Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    perfume/cologne. A handful of times in the past few months since I started going to the gym, I really thought I was going to choke from the smell and ended up switching to a different ellipse or treadmill.
  • allsturns
    allsturns Posts: 36 Member
    I actually managed to get someone else's make-up on me the other day off one of the machines. Girls...please.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Guys who wear beanies (and other head gear that isn't a sweat band) to the gym.

    Why? I wear a stocking cap every day. A) It keeps the sweat out of my eyes. B) It holds my ear buds in place.
  • kirzz92
    kirzz92 Posts: 61 Member
    agreed. If I wanted an opinion, I'd ask for it!!!
  • richh963
    richh963 Posts: 78 Member
    One day I was on a stationary bike when a woman came in and got on the bike next to mine. She was wearing street clothes, not exercise gear, and pedaled verrrry slowly, just barely moving the pedals around.

    What was she doing? Watching the soap opera that was on the TV above us. Since it was the middle of the day, I suppose she wasn't keeping anyone else off the equipment, but I did think it was funny--and iffy gym etiquette. All I could figure was that she was on her lunch hour from her job, and was popping into the gym to catch her soap.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    For those that complain about cell phones and texting: for what it's worth, I use my cell phone at the gym - that's where my routines, history, trackers, and music live. I'm not eexting, I recording my workout.
  • jdx301
    jdx301 Posts: 21 Member
    Naked guys in the sauna. Hate this the most. I love a empty sauna, then i can do some dragonflys. :)
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    People in street clothes going 1.1mph on the treadmill while loudly discussing mundane things.
    The guy at my gym who smells like old pee.
    ****ers who don't wipe their pools of sweat off the machine.
    Watching the personal trainers sitting at the desk eating pizza/fries/wings/doughnuts/fried chicken as the smell of it wafts around the gym.
    Getting hit with other peoples sweat.
    People who cluster in front of the swipe in machine so I can't swipe in.

    OMG, the swipe cluster! hate that! MOVE, PEOPLE. This is NOT where to have a conversation - I have a timetable!
  • allsturns
    allsturns Posts: 36 Member
    One day I was on a stationary bike when a woman came in and got on the bike next to mine. She was wearing street clothes, not exercise gear, and pedaled verrrry slowly, just barely moving the pedals around.

    What was she doing? Watching the soap opera that was on the TV above us. Since it was the middle of the day, I suppose she wasn't keeping anyone else off the equipment, but I did think it was funny--and iffy gym etiquette. All I could figure was that she was on her lunch hour from her job, and was popping into the gym to catch her soap.

    There's a quotation on the wall in my gym 'No matter how hard you go you're still lapping everyone on the couch'
    Always makes me feel so much better ;-)
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    People talking on the phone or very loudly in person (there's two girls that workout together at my gym, I always avoid whatever section they're in because I can't drown out their obnoxious laughing and bar star stories with my headphones :noway:).
  • jdx301
    jdx301 Posts: 21 Member
    3. People ''saving' multiple weight machines so that they can just rotate between 'their' set for the day without other people using it... You get the one machine that you are on! Everyone else wants to be able to use the machines too!

    Ugh, I hate this. There's only one assisted pull up machine at my gym, and I'm headed over there and a lady and her husband reach it and take over, using it, then doing squats and burpees after, alternating with one another. All in all they had the machine blocked for 30 minutes. I was not happy.

    Easy solutions for this. Find a regular pullup bar, have someone hold your feet or use a resistance band.
  • nmf062174
    nmf062174 Posts: 171 Member
    Wearing their gym shoes into the gym-I hate this especially with all of the snow we have been getting. Wear another pair and change when you get in please-I don't want to be sliding all over if you come in with wet shoes. My husband and I argue about this constantly-he doesn't see it as a problem I do.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I saw the most annoying girl at the gym yesterday. She drove me nuts.

    She was there with her boyfriend. He was quite muscley, obviously into working out. She looked like she just dragged herself out of bed (on a Sunday at 4pm), wearing baggy sweat paints, scruffy-looking hair, etc.

    Her boyfriend would be on a machine, and she would be sitting right on the floor, pouting and staring at him while he did his reps.

    He'd move to another machine, she'd get up, shuffle along and sit down again with an exaggerated sigh and a miserable look on her face.

    She did this for an hour.

    He kept motioning for her to go try some machines, but she'd just shrug and continue moping and acting like a miserable child.

    She totally threw off my groove... why did she even come to the gym if she was going to be so freaking miserable about it?!!?
  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member
    Not so much an etiquette issue - but something that drives me batsh!t crazy are people who wear flip flops on the treadmill or fur lined crocs on the ellipticals or jeans in general at the gym. WHY?!

    Not even just on a cross trainer or treadmill but generally WHY are people even wearing 'fur lined crocs' anyway.....rank lol
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I feel that everyone's responses here have been justified, but I do have one additional's only happened to me like twice ever, but it was the most annoying thing...I hate being hit on at the gym.

    I dont need some dude, staring at me on the eliptical, then thinking it's ok to stroll up and begin chatting me up while I'm dripping sweat, looking terrible and most important, trying to work out.
    It's distracting, and really disturbing to see them go hit on some other poor girl after I've told them I have a want to scam on chicks go to bar, dont bug me while I'm working out.

    That is all :)
  • mommawarwick
    mommawarwick Posts: 7 Member
    texting while "working out".
    Come on!
  • ConleighS
    ConleighS Posts: 1,058 Member
    1. Not using the 30 minute circuit workout area correctly

    2. Not wiping down equipment

    3. Not really an etiquette thing but it REALLY bugs me that Planet Fitness gives out free pizza and bagels (1st Mon/Tue of month), tootsie rolls at front desk ALWAYS, and now giving away cupcakes if they get a certain number of "Pats on the Back".... I never partake, it just bugs me that a GYM would offer these things.....
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    There is a guy at my gym that sits and reads a magazine in between sets on the equipment he is using. It drives me nuts.
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    1. Not using the 30 minute circuit workout area correctly

    2. Not wiping down equipment

    I have 30 Minute Circuit on my workout schedule once a week, and last week the circuit area was fairly crowded. Two of the people in the area were a couple of friends (they kept checking in with each other) who were using the upper body machines and not doing the circuit. I had to wait for them a couple of times, even after switching the order I was using machines because they were tying them up. They eventually got the hint and left the area.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    1. If you can text on a machine, you are not working hard enough.
    2. 30 seconds on a machine is not effective, don't be Mr bad *kitten*.. pace yourself.
    3. It is flu season, sanitize and wipe please. Every Time
    4. Your not a dog, don't reward yourself with food.
    5. Stop listening to everyone's fitness advice. Not everyone is qualified.