Okay guys...How Do I possibly make it through Super Bowl?

Seriously?? My family is already planning a huge buffet of various snacks and treats. Sunday is going to be so hard. All I heard was "beer cheese dip" from my sister in law....and already im setting myself up for failure. Guess first thing I gotta do is get up in the morning and hit up the gym :happy:


  • stellabobella79
    stellabobella79 Posts: 44 Member
    No idea. I'm skurred. ;)
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Oh crap!!
  • chelseamom1
    chelseamom1 Posts: 5 Member
    just count it as a "relaps day" and go at it again on monday. we had a super bowl potluck at my work today and i only went over my calories by 100 but just do it,, then get back on track. you cant deprive yourself at every "food" holiday.
  • AmberB519
    AmberB519 Posts: 336 Member
    I'm taking the day off to enjoy the super bowl and the food. Everything in moderation ;) I would never survive this lifestyle change if I didn't allow myself days like tomorrow.
  • A good workout in the morning should help. I plan on bringing my own healthy snacks and eating the homemade chili. You can still enjoy the day without getting too off track. :0) Keep away from alcohol to keep your resolve.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    work out in the morning. enjoy the day. don't worry about your calorie tracking, but keep it reasonable. and get going again Monday.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • bring/make your own healthy snacks...
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Is this 'Super Bowl' yet another holiday of feasting?
  • A good workout in the morning should help. I plan on bringing my own healthy snacks and eating the homemade chili. You can still enjoy the day without getting too off track. :0) Keep away from alcohol to keep your resolve.

    good advise here... dont give in to the peer pressure... your health and goal is first and foremost!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Why does everyone think that they have to pig out on Superbowl day? Yeah, there will be high calorie foods at just about every party, but so many speak as if they are going to eat ALL the food. Relax, have a few bites and enjoy the game.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    A good workout in the morning should help. I plan on bringing my own healthy snacks and eating the homemade chili. You can still enjoy the day without getting too off track. :0) Keep away from alcohol to keep your resolve.

    good advise here... dont give in to the peer pressure... your health and goal is first and foremost!

    this is true. but also worth noting is that one day won't derail every other day of the week/month/year.

    you don't need to go nuts, but you can still eat and enjoy.
  • Don't stress yourself out too much. Just enjoy the day, keep an eye on portions, drink lots of water and have fun!!! Get back on track first thing Monday and it will all be good :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Super Bowl is not a holiday in my family, so I'm just going running in the hills tomorrow. But if it was a holiday for me I would just eat as reasonably as possible but not really stress too much about it. I don't log on holidays. It's just one day, right? Don't go crazy, but don't sit in the corner and pout either! :drinker:
  • log your food before you eat! or take a picture of it to remind you of how to log it in later. I did this for thanksgiving. Knowing I was going to take a picture made me put less food on my plate from the get go! good luck.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Not being American makes it easy...

    Seriously though, you guys do seem to have a larger number of "food" holidays than Australians do. Really all we have is Christmas. Easter kind of I guess but only if you're a kid.
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    Enjoy yourself on Super Bowl day! Stay away from the super fattening foods, but give yourself some leniency when it comes to eating a little bit more dip or some more alcohol. It's okay to sway from your calorie restraints just as long as it isn't a crazy over-intake.

    You can always make something deliciously healthy so that you can eat that instead. Always have something in your hands so you're less tempted to eat.
    If you really want, you could even chew gum to keep yourself from eating more.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm taking the day off to enjoy the super bowl and the food. Everything in moderation ;) I would never survive this lifestyle change if I didn't allow myself days like tomorrow.
    Yep! I am actually HOPING I drink a few beers & eat chips the size of my head.

    I am really, really good about my eating like 95% of the time. I really do not have an issue with what I consume these days because I do eat super healthy. But I do like to enjoy things, like birthdays, BBQs, and MY 49ERS GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • lifeviabrittney
    lifeviabrittney Posts: 28 Member
    Maybe you can take some really good, low cal snacks! I have really good recipes for Quinoa Buffalo Chicken Bites in my blog. Only 25 calories per mini-muffin sized bite. Filling and full of protein, too! Also, recipes for 115 calorie cupcakes that taste like HEAVEN! And taco cupcakes that could be a meal in itself! It will be easy if your things taste the best AND are healthier choices. And if you do go over, don't be so hard on yourself. Start the next day fresh and put the troubles in the past!

    (Blog is in profile...don't want to leave links here for sake of not breaking the rules!)
  • buglet55
    buglet55 Posts: 7 Member
    Eat everything in sight. It is good for you!