Olive Oil Success



  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    You all can call me stupid, ignorant, or whatever, I don't really care. I am trying this concept, which is not unhealthy by any means, and I am PRAYING it works, this weight is making my life miserable. LIKE OMG OLIVE OIL MELTED MY FAT OFF OVERNIGHT, no wasn't saying that at all...but I am sooo happy that I finally lost A POUND after increasing my monounsaturated fat.. A POUND is progress...and I am EXCITED that I might see the scale move in the right direction from here on out. Thanks everyone for your KIND words, LOL!

    No one was calling you stupid... Simply pointing out that olive oil will not make you lose fat.

    Olive oil is healthy...It does help you maintain a healthy body. It will not cause you to lose weight. If you are stuck change your workouts... Change how much you are eating... Etc.

    Just because you lost a pound after consuming olive oil doesn't mean that's what caused it.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member

    This!! A million times, this.

    OP, yay, you lost a pound, and no one here wants to take that from you. However, coming on here and stating, with the voice of authority, that it was the magical, mystical properties of the EVOO that caused your loss is well, laughable at best and dangerous at worse. There are many people on here who have educated themselves about nutrition, macros, etc. however, the uneducated will read your post and think that EVOO is a miracle cure and then get super-frustrated when it doesn't magically melt off the pounds.

    No one here was yelling, or even making fun, we're just trying to be honest and real with you...

    Yes, EVOO is a healthy fat. We need fat in our diets.
    No, EVOO didn't magically "melt" your pound.


    Eh, people were actually making fun. OP, the thing you have to understand about this website is that anyone who is on the forums for more than two months becomes an inveterate smart *kitten*. It can be really off-putting to the newbs, so I hope you are not permanently put off from the forums. Congrats on losing your first pound!

    Just a couple of hopeful thoughts for you, even though, as others have pointed out, it is highly unlikely that your olive oil consumption that one evening caused weight loss the next mornings. The first is that if you have been increasing exercise lately or changing the kind of exercise, you almost certainly are losing fat. It just doesn't show up on the scale because major changes to exercise cause water retention in the muscles. The second is that weight loss is not linear. Weight fluctuates . . . a lot. The important thing is that the scale moves in the right direction over the course of time.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Wondering why you quoted my entire post...

    And yes, while people started to make fun of the OP, it was after she came back and pitched a hissy...and lest you think I'm a newb that doesn't get how the forums work, I've been on here for almost 4 years. This is just my re-incarnation.
  • arnoldnagy
    arnoldnagy Posts: 51 Member
    Wow, why are so many people being so harsh? She finally saw the scale move and she's excited. So what if she thinks the olive oil helped? It will either work next time or it won't and she will draw her own conclusion. The human mind is a powerful thing, people get results from placebos all the time. I used to perform much better on the football field if I had Eggo waffles for breakfast. Do Eggos make you a better athlete? No, but even my teammates could tell if I had my Eggos before the game by the way I played.

    Life's too short to get so worked up over a meaningless post. And life is WAY too short for he OP to care about anything posted on this thread.


    Ps. I'm going to have some Eggos covered in olive oil before my next workout.