Trying to get accustomed to skim milk



  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Yeah almond milk and or Almond/coconut milk is 60 cals. I don't like any other milk.. Yuck!
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    I really don't believe that skim milk is the best choice. Skim milk is essentially milk that is stripped of most of its nutrients by replacing them with water. Skim milk lacks Vitamin D, K, E and A (fat soluble) and honestly has little to no nutritional value other than making you think you're healthy by consuming less fat.

    Honestly, the best milk you can get is fresh from the farm, whole milk. It's full of nutrients, comes from happy cows and is fresh. But if you don't have access to that, buy whichever % that you prefer, but don't pick skim!
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I really don't believe that skim milk is the best choice. Skim milk is essentially milk that is stripped of most of its nutrients by replacing them with water. Skim milk lacks Vitamin D, K, E and A (fat soluble) and honestly has little to no nutritional value other than making you think you're healthy by consuming less fat.

    Honestly, the best milk you can get is fresh from the farm, whole milk. It's full of nutrients, comes from happy cows and is fresh. But if you don't have access to that, buy whichever % that you prefer, but don't pick skim!

    Is 1% stripped of the vitamins?
  • alexisu96
    alexisu96 Posts: 103 Member
    As already noted, the calorie/ fat difference is not that great. I hate skim milk. Dont know how people can put it in coffee, blaah. I say there are greater benefits in cutting fat from other sources. Ex. Ground beef vs chuck. Baked vs fried chips. Etccc. I dont think drinking 2% was ever the root of anyone's obesity issues.
  • bkr45678
    bkr45678 Posts: 62 Member
    Milk is pretty much my vice, I drink a lot of 2% milk and everybody who knows anything about health and fitness tell me I have to drink skim milk if I insist on drinking milk. It's just so awful, though... Anybody else have to do this? :grumble:

    Nope. NEVER gonna happen, lol. I only drink whole milk, i just make it fit. Skim milk actually gags me it's disgusting to me.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    I drink skim too. It tasted watery at first, but now I'm use to it and enjoy it (not to mention that I'm saving calories to spend elsewhere in my diet). I accidentally bought 1% milk the other day and I swear to god, it tasted like heavy cream to me!
  • Well I can tell you, the colder it is, the less you'll notice the difference.
    I can't drink any milk but skim now - I'd nover go back to even 1%

    Yes, I agree - same for me. I don't drink milk alone, but if when I use it (for smoothies, cold cereal), I always use skim.

    But my husband (who is die hard milk drinker) draws the line at 2%. He won't even consider going any lower. LOL
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    I really don't believe that skim milk is the best choice. Skim milk is essentially milk that is stripped of most of its nutrients by replacing them with water. Skim milk lacks Vitamin D, K, E and A (fat soluble) and honestly has little to no nutritional value other than making you think you're healthy by consuming less fat.

    Honestly, the best milk you can get is fresh from the farm, whole milk. It's full of nutrients, comes from happy cows and is fresh. But if you don't have access to that, buy whichever % that you prefer, but don't pick skim!

    Is 1% stripped of the vitamins?

    The vitamins in milk need fat to be properly absorbed, so 1% is fine.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    I love milk, but even as a kid I would drink my whole milk over ice because it was just too thick and creamy. I like skim. It is more like drinking, and whole feels more like eating. Try it with cereal and see if that helps you adjust.
  • Skim milk is a terrible idea. First off, the fat in milk is healthy, heart protective fat. Secondly, most of the vitamins in milk are fat soluble, meaning you need the fat in the milk in order to digest the vitamins in the milk.

    Drink the 2% milk. Much healthier than skim.
    I second that, and even recommend whole milk over 2%. Don't drink skim milk. :(
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I like the almond milk in protein shakes but make no mistake almond milk is NO substitute if you really enjoy full fat cows milk. I have a 20 month old and a super skinny husband so we only have whole milk in the house and I love a glass occasionally. It you love it, keep it in your daily diet but maybe limit the amount. 2 glasses a day rather than 5. I'm part of the moderation crowd. If you love it, cutting it out is not a lifetime sustainable solution IMO.
  • Have you tried Smart Balance DHA Fat Free milk? It is richer than unsupplemented FF milk., like real or 2% milk. I like it.
  • Unsweetened vanilla almond milk. SO good.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Bleh. I always hated skim milk. Was disgusting to me. Ever since I stopped drinking cow's milk 6 years ago I think it's yucky too. I like rice milk. :smile: organic soy & almond milks are good too.
  • I can't say that any of it really made a difference in my why jump through hoops over a few grams of fat? Slip up and eat out twice a week and you've caught up, grams of fat, wise.

    Soy and Almond cost there a real benefit? 3 gallons of whole milk cost $12/mo....3 gallons of soy/almond? - 24 dollars. End of the year...144 spent vs almost 288? 145 bucks is like...a year's worth of multivitamins, garlic and fish oil or a year's worth of running shoes or a 6 months gym membership ...all of which will improve your health over the milk change :laugh:

    I don't know...I'm all about "lifestyle changes," but sometimes I don't know if it's worth it and I think we overthink it :smile:
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Everybody who knows anything about health and fitness tell me I have to drink skim milk if I insist on drinking milk.

    Seriously? You need to be talking to people who actually know what they're talking about. Low-fat is a hoax; always has been. Dietary fat isn't what makes people fat. It's all the processed crap (mainly excess hollow carbs) your body sees as toxins that gets stored in your fat cells that makes us fat. Look at science and history for the last 30 years since "low-fat" has become so popular...people are FATTER. When you take something out (fat), you have to add something back in (usually synthetic carbs) to make the "food" appear to be the same thing. *facepalm*

    Stick to whole foods in their natural form and you'll be a lot better off...
  • Msdirection
    Msdirection Posts: 54 Member
    Drink skim milk for 6 months, then try and go back to full-cream - I swear to god, you'll gag. I can't drink anything but skim now - I had a hot chocolate from a vending machine today and it was obviously full cream - I couldn't finish it. Trust me, after a while you won't even notice the difference ;)
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    It's weird, I grew up drinking whole milk and was convinced anything less tasted watered down... when I went to basic they forced us to drink either 2% or Skim milk.. since getting out I don't even notice the difference any more... I even prefer the skim just for the lower calories but if they're out I can't tell a difference in taste so I get whatever..
  • sanalupe
    sanalupe Posts: 47 Member
    i had the same about 6 yrs ago, when I was advised to drink skimmed milk. But now, as I am changing eating habits again, I find that it is weird in the beginning and I tend to pull faces while I eat, after about 1 week I get use to it, and I start to reject the fattier version.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    If you don't like skim milk - don't drink it.
    Just eliminate milk altogether from your diet.
    My doctor explained to me that the type of fat in milk is very dangerous in that it is absorbed very readily and tends to get stuck on one's internal organs.
    But I am not perfect - I'm still on skim milk but I will probably give that up too.
    kind regards,

  • scaredofcoasters
    scaredofcoasters Posts: 90 Member
    I have very little milk now. Grew up drinking 2%, still use it on cereal, but that's about it. If I get anything for a drink, it's water and tea. However, I've been planning to add some soy milk to my diet and switch out my cereal topping altogether. :-P I say what others have said, drink what you enjoy, just work it into your diet somehow. If you don't like skim, but want to cut calories a bit more, try just using less milk. I measure out a half a cup for my cereal most days, and it's plenty for me.
  • If your reason is to limit saturated fat and replace it somewhere with poly or monounsaturated fat because of the effects it has on raising LDL (Bad cholesterol) than I also consider (as other suggest) Unsweetened Almond Milk. Just a thought.
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    I grew up drinking whole milk...ALOT of it. My parents used to joke that they were going to buy me a cow for my birthday one year. When I moved into my own place, I went down to 2%. Several years later I went down to 1%. For the first few years my kids were on milk, I bought them whole milk as that was what the doctor said they needed. Eventually I got everyone drinking 1%...but no one would go for the skim but me. I love skim milk because it seems so much colder and refreshing. Hubby and daughter now drink 2%. I can't drink anything above 1% or I gag so I buy a small skim milk and a thing of almond milk for myself every week now. I'm gradually trying to switch to just almond milk...but its just not the same in my coffee.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I grew up with full fat, but then moved to 2% and now skimmed and would always drink that given the choice - actually usually have UHT skimmed much to the disgust of house mates!

    When I worked in Starbucks, if anyone asked for Semi-Skimmed, we just made by mixing skimmed and full fat.
    You could consider slowly 'weaning' yourself, by adding a little more skimmed each time.

    Drinking a lot of milk can make it harder to lose weight just from the calories - even skimmed milk is 35 calories per 100 ml - that's only 7 less than original coke.

    If you're trying to restrict your calories, drinking a good number can make it even harder as this doesn't tend to fill you up so much.