Getting Healthy is Killing me!



  • PaulFromEssex
    Take some kind of protein within 30 min of your work out. My husband who is just a youngster (45), likes to sit in the jacuzzi after a hard weight training. Don't know if you have one of those available. Look at your diet, try to eat as clean as possible.

    I like the sore in that it tells me I did a good work out, I didn't waste my time. I also can lift a lot more than 2 years ago, and I'm proud of it. So, yes I complain, but I know I'm headed inthe right direction. Health.

    Lol, I live in a run down estate. This is a 'posh' flat because we have a bath!! It only becomes a jacuzzi when I have wind :embarassed:
    However, I dont take any protein supplement at present. That may be worth a shot. Thanks.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Also, take some calcium and magnesium...
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Paul, I am fairly close in age to you, and you would be surprised at what a hot Epsom salt bath and a strong cocktail will do for you. The healing period definitely gets longer as we get older. Are you doing a post work out protein as well?
  • PaulFromEssex
    As for dominoes or crochet - NEVER act your age!! I hope to be embarrassing my kids for many years to come....

    Oh, I never act my age ... and never intend to!! :laugh:
    The grand kids have many, many embarrassing years ahead of them aswell!
  • PaulFromEssex
    Paul, I am fairly close in age to you, and you would be surprised at what a hot Epsom salt bath and a strong cocktail will do for you. The healing period definitely gets longer as we get older. Are you doing a post work out protein as well?

    No post work out protein at the moment Anthony, I think that will be my next step. Thanks.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I am 56 and a few weeks ago starting doing Stronglifts 5 x 5. Yes ...the DOMS.... it does usually last over until you lift again two days later!!!! I have been told that it does eventually go, but tbh, it kind of feels good. I can feel that the compound lifts really have worked almost all of the muscles in my body.

    Yes, drinking loads of water does seem to be helping and I also do a Dynamic Stretch Routine every day if I can which also helps.

    We shouldn't let our age put us off, if anything we should more so be doing this.

    You are officially awesome...I don't think I've ever come across a woman of your age lifting are awesome!
  • djmobey
    djmobey Posts: 1 Member
    Paul I'm older than you and doing P90X.

    Get a good recovery drink with somewhere between 2x1 and 4x1 carbs to protein and drink it right after working out. Add protein also.

    Finally, I've found that it's best to give each body part a full week and to break up your lifting accordingly.

    So I only lift chest once per week, arms once per week, etc. P90X actually is set up that way too so that helps.

    I used to lift 6 days/week in three groupings so each body part got two workouts per week but...

    I was younger then; I'm older than that now.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    How is your micro and macronutrient intake? Getting enough potassium, protein, etc? 8 weeks is long enough that I would have expected some of the soreness to ease, especially since you're doing (I assume) the same movements every time?
  • Arleigh7
    Arleigh7 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi a 54 year old guy who worksout quite a bit perhaps I can help.

    I've worked with 3 different nutritionists over the years and quite a few trainers. One thing they all agreed on is that I need to ingest protein within 30 minutes after the end of a workout.

    so I started to bring a really good protein powder to the gym and I would mix it with water in a plastic cup right after the workout (and get good protein not the cheap crap - ie. no heat or acids used in the mfg. process).

    They still stressed that I needed to get a real meal in within a couple of hours if possible (chicken breast and veges with maybe some brown rice being the most often recommendation). After I started doing the protein right after the workouts I found my recovery times were much better AND I got stronger and put on more muscle.

    But besides the diet make sure you are getting enough sleep and time between workouts for your muscles to heal. They key to getting strong and adding muscle is maybe 30% working out. and 70% proper diet and rest.

    So maybe adding a day more between your workouts is what you need?

    When I was in my 20's I could do each bodypart 3x a week. now in my 50's I've found doing each body part 1x a week but hitting it really hard works best for me. Everyone is different and hope this advice is helpful.

    All the best!.
  • PaulFromEssex
    Hey, thanks guys and gals.

    Its been a real crappy week and the tired muscles were just one more thing getting me down :sad:

    But you have kicked my a#se back into gear.:bigsmile:

    I'm going to invest in some protein supplement and see if that helps. If not, I'll just put up with it!

    Not really a whining Brit ... honest :grumble:
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I am 56 and a few weeks ago starting doing Stronglifts 5 x 5. Yes ...the DOMS.... it does usually last over until you lift again two days later!!!! I have been told that it does eventually go, but tbh, it kind of feels good. I can feel that the compound lifts really have worked almost all of the muscles in my body.

    Yes, drinking loads of water does seem to be helping and I also do a Dynamic Stretch Routine every day if I can which also helps.

    We shouldn't let our age put us off, if anything we should more so be doing this.

    You are officially awesome...I don't think I've ever come across a woman of your age lifting are awesome!

    Oh I can assure you that there are many women my age and older who are lifting heavy. I have a number of them on my friends list. Just beginning so not that awesome.....YET
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I am 56 and a few weeks ago starting doing Stronglifts 5 x 5. Yes ...the DOMS.... it does usually last over until you lift again two days later!!!! I have been told that it does eventually go, but tbh, it kind of feels good. I can feel that the compound lifts really have worked almost all of the muscles in my body.

    Yes, drinking loads of water does seem to be helping and I also do a Dynamic Stretch Routine every day if I can which also helps.

    We shouldn't let our age put us off, if anything we should more so be doing this.

    You are officially awesome...I don't think I've ever come across a woman of your age lifting are awesome!

    There are more of us than you would think. My friend Sandra and I are only the tip of the iceberg. I am 54 (almost 55) and have been doing Stonglifts for 15 weeks. The 50s are now the new 30s. Haven't you heard??
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    How much protein are you taking in a full day?
  • tinamartinson
    tinamartinson Posts: 13 Member
    Have you tried foam rolling? Some swear by it for DOMS. I feel it helps me but it isn't a miracle cure or anything. Good luck!
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I am 56 and a few weeks ago starting doing Stronglifts 5 x 5. Yes ...the DOMS.... it does usually last over until you lift again two days later!!!! I have been told that it does eventually go, but tbh, it kind of feels good. I can feel that the compound lifts really have worked almost all of the muscles in my body.

    Yes, drinking loads of water does seem to be helping and I also do a Dynamic Stretch Routine every day if I can which also helps.

    We shouldn't let our age put us off, if anything we should more so be doing this.

    You are officially awesome...I don't think I've ever come across a woman of your age lifting are awesome!

    There are more of us than you would think. My friend Sandra and I are only the tip of the iceberg. I am 54 (almost 55) and have been doing Stonglifts for 15 weeks. The 50s are now the new 30s. Haven't you heard??

    Yep I'm 58 and have been lifting for almost a month :)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Yes, 8 weeks is a long time to still be dealing with chronic soreness. Paul, you mentioned you're doing cardio on the in-between days, are you taking any FULL REST days each week? Where you don't do any intentional exercise at all?

    And diet was something that stuck out to me too, make sure you're eating enough & getting lots of protein as many other mentioned. I've been through periods of chronic fatigue & soreness while training for events & found that was easily remedied by Eating More Food.
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I've been working out for months and I'm sore every day. I didn't realize that was a bad thing.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    OMG Epsom Salts in your bath! Bonus if you add lavender essential oil. The magnesium is absorbed through your skin and it's wonderful for aches!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Do you warm up? Do you cool down? Stretch afterwards? I know that now that I'm in my 50's, it's even more important to, or I hurt a LOT more. Don't be afraid to take some ibuprofen or tylenol and remember that some achiness is good, it means you're working your muscles. Take a nice warm bath, add some bubbles, a duck and whatever else makes you happy. :drinker:
    Good luck and I hope you find a solution.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I'm a fan of Branch Chained Amino Acids (BCAA'S).. you could consider supplementing with them also. Any health food store or vitamin store should carry them. Good luck with your fitness goals!