Getting Abs?? Where am I going wrong?



  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    And for what it's worth, I would take your abs any day:wink:

    I'm 5'7" 122# and don't have near the tautness that you do.

    Maybe I should consider some of this "advice"

    Awe. Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I looked at your pics, and I disagree with pretty much all the other responses here- I think you should concentrate more on lifting and even do a small bulk with a slight caloric surplus. You may even want to do some weighted ab-work (not a million crunches and planks). I almost *never* recommend ab work, but I think in your case you're already lean and may need to develop those muscles to get them to pop.

    I know like 91739218 other people said this, but this was what I was thinking as soon as I saw op's profile pics.
    Abs are like any other muscle in terms of training; you can't 'show' what isn't there. You said you lift weights 2 x per week... do you do weighted ab exercises? You can get very lean and down to a very low body fat percentage but if you don't have the actual muscles built up underneath the small layer of fat you have, there is nothing there to show anyway.
    Without building your abdominal muscles the best you can hope for is a firm, flat stomach. That's certainly nothing to shake a stick at, but if you want no-kidding ABS you have to build them AND keep your body fat low enough for them to show.

    I get so annoyed at the abs are made in the kitchen comments when it's repeated with no hint of context. Will the average linebacker eventually see a 6 pack if he eats at a deficit? Yes. Will the average runway model? No.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Lift more, cardio less. You probably don't have enough muscle to see them at your weight.
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I can't offer advice on your abs but I want to know how you got those amazingly toned arms and drop dead gorgeous back! Maybe e-mail me your workout routine!
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    I can't offer advice on your abs but I want to know how you got those amazingly toned arms and drop dead gorgeous back! Maybe e-mail me your workout routine!

    Monday: Either off or lift. I do splits so one day I do upper and the next I do lower. I don't have specific days that I lift though.
    Tuesday: High intensity Step-Class.
    Wednesday: I'm doing a new PiYo class but usually this is a run and lift day.
    Thursday: High intensity Kickboxing. <---my favorite and I hold weights through the entire class to help build my arms.
    Friday: Run and Lift.
    Saturday: Aerobics and sometimes lifting.
    Sunday: Either a rest or lifting and running.

    As I mentioned I do upper and lower body splits.


    Biceps: 17.5 dumbbells.
    Triceps: 17.5 dumbbells.
    Chest: 20 lbs X 2 dumbbells.
    Back: I use a machine and range between 100-120 lbs.
    Lat Pulldown: Machine and do about 60 lbs.
    Front shoulder raises: range between 7.5's and 10's. My shoulders are weak.
    Lateral Raises: 20 to 25 lbs.
    Overhead press: On a machine- 35 lbs
    Chest Fly: machine- 50 lbs

    I vary this some but probably not as much as I should. I do either 4 sets of 10 reps or 5 sets of 8 reps.


    Hip Abduction machine: 125
    Hip Adduction machine: 95
    Squats (narrow and wide): 15 lb dumbbells X 2
    Sumo squats: 1 25 lb dumbbell
    Lunges: 2 8 lb wights. I don't know how many of these I do. I go back and forth across a room until I feel like I'm going to die and then I repeat =)
    Compound Row Machine: 50
    Calves Machine: 80
    Leg extension machine: 80
    Leg Press: 115

    I vary these as well and just like my upper body routine, I could probably add some new moves.

    These I also do 4 x 10's or 5 x 8's.

    Hope that helps =)
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Lift heavier if you want to build muscle!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I looked at your pics, and I disagree with pretty much all the other responses here- I think you should concentrate more on lifting and even do a small bulk with a slight caloric surplus. You may even want to do some weighted ab-work (not a million crunches and planks). I almost *never* recommend ab work, but I think in your case you're already lean and may need to develop those muscles to get them to pop.

    Thank you. This seems more realistic to me. The "drop weight/body fat" argument seems to apply on to a select few and not me. How much more body fat can a 5'7" female drop when she weighs 110 (I did a few years ago and I didn't have abs!)? Thanks for the advice!

    And before I get attacked...I didn't weight 110 on purpose. I weigh in at a nice healthy 130 now.

    So if you add muscle mass... your body fat will stay the same or increase. When you cut for your abs what will happen? You will reduce body fat.

    The issue with people who are anorexic is they don't have much muscle mass, I honestly don't think their bodyfat is that low. For example, Imagine someone who's really muscular and lean and you pinch whatever skin you can, you can't pinch much(not much fat). Do the same to someone who is anorexic, there is a large chunk you can hold on to. They're always pinching themselves and say "see, i am fat."

    I see what you're saying. I just don't have much body fat as it is. I wouldn't know where to guess myself but you really can't pinch much more than skin on me. I know I have some body fat but I can't see it being enough to hide my abs. I can rub my ab area and I don't feel any bulges. I wonder if I'm just lacking muscle there? Although my abs are hard as a rock.

    You need to know your body fat to make a proper assessment. Do you have too much fat, or not enough muscle? This can be determined by your bodyfat %.

    If you're at a low bodyfat % and still have no abs then it's a muscular issue. If you have normal bodyfat % and no abs then it's a fat related issue.

    Figure out your bodyfat % before you make changes.

    This can't be stressed enough. At 130 and 5'7 you are towards the lower end of a healthy weight which means you probably dont have enough muscle mass to protrude through the skin. A bulk cycle will probably benefit you if you want visible abs. I see this all the time with those who are at the lower end of a healthier weight. A small calorie surplus and a good weight training program to increase the amount of lean body mass you have can improve muscle definition. After 10-20 lbs of growth, follow it with a cut phase to eliminate any fat that was gained.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I just looked at your pics. What do you mean you don't have abs? You look amazing. Maybe your "ideal" image of abs isn't what you are seeing in the mirror, but seriously, that's more of an issue with your eyes. You're lean as hell with nice definition. If you want more of a "popping" muscled look, you might just need more muscle mass, but I wouldn't even go there. You have a pretty ideal bikini model body. Seriously, I was looking back and forth between your pic and the bikini model in an add next to it, and your abs are identical. Just rock what you got because it's smokin!
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    This can't be stressed enough. At 130 and 5'7 you are towards the lower end of a healthy weight which means you probably dont have enough muscle mass to protrude through the skin. A bulk cycle will probably benefit you if you want visible abs. I see this all the time with those who are at the lower end of a healthier weight. A small calorie surplus and a good weight training program to increase the amount of lean body mass you have can improve muscle definition. After 10-20 lbs of growth, follow it with a cut phase to eliminate any fat that was gained.

    Really? I'm 5'7" and around 130, and I have pretty substantial muscle mass and some fat to spare. 10-20 lbs of growth seems totally unnecessary.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    This can't be stressed enough. At 130 and 5'7 you are towards the lower end of a healthy weight which means you probably dont have enough muscle mass to protrude through the skin. A bulk cycle will probably benefit you if you want visible abs. I see this all the time with those who are at the lower end of a healthier weight. A small calorie surplus and a good weight training program to increase the amount of lean body mass you have can improve muscle definition. After 10-20 lbs of growth, follow it with a cut phase to eliminate any fat that was gained.

    Really? I'm 5'7" and around 130, and I have pretty substantial muscle mass and some fat to spare. 10-20 lbs of growth seems totally unnecessary.

    It's based on the individual and where you carry your fat and muscle. Gaining 10 lbs of weight will create about 5 lbs of muscle for most women. So once you finish your bulk cycle, you follow it by a cut cycle (20% less than TDEE or 250 calorie deficit) and eliminate the fat while maintain the 5 lbs of new muscle she created. To demonstrate what I mean, below are two threads of women who gained muscle. The first only 7 lbs and the second 20 lbs. You tell me if it's unnecessary. It's really all about what your goals are. If your goals are significant ab definition, you need enough weight and muscle to support this goal. And if you carry your weight in your mid section, it becomes more difficult and you will need to cut to a lower body fat % than someone who carries their weight in their hips, buns and thighs. That is why there is a range of 14-18% for most women to get abs.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    I just looked at your pics. What do you mean you don't have abs? You look amazing. Maybe your "ideal" image of abs isn't what you are seeing in the mirror, but seriously, that's more of an issue with your eyes. You're lean as hell with nice definition. If you want more of a "popping" muscled look, you might just need more muscle mass, but I wouldn't even go there. You have a pretty ideal bikini model body. Seriously, I was looking back and forth between your pic and the bikini model in an add next to it, and your abs are identical. Just rock what you got because it's smokin!

    Thank you :flowerforyou:

    I would just like to have "popped" muscles but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. Thanks for the compliment, it means a lot :heart:
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    Lift heavier if you want to build muscle!

    Thank you. I've been stuck at these weights for a while now. I haven't made any gains in months! What am I doing wrong?
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    You can't exercise yourself into having visible abs without reducing body fat. When your body fat percentage is low enough, your abs will be visible. I don't think there's really anything else to say about it.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    I looked at your pics, and I disagree with pretty much all the other responses here- I think you should concentrate more on lifting and even do a small bulk with a slight caloric surplus. You may even want to do some weighted ab-work (not a million crunches and planks). I almost *never* recommend ab work, but I think in your case you're already lean and may need to develop those muscles to get them to pop.

    Thank you. This seems more realistic to me. The "drop weight/body fat" argument seems to apply on to a select few and not me. How much more body fat can a 5'7" female drop when she weighs 110 (I did a few years ago and I didn't have abs!)? Thanks for the advice!

    And before I get attacked...I didn't weight 110 on purpose. I weigh in at a nice healthy 130 now.

    So if you add muscle mass... your body fat will stay the same or increase. When you cut for your abs what will happen? You will reduce body fat.

    The issue with people who are anorexic is they don't have much muscle mass, I honestly don't think their bodyfat is that low. For example, Imagine someone who's really muscular and lean and you pinch whatever skin you can, you can't pinch much(not much fat). Do the same to someone who is anorexic, there is a large chunk you can hold on to. They're always pinching themselves and say "see, i am fat."

    I see what you're saying. I just don't have much body fat as it is. I wouldn't know where to guess myself but you really can't pinch much more than skin on me. I know I have some body fat but I can't see it being enough to hide my abs. I can rub my ab area and I don't feel any bulges. I wonder if I'm just lacking muscle there? Although my abs are hard as a rock.

    You need to know your body fat to make a proper assessment. Do you have too much fat, or not enough muscle? This can be determined by your bodyfat %.

    If you're at a low bodyfat % and still have no abs then it's a muscular issue. If you have normal bodyfat % and no abs then it's a fat related issue.

    Figure out your bodyfat % before you make changes.

    This can't be stressed enough. At 130 and 5'7 you are towards the lower end of a healthy weight which means you probably dont have enough muscle mass to protrude through the skin. A bulk cycle will probably benefit you if you want visible abs. I see this all the time with those who are at the lower end of a healthier weight. A small calorie surplus and a good weight training program to increase the amount of lean body mass you have can improve muscle definition. After 10-20 lbs of growth, follow it with a cut phase to eliminate any fat that was gained.

    I'm considering this. I think (thanks to the good advice on this thread) muscle gain is going be my only route. If I'm being 100% honest, the idea of a bulk cycle scares me a little. I'm happy with my arms, back, legs and even my abs...with that said, I would for better definition in my abs but I'm afraid of bulking/cutting. More specifically, I worry I'll bulk and then fail at the cut.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    And I apologize. I don't know how to quote someone without quoting everything they quoted :indifferent:
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    You can't exercise yourself into having abs. When you body fat percentage is low enough, your abs will be visible. I don't think there's really anything else to say about it.

    Have you looked at my pics?? I don't see where I could drop my body fat anymore, within reason.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    You can't exercise yourself into having abs. When you body fat percentage is low enough, your abs will be visible. I don't think there's really anything else to say about it.

    Have you looked at my pics?? I don't see where I could drop my body fat anymore, within reason.

    You do have some body fat. Here is a a pic of dana linn bailey off season aka with higher body fat, looks very similar to your stomach.

    now look what happens when she reduces body fat more...

    she has been training for a long time, so she's not putting on loads of muscle mass, she wouldn't be able to with all her experience. So in her case "more muscle" isn't the issue, it's body fat.

    I see what you're saying. Maybe my pics are misleading because I don't look anything like her off season pic. Not that it's a bad thing to look like her, she's awesome in both pics. I'm sure I DO have some body fat but I have a hard time thinking that it's JUST too much fat to see my muscles. I'm pretty lean. Maybe I'm kidding myself, haha :bigsmile: because I have no clue what my % is. I want to know so bad now.