What do you drink besides water?



  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I drink a TON of water (2 gallons a day usually), and 2-3 coffee a day... and that's it. I kicked my diet pepsi habit and no longer have it in my house. But I will order one if I eat out as a 'treat'... Weird treat I know. :laugh:
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Home-brewed coffee, then water all day, and possibly a herbal tea in the evening
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    I have a chocolate milk (or 2 :P) everyday, otherwise I drink water or herbal fruit teas (they're awesome, I find they don't need any sweeteners, good hot and makes an awesome iced tea), and the occasional pop if I feel like it.
  • chl823
    chl823 Posts: 48
    I do love raspberry tea, but at restuarants is to sweet. Can you buy in packets to take with you?
  • psychowitch101
    psychowitch101 Posts: 1 Member
    i drink walmat water the flovor kind once in a while some juice:heart::heart:
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member


    So good on it's own or with a splash of lime, orange or lemon.

    Has helped me kick the Coca Cola corporation to the curb.
  • nursedianne
    nursedianne Posts: 69 Member
    Coffee, lots of coffee, which I know is bad, but I switched and hardly drink soda at all. I do occasionally have a diet 7up. I hate water so this is a struggle for me!! Good luck.
    Oh and I do enjoy some wine.
  • slavenberg
    slavenberg Posts: 9 Member
    I am getting into these Yogi brand teas - my two favorites are peach detox (caffeine free) and perfect energy (with caffeine). I have to add truvia (one pack to two tea bags). If I let it go in my mug and it gets cold, I just add ice cubes and continue. Try to break that diet "CHOKE" habit people!! Soooo bad for you. I work with someone who drinks about a case a day. I have another friend whose husband says "only fat people drink diet coke". Kind of an eye opener.

    If I drink juice it is the Trop 50 brand and even at that, I dilute with water.
  • Naomi0222
    Oolong tea, chai tea, homemade latte( 1/4 cup milk, coffee 3/4 cup hot water, cinnamon, dash cocoa powder unsweetened,). Put in blender, and Voila), 1/4 cup grape juice , 3/4 water mixed on occasion.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I have been drinking regular coke for more years than I can remember. I am trying to limit it to 1 or 2 a week instead of 3 or 4 cans a day. I am surprised my teeth haven't rotted out of my head as much as I drink. I have just started adding fresh berries and citrus slices and maybe some fresh herbs like mint or rosemary if I have some to my water. I make up 3- 1 quart mason jars every 2 days with herbs and fruit and place in the fridge. I make each jar different. There are a ton of recipes on the internet and magazines. Hopefully I will start drinking more.
  • ahsotal
    I drink a glass of orange juice every morning, to take with my iron supplement.(I'm anemic) I also enjoy a cup or two of tea with lemon and honey and also during the winter months I enjoy a cup of hot cocoa.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    Water with MiO ..oh yeah and chocolate skim milk. Love chocolate milk lol
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    *Besides* water? :indifferent: I just drink diet soda and tea sweetened w yellow Equal. It has water in it. *shrugs*
  • ThunderButt11
    ThunderButt11 Posts: 33 Member
    Try keeping wedges of lemon and lime in the fridge. Water used to upset my stomach but not if I had a squeeze of lemon or lime in it. I also sometime get a refillable drinking bottle, fill it with ice, add about 2 oz of 100% juice (I prefer cranberry or cran-rasp) and then fill the rest with water. I continue to drink it until the ice melts as it has a bit of the fruity flavor but isn't so overwhelmingly sweet or strong.

    Happy sipping!
  • kmmcquay
    kmmcquay Posts: 75 Member
    Iced unsweetened tea, coffee, tea from teavana (i love it!)

    I would put natural fruits in water - it's really yummy and tasty. Lemon, raspberries, strawberries, anything!! :)
  • AiimeeDee
    AiimeeDee Posts: 116 Member
    Tons of water then coffee, beer, wine and almond milk. Sometimes a coke to mix with my rum or vodka ;)))
  • Fit_Vixen1
    Water. I rarely drink anything else. Unless, it's the rare glass of wine, lol..
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Water, almond milk, caffeine free tea. Occasional tomato juice.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    Crystal Lite, Kroger brand Crystal Lite type drink mix, green tea and orange juice every now and then. Sometimes I drink the green tea straight and other times I use three tea bags and put one sweet in low in the tea pot.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Tea. SO. MUCH. TEA.