Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I only have two things that really bug me.

    1. When people don't wipe down machines. Especially in the winter with th Flu going around. When I'm sick I skip the gym and workout at home so everyone else doesn't get sick. Some people don't care.

    2. Boys that are like 10-12 years old running around the gym using all the equipment. Maybe it's just me but why would a young kid with tons of energy need to go to a gym to workout? You're with all your friends, go run around outside and play a game. My nephew is 11 and he doesn't go to a gym to work out. It really bothers me when I'm on a roll and I'm ready to move from a machine to something else and I can't get on a specific machine because a 10 year old thinks he needs to work out on an elliptical.

    Our YMCA doesn't allow anyone under 16 in the fitness room. There is an allowance for 14-15 year olds but they have to attend a glass and pass a test first. Kids under 16 actually have their own circuit training room downstairs.

    I have my cell phone with me because I have 4 kids (1 special needs) and I keep track of how many reps/weight/sets so I can record on MFP later also a lot of people use them for music.

    Pet Peeves:
    1. Guys who come in to use the cardio machines looking like the unibomber the whole time with their hoodies up.
    2. People who use the weight machines as stools while they wait for the next machine to open up.

    Our Y also does not allow the use of cell phones in the fitness areas or locker rooms ( for privacy issues because of camera function).

    It's not so much a peeve as much as "things that make you go hmmm...":

    People who are several moves/beats behind in BodyStep.
    It's like "can you not see the pattern, repetition of moves and that you're doing something TOTALLY different than everyone else?"

  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    People on here telling me I need to go to a gym to maintain muscle mass and reduce body fat.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    People that use the Planet Fitness circuit training area for anything but circuit training. It should only bother me when it interfers with my workout, since my workouts have been impacted so much by this, I am annoyed everytime I see it.

    i've seen one person use the circuit trainning area for what it was intended, one time, the entire 7 years i've been there.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    not re-racking weights. there were at one point signs in our weight room that said that those who failed to re-rack would have their membership revoked. it's seriously like another workout for me just to re-rack the huge weights that some of these guys just leave on the bars when they're done. not all of us can squat 315.

    This. Irks me to no end. The weight room that's in the gym at my apartment is small, and so it can get crowded at certain times of the day. Mix that with people not putting dumb bells back, and it's a mess. Sorry, but I can't deadlift 35 lbs off the floor because I need a spot to stand and you're too lazy to put it back where you got it.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    People that come on the internet and whine about other people at the gym.


    Especially women that complain about other women wearing make up at the gym.

    How does the fact that another girl wears make up effect your workout?
  • MonicaFlachman
    I only have two things that really bug me.

    1. When people don't wipe down machines. Especially in the winter with th Flu going around. When I'm sick I skip the gym and workout at home so everyone else doesn't get sick. Some people don't care.

    2. Boys that are like 10-12 years old running around the gym using all the equipment. Maybe it's just me but why would a young kid with tons of energy need to go to a gym to workout? You're with all your friends, go run around outside and play a game. My nephew is 11 and he doesn't go to a gym to work out. It really bothers me when I'm on a roll and I'm ready to move from a machine to something else and I can't get on a specific machine because a 10 year old thinks he needs to work out on an elliptical.

    Try not to be too bothered by the younger generation in there as long as they are using the equipment correctly. Its not always about needing to workout, but creating healthy habbits. My son is 6 and I let him workout with me, but I also supervise and show him proper technique. Kids watch their parents workout and they want to copy its good for them to start young even if they "dont need it"
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    a lot of people may be using thier phones to log wieght/reps and or follow a particular program btw... which you may or may not be mistaking for texting.
  • mnmomto4
    mnmomto4 Posts: 97 Member
    When there are a ton of treadmills available and someone has to take the one right next to me. Drives me crazy.
  • DaneDillinger
    DaneDillinger Posts: 70 Member
    Man, there's a pretty big list, but I'll limit myself.

    1. Due to several bulging discs in my back, I'm somewhat restricted to what cardio I can do for extensive times, and the recumbent bike is where I burn the majority of calories after strength training. So... the straps on the pedals are not supposed to fit like d!ck skin. There is no reason that day after day I go to a bike, sit down, and try to fit my feet into what is obviously the "condom" setting on the straps. It's not that serious, people.

    2. The old men in the gym. This is not to say ALL old men- I'm referring to the specific subset of old men that smell like peanut butter and balls. Get your creepy pedophile *kitten* the eff back.

    3. As I have aged, I have become more and more of a germaphobe. Now at 33, I go to the gym in sweatpants/track pants and a hooded sweatshirt, nightly. One reason is to sweat- that's the whole point of working out, and in Florida, I can just walk outside to do that. The other reason is so no part of my body touches the equipment. I spray down the equipment before AND after I use it, because I know some dirty *kitten* have funkdafied it without wiping it down.

    Again, there are more, but these are the ones that aggravate the most.
  • Firestar98
    Firestar98 Posts: 30 Member
    My most recent annoyances:

    1) Women (men don't do this at my gym) who socialize while on a piece of equipment. (i.e. on an ab crunch machine sitting on it, doing 1 crunch a minute while gossiping with the girl who's on the leg flex machine next to her, and sitting there for 15+ minutes.)

    2) Women (never men, ever) who are overweight and on a treadmill going 1 MPH while chatting on their cell phone, and doing this for 30+ minutes. Why even be on the treadmill if you're going to take 30 steps per minute? I'm all in favor of overweight folks (myself included) getting fit but 1 MPH isn't gonna' do anything. If you can hold a conversation on your cell phone while exercising you aren't putting much effort in.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    its been mentioned but I despise people who talk on their cells while in the general area that people are workingout. go to the waiting area, the lockeroom or outside to do so.

    People who talk more than workout. the gym i go to isnt huge by any stretch of the word and the only multiple machines there are flat benches, two adjustable incline benches and cardio machines. youre holding everyone up.

    followers. let me explain as they also fall into the people who talk too much. we get several highschool kids who follow around one of the stronger guys there. do 5 reps, follow muscle guy around for 20 minutes then comeback and sigh cause i moved your **** so i could workou.

    Talkers in general. I get to the gym, do the obligatory fist bump head nods to a few people then i put in my headphones and go through my routine. I have stopped going in the morning because it is a bunch of retirees who have nothing better to do than sit and workout all morning while telling me about your garden/flowers. When i remove my headphones and turn slowly towards you with a exhasberated look take the damn hint.

    also hate folks that dont wipe down
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    When there are a ton of treadmills available and someone has to take the one right next to me. Drives me crazy.

    i treat this like i do the urnials in public restrooms. i always leave a space between us unless i have to
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    When all the treadmills are full. :laugh:
    When the person next to me tries to look at my machine or what I'm doing. :grumble:
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    When someone leaves 400 pounds of plates on the bar. And leaves it high on the rack where I can't (yet) unweight it. >_<
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    People who think there is a weight racking fairy that will automatically rack their weights.
    Unneccesary grunting. Like back squatting 95# when your max is 350#
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    its been mentioned but I despise people who talk on their cells while in the general area that people are workingout. go to the waiting area, the lockeroom or outside to do so.

    you have to go through a door way that kind of takes a corner to go into the mens looker room.

    there was an old lady on her cellphone looking very annoyed sort of half way inside the mens looker room. Found that very odd. Did a few takes to make sure it was a woman lol
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Nothing. I never notice anyone else.
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    weight racking fairy
    +1 :laugh:
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    When there are a ton of treadmills available and someone has to take the one right next to me. Drives me crazy.

    i treat this like i do the urnials in public restrooms. i always leave a space between us unless i have to

    Oh... well... that one makes me glad I'm not a guy...:noway:

    Just sayin'
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I feel that everyone's responses here have been justified, but I do have one additional's only happened to me like twice ever, but it was the most annoying thing...I hate being hit on at the gym.

    I dont need some dude, staring at me on the eliptical, then thinking it's ok to stroll up and begin chatting me up while I'm dripping sweat, looking terrible and most important, trying to work out.
    It's distracting, and really disturbing to see them go hit on some other poor girl after I've told them I have a want to scam on chicks go to bar, dont bug me while I'm working out.

    That is all :)

    I know a lot of girls can't stand it... but I actually LOVE getting hit on at the gym... It's my most favorite place to be hit on in fact... I guess because if he's STILL interested, when I'm dripping sweat, not wearing any make-up, in sweatpants and a pony tail... then I figure I probably can't scare him off, at least looks wise and it gives me a little more confidence...