What will YOU do when you reach your goal weight?!



  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    Post fancy pictures on MFP. Then I'm enlisting in the Air Force. While I wait to go to Basic Military Training I'm going to weight lift. SL 5x5 or the 5-3-1 programs I hear good things about. I will start weights super super low. Probably 100#'s even though I'm sure I can still squat 400. I will eat calorically neutral (or in a slight deficit) and build strength without bulk (in theory). And I'm taking a road trip this summer to celebrate. Haven't decided where.
  • notyourpalbuddy
    I'm sure this has been asked before lol, but a reminder won't hurt :P when I reach my goal weight, of 120-125 I will wear this bikini in leopard ;)


    15-20 pounds away though D:. what about youu guys?

    That is one HOT bikini! I will probably dance around a lot (and badly)
  • EmilyStobs
    I will jump in the air for joy and buy some cute clothes! :)
  • eggsmilkbread
    eggsmilkbread Posts: 184 Member
    Run around town naked. :bigsmile:
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    I was gonna join the Canadian Forces but who the hell knows if they'd take me due to my mental issues. Still might try though.

    Also, belly-button ring. c:
  • mitzi2013
    mitzi2013 Posts: 47 Member
    When I reach my goal weight of 148lbs, I will go sky diving :happy:

    I've always said when I brake 100 pounds lost I want to go skydiving!!! I still have 70 pounds to go.
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    In an ideal world, I will throw away my old clothes.
    In the real world, I will probably start a new cycle of binge eating and put all the weight back on in a few weeks.
  • nookeetoone
    Take tons of pics of myself in all my favorite clothing that doesn't fit that well anymore... Then I'll start wearing all the cute stuff I always wanted to without feeling weird. And I'll probly feel less guilty about having a child-like personality, as for some reason people seem to excuse that behavior in thin people more.

    Then I'll probly go out and buy new clothing that I always wanted to wear, but felt it wouldn't fit me.

    Next I'll probly figure out ways to maintain....

    Then I'll start thinking up ways to improve other parts of myself both physically and mentally.

    Lastly, I'll allow myself to have unhealthy treats again as I promised myself that once I beat my carb/sugar addiction/uncontrollable food intake, I would allow myself to eat unhealthy again on rare occasions.
    A world without chocolate cake is a sad world. The key is just to be able to eat one piece and no more :)
  • fivecardstudpts
    fivecardstudpts Posts: 38 Member
    Boob job- can I say that? Hehe
  • veggiemodel
    veggiemodel Posts: 22 Member
    Move to NYC :)
  • keltee15
    keltee15 Posts: 30 Member
    Get a breast reduction
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    going to try very, very hard not to gain 15 lbs like last time
  • anoette
    Eat the biggest McDonalds known to man! :laugh:
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    Buy some clothes. That might be boring or cliche, but I seriously don't have any big plans for when I finally reach my goal. I have no desire to ever wear a bikini. I don't feel the need to have any work done. I probably won't be able to afford a nice vacation. But we do plan to go to Disney World in spring or fall of 2014, as a family. That's regardless of whether my goal weight is met, but hopefully I have met it by then.
  • StephanieJoy24

    Lol, and on top of that, I will throw all my old clothes out that I have NO interest in EVER wearing again.

    I will continue with MFP so that I stay on track until I feel I'm ready to take on the world by myself!!

    I've already started saving up to go shopping and buy a WHOLE new wardrobe and ill buy all the pretty clothes that I would kill to wear now, but I know they won't look right on me. I will also get to shop in skinny stores, such as Wet Seal, Joyce Leslie, and Victoria's Secret!

    I will buy lots of cute heels, cus I love heels, but I have too much weight right now to wear any sort of heel for a long period of time!

    But most of all, THIS IS GOING TO SOUND WEIRD.... But most of all... I will pray, and thank my God for all his help through this journey. And pray that I never gain it back! On too of this, I will thank each and everyone of my MFPals for being awesome and being my rocks through the process, cus I know I'd never have done it without all the great support I've been getting from them :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'll move onto the next goal... Getting ripped and maintenance. I'll log here forever more and help others and support my amazing little friends list I have! X
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    Eat the biggest McDonalds known to man! :laugh:

    ^5 ! I'll be right there with you
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I'm going to celebrate by working out and eating right!!!! Except bump my calories up to TDEE.
  • lambchoplewis
    I bought new clothes and sold all the old ones. I now focus on maintaining - harder than losing for me!!!
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    Probably cry happy tears and buy new clothes.