Since Obamacare is the Law of the Land...



  • iowachapman
    iowachapman Posts: 38 Member
    "I think we should inundate the WH with requests that part of the plan is free gym membership as this would cost "

    I have no idea where folks get the concept that Obama, the White House give stuff for free, oh yeah thats right the folks in charge of the government.

    Nothing is FREE, what you or someone gets without paying for is costing someone money, that would be those that pay taxes, and not everyone who works pays taxes, another false conception.

    Obamacare is going to be bad when it goes into full swing.. too bad our country is become Europe, more free loaders than producers.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i think our "President" should take his bs "Obamacare" and shove it up his *kitten*.....

    What he said :)

    being on the losing side makes people bitter i see. :D
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    For the record, I am a conservative, and I did not care for Obamacare. I spent 100+ hours a week campaigning for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan here in OH. I was the Field Manager for Belmont County. I busted my *kitten* to kick Obama out of the White House. I figure it like this, if they are gonna tax the *kitten* out of me for health care, I should get something in return. We failed to overturn it. We lost. End of story on that front. Now, I say we make the best with what we got. It would make the overall cost of Obamacare go down, as there would be less illness for it to fix. So it is not growing the gov, it is using the current funding in a more intelligent way.

    I will also add, I believe in universal healthcare. I believe that drug companies should be taken to task for gouging US citizens. I think that tort reform is necessary. I believe that to have a true health care system we need medical doctors, and naturopathic doctors to be involved. On one hand, I have no problem with Michelle Obama trying to get healthy food into public schools. I think it is a great idea to make the cafeterias in schools healthy. If you want unhealthy food, bring it from home. I am cool with that. In my opinion, health care costs that are outrageous should be put to an end. Like $1500 to ride in ambulance. BS. Like $5000 in bills if you have to go to the ER and are the class of people without insurance from your job, don't make enough to buy it, and make to much for the gov to give it to you. That is robbery. That is bullsht. That should be illegal. That should be part of a universal healthcare plan. None of these things were in Obamacare. Obamacare was a handout to insurance companies, drug companies and the like. There's some of my thoughts on this issue.
    What's frustrating is to pay a lot for health insurance, work your butt off... and not be able to afford an MRI you need, because it's still over $500
    Right. That's BS. That should be illegal.
    It should be, but that isn't the way things work and we all know that.
    By the time you get to any position of high power you have bought and sold your soul so many times... that I think all these men start out with good intentions. And it all goes to hell because they "owe" so many favors.
    And the Insurance industry and drug companies are some of the big ones I'm certain many favors are owed to, always.
    They've got a ton of money.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i think our "President" should take his bs "Obamacare" and shove it up his *kitten*.....

    Um, why did you use quotations for President? He IS our president. He was elected and is a US citizen.

    its interesting to see people disrespect our President when they probably got upset when they thought Bush was being disrespected.
  • iowachapman
    iowachapman Posts: 38 Member
    The one thing that is the worst about Obamacare, is that it takes our freedom of choice away.. "YOU WILL OBEY OR YOU SHALL BE FORCE TO PAY A PENALTY" YOU WILL OBEY, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE

    Same thing with gun rights.. they trying to get names on a list so the next step would be to force people to give them up.. too many dolts dont learn from history what comes next.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    i think our "President" should take his bs "Obamacare" and shove it up his *kitten*.....

    I <3 you
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    The one thing that is the worst about Obamacare, is that it takes our freedom of choice away.. "YOU WILL OBEY OR YOU SHALL BE FORCE TO PAY A PENALTY" YOU WILL OBEY, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE

    Same thing with gun rights.. they trying to get names on a list so the next step would be to force people to give them up.. too many dolts dont learn from history what comes next.

    nobody is going to take all of your guns away.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Or maybe Doctors could perscribe "working out" and with a Dr perscription you get to use the gym for free (reimbursed by insureance). This will protect from people who cant work out due to med conditions. Also, I think companies that have lots of desk jobs should provide mroe avenues for people to work out. Like extended lunch 3 times a week and a small gym on site?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    i think our "President" should take his bs "Obamacare" and shove it up his *kitten*.....

    Um, why did you use quotations for President? He IS our president. He was elected and is a US citizen.

    its interesting to see people disrespect our President when they probably got upset when they thought Bush was being disrespected.

    I think Rachel Maddow hit the nail on the head with IOIYR, or It's Okay If You're Republican. It's okay to disrespect the President when he's a black democrat, but totally out of line when it's a white republican who's done far worse things to the country.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Welp I see this thread getting locked down.
    There is no reason for that. Obamacare is the law of the land. We all need to accept that whether we like it or not. Boner did nothing really to try and overturn it. Republican leadership was in the realm of EPIC FAIL in this regard. The Supreme Court could have shut it down. They did not. And then We The People voted Obama back in, which was the last route there was to overturning Obamacare. The time to be passionate against it is over. Anyone that wants to come in here and just cause issues because they hate Obamacare, let me ask you this first. How many hours did you go around nocking on doors per week trying to get Obama kicked out of the White House? How many hours did you spend calling people for this? How much money did you donate to the conservative side in order to defeat Obamacare? If you did not do any of these, the kindly STFU! I did. I gave money. I make less that $10/hr right now. I spent 100's of hours going door to door talking to people, and trying to get Obama out, and overturn Obamacare. I spent hours and hours calling people. If you didn't, you have no right to btch! I do have the right, but I know I lost. Now I will do what I can to make it as palatable as possible for myself.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
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