are smoothies bad like people say?



  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    Smoothies are as good as you make them. My morning smoothie today:

    2 cups nonfat milk
    1 scoop protein powder
    1/2 cup oatmeal
    1 tbsp hemp seed
    1 tbsp chia seed
    2 tbsp flaxseed meal
    1 banana
    1 cup rasberry/blueberry blend

    Calories: 686
    Carbs: 111 grams
    Fat: 17 grams
    Protein: 35 grams

    It was good. And thick. I ate it with a spoon.
  • I think it's all about what you put in them ... and from what you are saying, it sounds fine. I might skip the oj (unless its fresh squeezed oj).
    As for my sweet tooth, I use raw honey in my tea and eat fudgsicles. They are loaded though with chemicals ... :frown:
  • Amandabelanger614
    Amandabelanger614 Posts: 110 Member
    My dietician doesn't want me to drink them because of the length of time it takes to consume. I have problems with over eating, so i need to listen to my brain when my body tells it i am full. So i have set meals.
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    I suspect smoothies sold at many of the snack shops that sell them probably have extra sugar; so they may not be as healthy as you think - in terms of I'm having a smoothie rather than soda. However you know what goes into the ones you make at home, and they will be as healthy (or unhealthy) as you make them.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Probably like most food, it is best if you make it yourself and know what is going in to it.
    If it fits into your calories and you are satisfied with them, by all means enjoy them.

    Personally, I prefer to chew my calories and get very little calories from liquids.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    Personally, I prefer to chew my calories and get very little calories from liquids.

    Well, my smoothies are basically "nutritionally enhanced" ice cream :)
  • LadyLeo813
    LadyLeo813 Posts: 11 Member
    Probably like most food, it is best if you make it yourself and know what is going in to it.
    If it fits into your calories and you are satisfied with them, by all means enjoy them.

    Personally, I prefer to chew my calories and get very little calories from liquids.

    I feel the same but I only drink water and unsweetened tea so I think I can afford smoothie liquid calories.

    (Unless the weekend comes and I get into vodka mode...that's a lil bit of a different story ;])

    I do drink smoothies as a meal though, for breakfast. Heavy breakfast in the mornings makes my stomach feel kinda sick so a liquid breakfast does me well.

    As for the person who said smoothies are harder to digest I feel like they send me to the bathroom kinda quick after I drink them, if ya know what I mean.