Has anyone lost weight without exercise?



  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    yes. the one and only time i lost all of my weight and got to goal i did it without exercise and i actually lost steady and more easily than when I worked out like crazy. That's the truth.

    Yet i was on a different diet than counting calories, I did the six week body makeover where you eat every 3 hours.

    This time I am exercising, but just so I can earn extra calories to eat. .. i think crazy working out makes the body stall because it wants to build the body stronger and weight loss is actually slower. That's just how it has worked for me.
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    Yes you can lose weight without exercise. It takes longer and if you want your body to tone up you have to exercise. You don't have to go crazy. Take the stairs, walk around the block, walk the mall. It took me 6-8 months before I actually started exercising and liking it, but I like the way my body is responding to it. Have never done boot camp or PX30 or the J.Michaels workout and never will, just get more active. Run after your kids while in the park, do things you like and are comfortable with and do it daily. You will see results if you keep at it.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    You can lose weight without exercising, but I agree with everyone else that in the end you will be "skinny fat" with no muscle tone, cellulite, etc. Not really the body that you want.

    OP- People here like to assume that your situation is the same as theirs and that you want the same body they want and you started with the same body they did.

    Yes, you can lose weight without exercise. Depending on what your body to look like, you may need to incorporate exercise and weights into your routine.

    Some people look really good "skinny fat". Just saying'.
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    Is it even possible? I really really hate exercising. My goal is to lose between 10-15 lbs but the thought of going for a run, lifting weights, P90X etc just sounds kind of dreadful.

    I told myself that I would just start by changing my diet and eventually would add in exercise. Well it's been 3 weeks so I feel like I should exercise, but I don't.want.to. I wouldnt say I'm active, but I'm a Mom of 3 and I'm always running around tending to someone's need. I'm not completely sedentary, lol. Has anyone lost weight without exercise?

    I am a single mom of four little people aged six and under. The first couple of weeks it may seem awful, but then it feels amazing!
  • stellabobella79
    stellabobella79 Posts: 44 Member
    I can count cleaning the house as exercising? Well never mind then, I exercise constantly LOL!

    Seriously though, my goal is to look good in a swimsuit at the pool this summer. Maybe I'll try sit ups, pushups, and lunges to start.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I am a SAHM of two (both under the age of 3). It took a little while, but eventually my 2.5 year old got used to me working out, and either wants to join me, or just lets me do it most days, and the baby doesn't care, as long as she is not "trapped" in her pack and play. Maybe try Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred? It's only 20 minutes a day, but very affective.
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    I have three little ones too...maybe a short dvd would help get you started. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is fairly simple and people have seen amazing results. I know you don't like exercise, but it's only 20 minutes..so thought I would suggest it. :)
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    How funny Jennibaby...great minds! ;)

    edited to add, my girls often ask me when I am going to do my exercises because they love doing it too...pretty sure they do it better than me some days :)
  • AnnieMeredith
    AnnieMeredith Posts: 20 Member
    I'm currently losing weight with minimal exercise, just healthy eating and a pretty large calorie deficit but i can not stress enough how important lots and lots of protein is when you are doing this, so that your body can maintain muscle mass and when the weight does come off, you'll actually look good and now all frail
  • Dee_31
    Dee_31 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm not a exercising person, but really, who is? I started once I found something that I liked, which happen to be Cassey Ho on youtube.. It's pilates and I love love LOVE it! Check it out sometimes! :) My other would be Taebo, I find it more fun than I find it really being exercising!
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    I’ve lost weight without exercise plenty of times. Over 25lbs before.

    There is a catch:

    -If you’re losing weight to look good, it won’t happen without exercise. I got to my “goal weight” once from having a stomach flu. (that was a loss of 25 lbs in a month at the time). My body was skinny, but flabby and weird—not how it used to be. The lbs piled back on and I was actually thankful.
    -You will get results faster with exercise.
    - Exercise has many other benefits for the not limited to the cardiovascular system, personal well being, etc.
    -It is much easier to gain the weight back If you do not incorporate an exercise plan. (Like I have done).

    Now my approach is exercise focused. My goal weight comes from a time where I exercised every day, ate plenty of food and was happy with how I looked.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    My wife and I are currently doing the Whole30 program. I exercise 3-4 times/week but she doesn't.... she does a lot around the house and she volunteers 2 days a week as a counselor, but she doesn't do any kind of cardio or strength exercising on a regular basis.

    One of the rules of the Whole30 program is that you're not supposed to weigh yourself while you're doing it, but she had a doctor's appointment and so she got weighed when she went in for that. At that point, we were on day 16 and she had lost 7 pounds. We're now on day 19, so we still have 11 days to go, but she may end up losing close to 10 pounds by the time we're done.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    sure, people lose weight all the time without exercising.

    now, getting the body you want without exercising, that is a different story.


    also, i have always hated it. Hated it. HATE. HATEHATEHATE.

    But. The results for me are so beyond worth it, and it turns out weight lifting isn't really that bad if you find the right program (as in, I loathe machines and they hurt me most of the time because I can't adjust them in a way that fits right, and I hate mid-high rep work, but gimme a heavy low rep set and I'm just fine thanks.)

    As far as results go.

    Last time I wore a size 8 consistently, I was 140. Now I wear a size 8 consistently and I am 167. I am not lying or mistaken about this and this is not vanity sizing - I am talking about pulling out shiz I wore in high school at 135 and putting it on RIGHT now. And I look a lot better naked than I did at 140 because my body comp was crap. But I got to 140 without any working out.

    So I mean, hey. Your call.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    If you find something you love, you won't hate exercise.

    I did. I lost the first 20 lbs without exercise. The next 10 with walking added. I started and stopped SO many exercise plans. I've been taking taekwondo classes for the last 2 weeks, and I LOOOOOVE love LOVE it!!

    It's a hell of a work out and I feel like death in the middle of it all, but I keep going back. my weight loss has stalled since starting (not a pound lost in the last 2 weeks), but I'm keeping on going, and keeping on tracking. Something will move eventually!

    You'll know that you've found it when you miss it on your days off!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    PS: don't do 30 day shred. its the most excruciatingly exhausting and yet boring workout in existence. That is my message from me, who hates exercise, to you, who hates exercise.
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    PS: don't do 30 day shred. its the most excruciatingly exhausting and yet boring workout in existence. That is my message from me, who hates exercise, to you, who hates exercise.

    ^^^ Yes!!!! So boring!
  • Reeree72
    Reeree72 Posts: 15 Member
    I was wondering the same. I started out good without exercising. I lost about 24lbs in 7 weeks. Then I hit a plateau (which I didn't think would happen until further down the line, I don't know why). I began to question whether I would have to result to exercising, because like you, I hate it! To motivate myself, I began to research home gyms and have decided to get one, plus a set of dumb bells. I started at 253 and am now 228, but gained 3 lbs in the last two weeks, while still on the same 1200 calories allowed. I am dreadfully looking forward to putting forth the effort. As earlier stated, I think I would rather lose weight and have a good looking body to go with it. I still have a long way to go but I'm shocked to have gotten this far. So, asking again, have I hit a plateau because I HAVE to include exercising, or do I increase my calorie intake by 100-200 to "kick start" my metabolism? Please tell me I still don't need to exercise right away. LOL Am I fustrated? Yes. But I refuse to give up so any advice will do.
  • KellyOnlySmaller
    KellyOnlySmaller Posts: 42 Member
    I have. I started losing weight in 2000 and lost the majority of it (72+ pounds) without exercise. Once I added the exercise I was HOOKED! I felt SO much better. There is a lot to be said for feeling healthy and not having the flab that comes from being sedentary.

    Whether it's going for a walk, or a full-on gym workout, moving is definitely a key part of being healthy. Plus, if you lose your weight and have already made a habit of working out, you won't have to restrict your diet so much.

    Hope that helps!

    Kelly :)
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Yeah sure, I once lost 35lbs just through not eating much but I turned into a big ball of smooshy marshmallow :ohwell:
    I too HATED exercise, sweating makes me itch like a mo-fo and getting winded was just unbearable but if you force yourself to do it you will see changes in your body that you like which will lead to you enjoying working out. You dont even have to do a proper workout, you can benchpress your kids while having a laugh with them or race them around the garden (nerf gun battles are great cardio) even just put on some music they love and dance around the room like a lunatic! Exercise doesnt have to be a case of 'get your PE kit on and blast it' you can get plenty just by running around and acting like an eejit :tongue:

    I agree with the 30 Day Shred haters, its soooooo boring. Im doing Insanity. Shaun T is so much nicer to look at :wink:
  • Hitsujikai
    Hitsujikai Posts: 111 Member
    I'm recovering from knee surgery and have been told, with the exception of physiotherapy, in no uncertain terms that I am not to exercise for fear of injuring myself again. I've lost 27lbs since I started watching what I eat again so I'm going to say that it is 100% possible to shift weight without exercise :smile: