confession: I am a serial baker



  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I had to stop baking because I will end up eating too much of it. I swear I can hear my Kitchen Aid stand mixer crying at night!

    I was cleaning my kitchen the other day, wiping counters and such, and caught sight of my KitchenAid. There was this moment where I felt like I didn't want to do i say this...make eye contact with it. It was like running into someone at the mall that you dated a year ago. I know it feels abandoned and bitter but I have to move on.

  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i just made brownies yesterday! and they were freaking good! why do people seem to think you cant have sweets when your trying to lose weight? i eat junk food all the time. i have lost over 30lbs doing so. living proof it can be done:)
  • KahalaGal
    KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
    I am a baker as well/ As others mentioned baking as a stress relief - I agree!
    It makes me feel good to make others smile with a pie on their birthday or when taking chocolate treats to the hairdresser or phys. therapist office. I believe in everything in moderation and agree with those who would rather eat homemade treats and control the calories.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I am a baker as well/ As others mentioned baking as a stress relief - I agree!
    It makes me feel good to make others smile with a pie on their birthday or when taking chocolate treats to the hairdresser or phys. therapist office. I believe in everything in moderation and agree with those who would rather eat homemade treats and control the calories.

    Baking and gardening are my therapy :smile:
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    Hi! My name is Deidre and I'm a serial baker. :laugh: That's the first step, right?? My Kitchen Aid and Cusinart are my friends :bigsmile: I LOVE to bake. And I have felt the pain from piping a wedding cake, or covering a princess castle cake with dots so it can look like stone! How about kneading bread by........hand :noway: !!

    I bake because I LOVE it. I bake because my family enjoys it. I bake because they ask me to bake, even though they also say i shouldn't. I reply..."well, don't eat it!" I'm not baking to make anyone else gain weight! I bake because it's a free form of therapy for me. When everyone comes home at the end of the day, and they see bread, cookies and maybe a pie, AND dinner, they know I needed some Betty Crocker Therapy :-)

    LOL...don't know how a group of people who love to bake would do all together. Bet we would have lots of tricks and tips!!:bigsmile:
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I am that co worker too.

  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I am a rabid baker too.

    ...and I still lost my weight despite my baking addiction... and to honest I found it great because I put my favourite recipes in the recipe builder and worked out what portion sizes are going to work for me. Hmmm...I might make black cherry cheesecake for dessert tonight after I have made a fresh batch of vanilla bean and oreo icecream.

    LMBO!!!!! I've done that, and then keep changing how many servings to get the calorie count down enough:bigsmile: Sometimes, those servings are pretty darn small!!!!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm a baker too and while I don't work in an office I do bring stuff to church quite often. You are so right about not wanting it when you're surrounded by it! I've spent the last two days making a three tier zebra stripe and hot pink baby shower cake with frosting, fondant and meringue disks in it. All I smell is sugar! I had a salad for dinner last night and another for lunch today just because I was so sick of the smell of sugar and cake.
  • KahalaGal
    KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
    I spend time in the garden too!
  • KahalaGal
    KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
  • Artemis00diana
    Back when I had an office job, this was me too! I love baking and trying out new dessert, but since Im just me it seems a bit overkill to make it for myself. So I made it for the others, hoping they liked and it helped me destress and stoped me from eating all the goodies self after a bake-night ^^
  • mmmnc4
    I love baking too, but I have to freeze 90% of the dough right away or I'll eat it. I also use then reciepe builder and try to make my portions small enough so the calories aren't a killer. I got my peanut butter cookies down to like 56 calories each..but they are really small cookies lol.

    My weakness it cake balls and chocolate chip cookies....if anyone has any lower Cal reciepes please let me know. I must know.
  • mmmnc4
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I do that! I love baking, but I don't want to eat all of it, so to the office it goes :bigsmile:
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    LOL, great post! I never have a problem passing up that stuff in the office- not just because its full of sugar and calories but i also imagine people have breathed on, sneezed on it, and touched it with their dirty booger hands.
  • TheMoonMuse
    TheMoonMuse Posts: 40 Member
    I'm a serial baker as well, with a side cake business and an online caramel store :)

    Lucky for me, my coworkers LOVE it when I bring in scraps, test projects, or just because goodies. My workplace has about 80 employees and my hubby works with a bunch of guys that work outside all day so the goodies get eaten up fast. However, about a year ago I worked at a business with 3 women employees, including me. We made a little pact not to bring much food in because it was just us three. That was hard for a baker to do!!

    Also the same way, if I spend a lot of time working on a project, that last thing I want when I am done is something sweet. In fact, if it is a big project as soon as I finish, all I want to do is take a shower and wash off the sweet smell lol. And being diabetic, that is something that is hard for people to grasp. You bake but you are diabetic, well don't you want to eat all your food, that must be torture.. Ah, nope...
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    that is awesome! I *love* to bake as well!

    a 'purist' baker to boot, everything is from scratch. Pie crust is from scratch, apples are straight from Wenatchee. Superbowl weekend, I proofed some yeast, kneaded out dough, let it rise, and made soft pretzels. Heck, the other day, I realized we were out of ketchup, so I found a recipe, and made some from scratch.

    just don't be that 'crazy food pusher', I cannot stand it when the person who made something cuts up a bunch of pieces, puts them on a plate and then shoves it in my face.

    if you want to know if you are a good baker, just make something, leave it out in the break room, and walk away. If it's gone by lunch you are an awesome baker. if there is still stuff leftover when you leave at the end of the day, then just don't make it again.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi my name is sheri and I am a serial bake, I have a pineapple cake to die for in the kitchen right now ( it was there an hr ago but not sure if it is there now) I make everything from scratch and tend to give some away including sending it with hubby to work.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Oh my oh my OH MY....

    I AM OUT OF EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad:

    ....right....where are my keys....
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    made chocolate crunch bars and reeses chocolate eggs today and had to try them, i had two each now i feel like crap lol ( not crap cause i ate them) but crap cause it was way to much sugar lol