Ladies: What are your strongest PMS cravings?

When it's THAT (or, almost that) time of the month, are there any particular foods that you crave? I know carbs are pretty much a given for any woman, but wondering more specifically if there's anything you crave month, after month, after month?

For me, it's one of three things usually- white milk, peanut butter, or tomatoes....chocolate is surprisingly not on my list!

You guys? Anything similar or other weird stuff?


  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    CHIPS! Ideally Doritos, but I'll take any kind of chip I can get my hands on, lol. Also milk.

    Chocolate usually isn't on my radar either.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    French bread, salt and vinegar Pringles. :love:
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I just crave salt...I want chips, pretzels, chinese food...anything salt heavy...I've been trying really hard to rein it in!
  • big juicy hamburgers :heart:
  • The usual carbs - bread, PB, cake etc.

    But I usually get odd food combination cravings too! Like savoury crepes filled with raw onion and vinegar. I often crave sour tastes when I'm PMSing lol.
  • Cheese and breakfast-y foods. Normally together. The bagel shop on my campus has an egg and turkey sausage bagel sandwich that normally hits the spot perfectly.
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member

    You think I'm kidding...
  • Anything and everything. Especially if it has tons of fat and calories. I get hungry every hour on the hour.
  • SALT!
    I just crave salt...I want chips, pretzels, chinese food...anything salt heavy...I've been trying really hard to rein it in!

    This is my life. lol I LOVE salty foods.
  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    Milk and the unimaginative chocolate lol! Its my weakness :P

    You think I'm kidding...

    I can relate to that.
    I have been a graham cracker and pickled egg kick though lately.
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    The usual carbs - bread, PB, cake etc.

    But I usually get odd food combination cravings too! Like savoury crepes filled with raw onion and vinegar. I often crave sour tastes when I'm PMSing lol.

    I feel ya on that one! The tomato craving usually comes with one for vinegar, or sour/hot things..... Mmm... SaLsA!
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Anything and everything. Especially if it has tons of fat and calories. I get hungry every hour on the hour.

    Ditto. I am hungry every single minute of the day. No fruit for me!
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    I crave fatty, greasy, food like fries and cheeseburgers. And donuts for desert! :wink:
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    ice cream and chocolate
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    I feel like I can eat just about ranges from eggs with spinach.
  • sxyfitmomandwife
    sxyfitmomandwife Posts: 328 Member
    Everything! LOL! anything spicy, salty, or sweet
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    The crappy Chinese place at the mall has a honey mustard chicken that I would absolutely shank someone for during that time. Also, I want to eat ALL the chocolate.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    Everything. Candy, chocolate, ice cream, cereal, ribs.....mmmm
  • Popcorn with butter and salt. And since I try to be good every day, I let myself have it so that my husband doesn't have to live with a raging maniac. :)