June Starters - March 22



  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Courtney - Hope you had a great date. Waiting for details....
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Courtney! How'd it go?? I'm dying to know!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Courtney... We are all waiting in suspense... Fill us in!!!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    It's been such a busy weekend! It was the elite 8 and my team lost :( but I went on the date on Friday. We went to an out of the way nice restaurant I'd never been to, then we went to a bar and played darts, then we went to his house and watched half of Inglorious Basterds (weird movie). It went great, he's a super nice guy and easy to talk to. Here's the problem....I'm not physically attracted to him. I even hung out with him last night with a big group of friends to make sure, and I just don't feel "that way" about him. He really likes me though :( I want to be just friends with him, but I know that could pretty much never happen.

    I don't want to hurt his feelings, so what should I do? My best friend is currently dating one of his good friends, so I will see him as long as they are dating. Arghhhhh
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    It's been such a busy weekend! It was the elite 8 and my team lost :( but I went on the date on Friday. We went to an out of the way nice restaurant I'd never been to, then we went to a bar and played darts, then we went to his house and watched half of Inglorious Basterds (weird movie). It went great, he's a super nice guy and easy to talk to. Here's the problem....I'm not physically attracted to him. I even hung out with him last night with a big group of friends to make sure, and I just don't feel "that way" about him. He really likes me though :( I want to be just friends with him, but I know that could pretty much never happen.

    I don't want to hurt his feelings, so what should I do? My best friend is currently dating one of his good friends, so I will see him as long as they are dating. Arghhhhh

    Ah... it's been my experience that it works best when you are honest and upfront with the guy =)... that way, you are never "leading him on"... he knows how you feel from the beginning... Of course, you don't have to sound arrogant or anything when you are being upfront... I'm sure you can handle it tactfully.... But I would definitely let him know that you enjoy his company as a friend =) Good luck with that... I'm glad you had a great time!.....