Has anyone lost weight without exercise?



  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    how much weight do you have to lose? if it's a lot, then exercise is a big help, not in only losing weight, but toning so you don't end up with a lot of loose skin. that however is just my personal experience.
  • lexif14
    I did i lost about 8 kgs through a radical diet change no dairy, wheat or sugar it was hard but I am glad I gave it up I have started bring it back in now but I have also started exercising as such a limited diet isn't fun
  • stuntpilot51
    stuntpilot51 Posts: 53 Member
    I lost 30 pounds after starting MFP 9 months ago without any exercise other than work which is quite active.

    I have just started using the new gym at my apartment complex which is quite wonderful and free as I ended up being what they call here skinny fat.
    I hate exercise too but I feel really good after I've punished myself with a good workout. I just have to force myself to go.
    I'm heading there in about 30 minutes as it's the weekend and my Fitbit numbers look so much better after 45 minutes on the treadmill.
  • shirleycooke35
    Because I have arthristis I find it almost impossible to exercise.(Also so I am a very senior citizen!) Added to this the weather has restricted my walking even to go to the shops. But I have lost weight by being very careful with my calorie intake. Almost 12 lbs since I joined MFP on 24th December (2012). I have a long way to still - around 70 lbs - but I am determined to do it this time, as more weight goes maybe the exercise will become easier!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    You're only 3 weeks into your program and already feel like exercising. I predict very soon you'll start exercising without "hating" it.

    It seems to be a natural progression for a lot of people to start out focusing on their diet only and adding exercise later. As a matter of fact, Weight Watchers used to have members work on their intake and tracking for weeks before suggesting activity.

    I think a lot of people lose weight by calorie restriction alone.
  • LouE
    LouE Posts: 19 Member
    What does skinny fat mean???
  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    the thought of EXERCISING can be daunting, but its not all about being in pain! little changes can make so much difference. Start with walking! if you find you quite like being outside there are loads of gentle training plans if you wanted to start jogging, some have podcasts you can listen to on MP3 player or similar such as 'couch to 5k' which have you walk for say 2 minutes, jog for 1 minute and gradualy build up.
    I used one of these having never run before and within a few months I did my first 5k run for charity.
    I also found i had more energy and WANTED to exercise!
    I had been told this type of thing by pther people before but did not believe it would happen to me but it did.
    So basicaly give it a go!
    Just a walk a couple of times a week.
    I make myself consider my exersize, gym or class time as 'me time' too, just for me, no one else. switch off from work or whatever, just me time
  • LadyRoff
    LadyRoff Posts: 56 Member
    I don't do regular exercise, and I've lost 8lb in 3 weeks by tracking everything i eat on here. I have done the odd walk or something, and i do want to bump it up to get me healthier.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Sure, I lost about 150 lbs without exercise. I gained most of it back, but I don't know if that's related to how I lost it. This time around, I've lost a lot of weight and feel a million times better than I did the first time because of my exercising. I just feel so much more able to do things.
  • sogood2013
    First step,if u decided to wanna go on a fitness journey,is good will,and there is no way of getting that body of yours in the good shape without sweating :) I had same problem with my laziness than i came across this ebook it helped me and some of my friends,u can try it out if u wanna http://maximumfitness.com.au/ its not one of the scams that fitness media produces I hope it can help u,cheers ;)
  • Anglican13
    First of all hi, this is my first post so, you know, woo hoo. Secondly, I suppose there is a difference between "losing weight" and "getting fit."

    I went from 19st to 15st by using Weight Watchers just by dieting alone, which on paper was great.

    However, I was still actually a lazy person, so it didn't change my life a great deal. So, then I joined a gym and started to exercise.

    The strange thing was I didn't lose any more weight by going the gym, I just sort of plateaued out. Obviously what I was doing in the gym was incorrect in terms of helping weight loss. I wasn't shown anything I'd just go and pound the rowing machine and the cross trainer etc. But what I did notice was that my body toned up, I became fitter in myself, going up stairs etc., and just noticed my general overall fitness improved.

    Unfortunately I slipped off the wagon and have ended up having to start again...

    So I'm no expert, unless it's an expert in getting fat, but I think that if you want to just lose weight then go for the diet. If you want to get fit too then I think exercise is necessary too.

    Either way, good luck.
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    I would try something different- like Zumba or turbo Jam that doesn't feel like exercise. I've also been doing the 30 day shred, and it's 25 minutes long broken up into small intervals. It could be something you do and it's over quickly. I agree that after a while, you're ready to move on from level to level, but it is quick and seems to be effective.

    Or wear a pedometer and make sure you get a certain number of steps each day.
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    I feel exactly as you do about exercise, and the idea of going to the gym fills me with horror and dread, so I decided to just do some more walking.
    I have lost 3.5 stone in the last 4 months mostly through diet, but also through walking. I walk on average about 12 miles a week, just by walking places I would usually have caught the bus to, and doing things like going for a walk on a Sunday afternoon. I'm starting to feel like I ought to step it up a bit, but promised myself I wouldn't have to think about running or strength training till I got under 200lbs (currently 205, so it's getting close, eek).
    This week I bought a bicycle which I've ridden everywhere and feels like more of a work out without having to do the dreaded running...! I'm not going anywhere I wouldn't have to usually (meetings etc), I'm just going on my bike rather than the bus. I feel like this will fit my need to up the ante a little bit but still without feeling like really exercising.
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    yes, I have lost almost 8lbs in 3 weeks by eating normally 5 days a week (1800-2000 calories a day) and fasting two days (1000-1200 calories a day). The only physical movement is strolling 20 minutes to work and back each day. The good news is that the fasting days appear to have a knock on effect so that I do not overeat and I do not feel hungry.

    With my calorie deficit over the last two weeks totalling just over 3500 calories, I expected to have just lost a pound in a fortnight but I have lost 2lb each week and long may this continue.
  • runningwiththepups
    You can, but keep in mind... skinny girls look good in clothes, fit girls look good naked. :happy:
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    sure, people lose weight all the time without exercising.

    now, getting the body you want without exercising, that is a different story.

  • scottelle
    scottelle Posts: 22 Member
    sure, people lose weight all the time without exercising.

    now, getting the body you want without exercising, that is a different story.

  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    Yes, last year I had surgery that required me not to do anything strenuous for a month. I ate at a deficit with 0 exercise and lost weight. Last week I pulled a muscle in my back and I'm not yet up to even doing cardio yet. I'm eating at a deficit and losing weight.

    The whole eat-less-than-you-burn science behind weight loss still applies, whether you do jumping jacks or not.
  • jengonz1982
    I've lost weight without exercising. It's taken me about 7 months to lose 35 plus pounds but I did it :) Just ate less calories,and didn't eat junk food all the time anymore.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I have 4 kids, so I know where your coming from, but I would still do some type of exercise. Always do something you like and it wont be so dreadful.