Okay guys...How Do I possibly make it through Super Bowl?



  • I highly agree with ninerbuff this also goes with Christmas and Thanksgiving. Do not get overly involved with this mediocrity crap. You are setting yourself up for failure first off.
    If you really think you should pig out then do something the morning prior to the big game buffet such as a HITT workout which will keep your furnace burning longer as in more calories burned. HITT stands for high intensity interval training.
    This cranks up your metabolism for a longer lasting effect and can last up for 48 hours.
    Check out my blog for more: www.charles-fitness.blogspot.com
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    This are some really good suggestions!! My plan is to work out in the morning, and maybe just have samplings of what people made. I hate feeling left out at these kinds of events.
  • Being in the UK makes it easier as kick-off is not till about 1am Monday, but planning on spending most of the game stood up, hopping from foot to foot and gesticulating wildly at the screen :-) Should burn enough calories to help.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member

    Go Niners!
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Shoot tell me about it. A hardcore 49er friend invited me to watch the game tomorrow and he's going yo make some deep fried chicken wings just because he thinks I'm going over. I can't freaking stand the 9ers and I don't want to eat no chicken wings so I'm looking for a really good excuse not to go.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Think if I were in USA it would be the best excuse to take a duvet day. Wrap up, walk or run somewhere there's no tv then go back to bed with a good book.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    It's one day, and you are not going to magically gain all the weight back if you eat more then you then you normally do.

    I'm going to a local bar with my mom and friends from church. Everyone brings a dish to share and buys drinks for others. It's a time to have fun and not worry about what is going in your mouth.
  • carlybarley22
    carlybarley22 Posts: 197 Member
    Hit the gym early, stand by the veggie tray. Have a couple treats. Superbowl only comes once a year =).
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Seriously?? My family is already planning a huge buffet of various snacks and treats. Sunday is going to be so hard. All I heard was "beer cheese dip" from my sister in law....and already im setting myself up for failure. Guess first thing I gotta do is get up in the morning and hit up the gym :happy:

    Ah yes, the family as "frenemy".
    Good luck with it all.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    Put together the dominant thoughts on this thread: 1) It is only one day and if you exceed your calories today, it isn't the end of the world. 2) Moderate your intake, you don't need to "pig out" and you don't have to eat the highest calorie items. 3) Make up for the excess calories before the festivities start. Do a workout early today and increase part or all of it.
  • babyshroom
    babyshroom Posts: 46 Member
    The Super Bowl isn't that important where I live, but maybe eat a big healthy low cal meal BEFORE hand so you're not hungry and less likely to snack. And don't sit within arm's reach of any of the food. Chew minty gum.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Shoot tell me about it. A hardcore 49er friend invited me to watch the game tomorrow and he's going yo make some deep fried chicken wings just because he thinks I'm going over. I can't freaking stand the 9ers and I don't want to eat no chicken wings so I'm looking for a really good excuse not to go.

    Tell him you have projectile vomiting and diaorhea. Hopefully, he'll un-invite you before you know it.
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    Eat before you go and indulge in moderation. Go for the 7 layer bean dip. Yum! You can always contribute to the buffet with something healthy too. Then you know you have something more your speed.
  • Super Bowl is not a holiday in my family, so I'm just going running in the hills tomorrow. But if it was a holiday for me I would just eat as reasonably as possible but not really stress too much about it. I don't log on holidays. It's just one day, right? Don't go crazy, but don't sit in the corner and pout either! :drinker:

  • rkbrailsford
    rkbrailsford Posts: 6 Member
    I made three decisions that should help me make it through the game: I'm not going to anyone's house, not making extra goodies to eat at home, and I'm planning on hitting the gym during the pre game shows. I'll watch the pre game shows while hitting cardio hard and then some weight training after. But I will indulge in wings today Go Niners.