I hear a rowing machine calling my name.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Yeah, swimming is my downfall too when it comes to triathlons. I definately need to get more open water swims in before the next one, good luck!!!

    Open swimming can be very challenging! Even for a year round/competitive swimmer (which I was). I think it is important to train doing head up (out of the water) when working on open swim. This way you can continue swimming while you spot for buoys.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks for the tips!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    How is everyone's training going? I am hitting each workout with all I got! Not losing like I want but I can tell I am getting stronger so I am not too discouraged!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    How is everyone's training going? I am hitting each workout with all I got! Not losing like I want but I can tell I am getting stronger so I am not too discouraged!

    Does that mean each workout is as hard and fast as you can go?

    Or each planned workout you are hitting the goals?

    If the former, are you getting any aerobic level training then, to improve fat burning ability?
    All out for each workout usually backfires sooner or later. Especially since it'll tend to train just the anaerobic and lactic system, which while useful, doesn't train the fat burning system.

    Just a thought.
  • HayesSanborn
    HayesSanborn Posts: 34 Member
    Just getting back into tris after a year off, Need to drop 15-20 lbs to get back to race weight. Will be doing numerous Xterra races and one half Ironman in July. Then back to bike racing.

    Mainly train 10-15 hrs regardless of race distance with a big week of 20-25 (take the week off of work).

    Right now, just swimming 10K a week and adding in some small runs.
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    Been sick the past two days and it was driving me insane not to be able to work out. Finally got my workout in today. My regular schedule:
    Mon - Swim AM / Run PM
    Tues - Bike AM / Strength PM
    Wed - Swim AM / Run PM
    Thurs - Bike AM / Strength PM
    Fri - Swim AM / Run PM
    Sat - Off Day
    Sun - Bike
  • ossiary
    ossiary Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone, great to see so many people dipping their toes into the Tri water. It's a fantastic sport as you have a wide range of training stress types through the different disciplines to help prevent overuse injuries plus enough variety to keep you interested and engaged. Best thing is that with a relatively minmal training load you can complete sprint distances comfortably and not feel as though all you do is train.

    Some really good advice in this post, especially the chocolate milk post workout recovery drink. Having a opportunity to ask advice from a peer group who understand your situation is invaluable, so great work for setting that up for yourselves...and thanks in advance as I'm SURE to be using it! Many of the tri sites like have some great advice, but a very alpha male approach to Tri which can be offputting. So have a look, but be prepared for some tough talking!

    I'm racing sprint distances this year with a relatively relaxed attitude to training (2 sessions per discipline per week, but 3 of running) and a focus on just getting out for long rides and enjoying the bike. The hard work I'm putting in is in the swim, which as is often the case is my weakest event so warrants the attention.

    My questions for my fellow weight loss triathletes are:
    1) How is everyones training going this week, especially you northern latitude people. (I'm in scotland)
    2) Do you find that the calorie alowances for exercise on myfitnesspal are a little generous?

    Hope you're all having a good one and look forward to speaking more soon.
  • I've been using an indoor trainer, so cycling has been fine, as well as running outdoors and on the treadmill. I live up in Canada :p

    I find that the calorie allowances for some activities on MFP seem pretty close, and a couple are a touch higher than what I've burned, but I'm definitely seeing results by following the numbers that it gives me for weight loss and entering the approx. calories burned according to my best estimates.

    I'm doing my first triathlon this summer. Half Iron in June and a Full Iron in August.

    Recovering from obesity, car accident where i busted my femur and subsequent hip surgery to repair it, I've come a long way in just over 2 years. First year I could do little, so much of my progress has been in the last 13 months. Pics in my profile if anyone wants to creep.

    Super pumped for my HIM in June!!!
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    The calorie allowances are a little high. I import all of my workouts through linking my Endomondo account to MFP, so they get the calorie burn directly from my HRM. The only thing that I enter through MFP is my swimming, it doesn't auto import my calorie burn since Endomondo won't track swimming workouts. I end up adjusting the minutes in MFP so that the calorie burn is as close to what my Garmin Swim says I burned during a workout.
  • ossiary
    ossiary Posts: 9 Member
    DFQuigley: Nice plans! Are you racing Challenge Peticton in August? I've heard fantastic things about the old IM course, so can't imagine they'll change it much. Have you seen the Endurance Nation 4 keys DVD? Great advice on pacing and race execution, I'd say an abslute must for long course triathlon. If you have never raced a Challenge event look forward to a real treat, far better than WTC in my opinion. What 70.3 race are you planning? Oh, and we're at a latitude of 1000 miles north of Montreal....almost the same a Juneau, Alaska! :noway:

    Mleech: That's what I've been doing this week. Taking the cals from my Garmin and altering the MFP accordingly. Good advice.
  • EricaRuns27
    EricaRuns27 Posts: 61 Member
    This thread has me itching to really start training for one! I've been thinking about doing one lately, & my local running store has been emailing info about an upcoming tri. I completed my first half marathon almost a month ago. It's been since then I want to do a tri.

    Goodluck with your training. Swimming is def my downfall!
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    I am a relatively new triathlete. I have done 5 or 6 over the past year; mostly sprint distance with a couple of olympic distances. Swimming is my weakest leg because I never swam in my life until I started training for triathlon. I have been focusing on my running recently as I am running my first full marathon in 2 weeks and have run several road and trail races over this winter.

    Triathlon is a great sport...the crosstraining aspect lowers risk of sport specific injury and the people are fantastic! I have developed some amazing friendships over the past couple of years in the triathlon community.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I've started training for my frist tris this summer. Got a 5K (first race of any kind EVER for me) on 3/16. Then sprint triathlons on 6/9, 7/7, 8/4, and 9/14. I hope.

    My plan is:
    Monday - Run, intervals
    Tuesday - Swim and lifting
    Wednesday - Long, slow run
    Thursday - Swim and Lifting
    Friday - Bike and Run, brick
    Saturday or Sunday - Swim and lifting (need a day off somewhere, it's usually one of the weekend days)

    Biking is by FAR my strongest, so I'm not as concerned with it right now.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    How is everyone's training going this week, especially you northern latitude people. (I'm in scotland)

    Well, I just traveled to London from the US Midwest last Saturday and returned last night on a business trip so I didn’t train as rigorously as usual! I actually did manage an hour workout in one gym or another every day but one, and even yesterday, which I spent mostly on planes and at the airport, I managed to get in a little over 10K steps on my pedometer. (Heathrow and O'Hare are BIG airports.)

    I’m fortunate to have access to a gym on premises at work as well as a membership at one near home. I love the outdoors but I find that I get a much better workout when not dodging traffic or waiting at lights. Neither gym has a pool, but I have one in my back yard and we'll open it in late May.

    After a crazy trip (which included only 4 hours of sleep in a hotel near O’Hare Friday/Saturday night after my Friday PM flight was cancelled in the wee hours of the morning), I don’t feel like a 60-year old woman who’s just done a US/UK round trip in less than a week. The training must be doing some good!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    How is everyone's training going? I am hitting each workout with all I got! Not losing like I want but I can tell I am getting stronger so I am not too discouraged!

    Does that mean each workout is as hard and fast as you can go?

    Or each planned workout you are hitting the goals?

    If the former, are you getting any aerobic level training then, to improve fat burning ability?
    All out for each workout usually backfires sooner or later. Especially since it'll tend to train just the anaerobic and lactic system, which while useful, doesn't train the fat burning system.

    Just a thought.

    I am hitting each goal for each work out! Also each workout I give about 80%.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member

    My questions for my fellow weight loss triathletes are:
    1) How is everyones training going this week, especially you northern latitude people. (I'm in scotland)
    2) Do you find that the calorie alowances for exercise on myfitnesspal are a little generous?

    Hope you're all having a good one and look forward to speaking more soon.

    1. Having three young children all of my training sessions are inside at the gym. THANK GOODNESS for child care.
    2. I find fitnesspal's calories a bit low in some and high on others. I purchased a HRM which I LOVE to get the most accurate calorie count as possible!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    This thread has me itching to really start training for one! I've been thinking about doing one lately, & my local running store has been emailing info about an upcoming tri. I completed my first half marathon almost a month ago. It's been since then I want to do a tri.

    Goodluck with your training. Swimming is def my downfall!

    TRIATHLONS ROCK!!! You should try one!
  • ossiary
    ossiary Posts: 9 Member
    How is everyone's training going this week, especially you northern latitude people. (I'm in scotland)

    Well, I just traveled to London from the US Midwest last Saturday and returned last night on a business trip so I didn’t train as rigorously as usual! I actually did manage an hour workout in one gym or another every day but one, and even yesterday, which I spent mostly on planes and at the airport, I managed to get in a little over 10K steps on my pedometer. (Heathrow and O'Hare are BIG airports.)

    I’m fortunate to have access to a gym on premises at work as well as a membership at one near home. I love the outdoors but I find that I get a much better workout when not dodging traffic or waiting at lights. Neither gym has a pool, but I have one in my back yard and we'll open it in late May.

    After a crazy trip (which included only 4 hours of sleep in a hotel near O’Hare Friday/Saturday night after my Friday PM flight was cancelled in the wee hours of the morning), I don’t feel like a 60-year old woman who’s just done a US/UK round trip in less than a week. The training must be doing some good!

    Sounds like a busy time! It is encouraging to feel the difference your training is making, and remember, you've earned every last bit of that! I have been running indoors since the middle of Dec, but had a fantastic run through the forest at lunchtime so going home very happy. Cycling is a bit more hit and miss, been quite a lot of ice about recently so turbo training is the order of the day to avoid excessive risk of injury!