1200 calorie girls



  • HykerGurl
    HykerGurl Posts: 18 Member
    I am, but not intentionally. I seem to do around 1000-1100 per day and I am supposed to be at 1600. Also burning 800+ per day excercising.
  • JudyB21
    JudyB21 Posts: 20 Member
    I am doing 1200 calories....only on day 2 but completed diary for day and got a warning as I was about 200 under. Had a mugshot which then took me over on carbs :(
    Still trying to figure out which foods I can or should and shouldn't eat.
  • Kaz0609
    Kaz0609 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm on 1200 a day too. I'm zig zagging with my calories. Some days I'm over but then some days I'm under so within the week it seems to balance itself out. That is ok isn't it? It's my third week & I've lost 3lbs so far, wish it was more ???? Can you tell me if I just stuck to my 1200 each day even on the days that I do exercise, is that ok to do that ?? Obviously I would be way under calorie allowance then. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks
    Feel free to add me as a friend too as could do with some help to keep me on track XxxX
  • angeturtle25
    steamed white rice with 1 tbsp. butter & pepper,, but u can add some chicken or veggies with it....
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    OMG....Please....everyone just STFU!
  • kateling
    kateling Posts: 2 Member
    What works for me: First thing I did was buy a kitchen scale. it really helps to keep me honest. When I buy things like crackers and cereal, I bag them into serving sizes right away so they are ready to go. And (not to sound like an infomercial) Hungry Girl has some pretty neat ideas.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    1200 for a lot of people is hard, try doing 300-500 under your tdee instead. in the long run it can be hard to maintain sometimes. espeically if you are hungry a lot, you may end up binging.
  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325

    Also, this title make me sing "I wish they all could be 1200 calorie giiiirls...."
    Beach Boys anyone? Hope so, other wise if feel like a moron :)
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    Currently doing 1200 calories again, and it seems to be working for me (when I've reached my goal will go back up to maintainence calories - I'm 5'4"), I usually also eat back some of my exercise calories. I don't find it too hard to eat at 1200, if anything it really keeps me on my toes about indulging in sweets. I usually load up on A LOT of veggies and lean proteins (fish and chicken, I prefer it over red meat as is) and I feel satiated. :)
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member

    Also, this title make me sing "I wish they all could be 1200 calorie giiiirls...."
    Beach Boys anyone? Hope so, other wise if feel like a moron :)

    yes beach boys!
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    1200 for a lot of people is hard, try doing 300-500 under your tdee instead. in the long run it can be hard to maintain sometimes. espeically if you are hungry a lot, you may end up binging.

    1200 is 380 calories under my TDEE. :P
  • rettigkl
    I think what helps me is having a pretty good sized breakfast... then I tend not to eat as much later in the day. I have an egg and whole wheat bread. For lunch I usually have a peanut butter sandwich. After is a small snack and then finally dinner! I try to eat every four hours and not after 9. This is hard for me to do, and I workout 5-6 times a week to get more calories. I'm steadily losing, so I'm going to try to keep it up! Hope I helped with whatever you were wondering about (:
  • angeturtle25
    I am doing the same
  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    1200 for a lot of people is hard, try doing 300-500 under your tdee instead. in the long run it can be hard to maintain sometimes. espeically if you are hungry a lot, you may end up binging.

    1200 is 380 calories under my TDEE. :P

    You must be 4 feet tall and doing absolutely nothing all day, every day.
  • lucycassingena
    Me started two weeks ago x it's good
  • vishk2809
    vishk2809 Posts: 20 Member
    I've been on a 1200-calorie limit for months...trust me, it gets easier with time :)

    These days I don't even have to try as hard because I just got in the habit of eating better. I left mfp for a few months to try and see if my habits would stick without tracking, and they did, and I maintained my weight with these simple rules :

    - avoid going out to get food for your meals
    - avoid processed food (like processed cheese, granola bars, etc.)
    - eat mostly fruits and vegetables
    - eat well and regularly throughout the day

    I'm also low-gluten. This was happening naturally and I decided I may as well as make it official. I found that staying at the 1200-cal limit just involved eating less bread / crackers / pasta and eating more fruits and veggies. Side note, this has been the best thing ever - I sleep better, I crave crap less, my digestion is waayyyy better, and I have more energy. I should have done it sooner! If you're going to do it, start slow though!! Don't want to crash and burn after two days because it's really hard to go cold turkey all at once :)

    Finally, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you screw up and go over, DON'T beat yourself up over it. You messed up once, whatever. Don't let the rest of the day go to waste, saying to yourself that you 'may as well as make this your cheat day'. Keep on truckin, and don't let go of your goals!! It takes the human mind THREE WEEKS to make a behavioural habit. THREE WEEKS. it's hard, but it'll get way easier and you can do it :D
  • reneereynolds1
    I started it about 6 days ago and its alot tougher than i thought! Im a snacker and i didnt realise just how much i was shovelling into my mouth!! Ive lost over a kg already though!
  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    I respectfully disagree with Granola that has changed her Avatar from her face to biceps? A t shirt exclaiming `diet and religion` What is that all about??

    I love my biceps and eating food.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member

    saw it the first time in this thread. that thread is still as useless to me as it it was when i saw it on my own weeks ago.

    there should be a rule against trolling these threads. the o.p. just asked for others in her category. she did not ask to be criticized by arrogant people.

    No there shouldn't be a rule against discussions, in a discussion thread.

    I was once a "1200 calorie girl". I'm only 4ft 11, and when I signed in to MFP I was given the blanket 1200.

    I was ill on it - I felt dizzy, cold, got headaches, and was on the verge of giving up.

    so I was shown the TDEE method, and was able to lose on 1600 a day instead. Personally I'd rather eat more and lose slower, than lose it faster for a while and give up due to the restrictiveness.

    Some people can do well on 1200, some cant.
    some can (and have) lost their hair on 1200, others haven't

    If the advice being posted helps one of the "1200 girls" who are struggling in the future, and they find another way and continue to success, then the interjection will have been a good thing.

    Chill out and stop taking things so personally.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Hi Folks,

    This topic has been locked since it has become off topic and at times insulting. Please keep guidelines in mind while posting within the community.

    Guideline #1 states:

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

    We ask that you use this and the other guidelines as a filter before you decide to submit your post. We do not ask that you agree with the OP or other posters, but we ask the you disagree respectfully and intelligently.

    Thanks you in advance for your cooperation.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
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