5k, 10k, Half & Marathon runners



  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    Over time you will be amazed at how your body adapts. The key is to reach a goal, allow for some rest and recovery, then train and push through to the next distance, rinse and repeat! There are plenty of good training programs out there. I used Hal Higdon's plans all last year.

    I started running 13 months ago and ran my first official 10k race last April. From there I did my first half marathon in June and another in October on my way to my first full marathon in December. Still can't believe I made it! With the push, rest and recover I have found I can now do half marathons pretty regularly. I ran the Phoenix half in January and have 5 more scheduled this year along with a full marathon in December and a half Ironman in July.

    Listen to your body. As you push yourself track your miles and increase them slowly. Never add more than one mile to any given training run (helps avoid injuries). If you feel the need, scale back your miles every couple of weeks to let your body recovery, then push through to longer distances the following weeks. Your body is an amazing thing and you will be amazed by what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it and take good care of yourself.

    Good luck with your runs! It can be very addicting!
  • jjlibunao
    I've done 5 half marathons in the last 5 years and in one of those years, I ran two in the same year. I don't think I would ever do that again. because it felt like there was no down time in between the two. So, I like doing at least one half a year. I always allow 3 good months to train for a half marathon. I've only done one 5K - and though I love doing a quick, short race - I can't really justify the $40/$50 price for the distance.

    I really enjoy running 10Ks & 12Ks (like Bay To Breakers in SF) because I feel it's a really good training run for a half. But there are not too many offered by the races I like doing. It seems like you have to pick between a 5K, a half or a full. By the way, good luck on your 5K! Your first race is always exciting - now matter what the distance.
  • Focusing_on_Liz
    I have yet to fully run a 5k... also my goal for the year. However I'm thinking I'm crazy. Jan = 2 5k's and a full marathon. Feb = 1 5k. March = a half, and 4 short races... between 3 and 5 miles. April = 1 half, 1 5k, and 1 fundraiser walk. May = at least 1 5k but I haven't planned past that yet. (Except September... 5k, 10k, half... Dumbo Double Dare in Disneyland!)

    I want to do a Disney race SO bad, but I'm never in the area when they have one...my goal is to do the Princess half in '14!

    I have been looking at that one as well.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I have yet to fully run a 5k... also my goal for the year. However I'm thinking I'm crazy. Jan = 2 5k's and a full marathon. Feb = 1 5k. March = a half, and 4 short races... between 3 and 5 miles. April = 1 half, 1 5k, and 1 fundraiser walk. May = at least 1 5k but I haven't planned past that yet. (Except September... 5k, 10k, half... Dumbo Double Dare in Disneyland!)

    I want to do a Disney race SO bad, but I'm never in the area when they have one...my goal is to do the Princess half in '14!

    I have been looking at that one as well.

    I've spoken to several people who have done the Princess one, and they all LOVED it...Disney races in general seem to be amazing, but I've seen the videos and pictures from the Princess one, and as a huge Disney fan, I'm hooked. If anything will push me through 13 miles, Disney sure will lol. The Princess one is....not going to lie...mostly because I love the tiara shaped medal haha.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    I run 10km a day, just for the hell of it. I did my 1st 'fun run' last month, 10km & beat my own time. Next one for me is next week 10km again. Did 10km on the treadmill at the gym yesterday.... 1st time on a treadmill ever. I prefer outside.

    5km to me is the warm up stage now. 5 months ago I was lucky to run 1km.

    I wont be entering any more races after this one next week.... it's not my style. I prefer to do it just cause I like to do it & on my own. I'm not a group person at all.

    This above is awesome! Congratulations on coming so far so fast! (Pun intended.)

    I "run" 3.6 miles 3xweek. I started with the Couch to 5k program and it really made a difference. I'm running an event 5k next week to support heart research, but like the poster above I may not make events a regular thing. They are very expensive.

    My goal is to increase my pace in the 5k and then get to where I'm running 3.6 miles 2xweek and 10 miles 1xweek.