One day detox?



  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Don't feel bad about gaining 3.5 lbs in a week. I just gained 2.5 lbs during the time the Superbowl was on. :bigsmile:

    If you do want to do a day cleanse/ detox, liquid days are usually the best (not talking about soda of course.) Water, fresh squeezed juices, unsweetened tea, natural lemonade/ lemon water - those are the best! (Good if you want to stop a cold too.)

    What would drinking liquids for a day do?
    She was asking about doing a detox. Liquid detoxes are usually pretty good. Flush stuff out but still get nutrients as opposed to just drinking water.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    She was asking about doing a detox. Liquid detoxes are usually pretty good. Flush stuff out but still get nutrients as opposed to just drinking water.
    What "stuff" are they flushing out?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Don't feel bad about gaining 3.5 lbs in a week. I just gained 2.5 lbs during the time the Superbowl was on. :bigsmile:

    If you do want to do a day cleanse/ detox, liquid days are usually the best (not talking about soda of course.) Water, fresh squeezed juices, unsweetened tea, natural lemonade/ lemon water - those are the best! (Good if you want to stop a cold too.)

    What would drinking liquids for a day do?
    She was asking about doing a detox. Liquid detoxes are usually pretty good. Flush stuff out but still get nutrients as opposed to just drinking water.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Don't feel bad about gaining 3.5 lbs in a week. I just gained 2.5 lbs during the time the Superbowl was on. :bigsmile:

    If you do want to do a day cleanse/ detox, liquid days are usually the best (not talking about soda of course.) Water, fresh squeezed juices, unsweetened tea, natural lemonade/ lemon water - those are the best! (Good if you want to stop a cold too.)

    What would drinking liquids for a day do?
    She was asking about doing a detox. Liquid detoxes are usually pretty good. Flush stuff out but still get nutrients as opposed to just drinking water.

    What nutrients?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    OK, I just looked at your diary - and if you logged your food, you are pretty much averaging to your target for the week which includes a deficit, which means your gain was water weight, so I am not sure why fasts or detoxes are even a consideration or are even being suggested.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Don't feel bad about gaining 3.5 lbs in a week. I just gained 2.5 lbs during the time the Superbowl was on. :bigsmile:

    If you do want to do a day cleanse/ detox, liquid days are usually the best (not talking about soda of course.) Water, fresh squeezed juices, unsweetened tea, natural lemonade/ lemon water - those are the best! (Good if you want to stop a cold too.)

    What would drinking liquids for a day do?
    She was asking about doing a detox. Liquid detoxes are usually pretty good. Flush stuff out but still get nutrients as opposed to just drinking water.

    What nutrients?
    If you drink orange juice you have Vitamin C.
    Green tea has antioxidants.
    Juice some veggies & get fiber.

    Since you have over 7,000 posts I'm sure you picked up a couple of wrinkles in your brain in the hours upon hours you've been on this board to understand that fruit has those things in Flinstone's Chewables called "vitamins." If after 7,000+ posts you don't know what vitamins are, you could always ask Google. He's usually around to answer things like that.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Don't feel bad about gaining 3.5 lbs in a week. I just gained 2.5 lbs during the time the Superbowl was on. :bigsmile:

    If you do want to do a day cleanse/ detox, liquid days are usually the best (not talking about soda of course.) Water, fresh squeezed juices, unsweetened tea, natural lemonade/ lemon water - those are the best! (Good if you want to stop a cold too.)

    What would drinking liquids for a day do?
    She was asking about doing a detox. Liquid detoxes are usually pretty good. Flush stuff out but still get nutrients as opposed to just drinking water.

    What nutrients?
    If you drink orange juice you have Vitamin C.
    Green tea has antioxidants.
    Juice some veggies & get fiber.

    Since you have over 7,000 posts I'm sure you picked up a couple of wrinkles in your brain in the hours upon hours you've been on this board to understand that fruit has those things in Flinstone's Chewables called "vitamins." If after 7,000+ posts you don't know what vitamins are, you could always ask Google. He's usually around to answer things like that.
    LOL. Oh no you did-int!!
    Sara was prompting you to think critically about what you were saying. Liquid fasting for 24 hrs is pointless, detoxing is meaningless, there are no toxins that flush out by doing it, and by juicing food rather than eating it all you're doing is mechanically predigesting food, a job your body is perfectly capable of doing, and you're increasing the glycemic load of the fruits you're juicing, which can result in blood sugar issues if you have issues with that. Good one though about the brain wrinkles and flinstones vitamins.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    If someone genuinely wants me to explain more, that's fine. Although I don't like to assume, I would have to guess that a person with 7,000 posts on a fitness board would know that there are nutrients in juice, and trolling on message boards got old for me like 11 years ago.

    There are many different perceptions on cleanses/ detoxes/ what people should or shouldn't eat or what method of dieting is better than another. I'm not one to judge. If someone on here happens to ask for something - be it fasting or a 1 day detox like this, I can give suggestions or opinions. They're not necessarily endorsements. If someone was asking to do something that I personally felt was dangerous or possibly detrimental to them, I wouldn't suggest them doing that.

    Otherwise, game on.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member

    I researched a lot before doing a juice fast and I discovered that, while there is no health benefit to long term fasting of any kind, there is science behind a 24-hour water fast. See the link above.

    The easiest way to do it is to start after lunch so you only skip dinner the first day and breakfast and lunch the next. You can eat at any time after the 24 hours are up, so you can have an early dinner. It's good to do it once a month or less according to the research.

    I second this. Whenever I feel like I've gotten really off track, it helps me to do a 24 hour fast to remind myself what real hunger feels like (as opposed to boredom hunger or I really want to eat everything around me hunger) and to focus on my goals etc... For me, aside from the health benefits (shown in a couple studies I'm just feeling too lazy to look up right now) there are mental (psychological?) benefits. I usually just eat an early dinner one night (5pm or so) and then stay busy the next day (not hard with school and a kid) drink plenty of water and eat again at 5pm the following night.

    ETA: I include IF as part of my lifestyle anyway so this isn't too much of a stretch for me.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    If someone genuinely wants me to explain more, that's fine. Although I don't like to assume, I would have to guess that a person with 7,000 posts on a fitness board would know that there are nutrients in juice, and trolling on message boards got old for me like 11 years ago.

    ... she's not trolling, she's shared much valuable info for many people on this forum, including me. I'm willing to bet she genuinely knows more than you. :huh:
  • alexisu96
    alexisu96 Posts: 103 Member
    OP- i can understand your feeling of over eating and feeling blaah and literally full of sh::t. Anyways a one day detox will not do anything for you. We can all argue till the cows come home if Detox/fasting has any benefits.

    Now for your current situation I would do a day of very light eating of fruits/ veggies. Stay away from salt, potassium as many suggested. What makes me feel like is drinking freshly squeezed lemons with hot water. Some say it cleanses the liver. I just like how it tastes and makes me feel.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm sure she has, and I'm sure you would, but that's not the topic that's being discussed here.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If someone genuinely wants me to explain more, that's fine. Although I don't like to assume, I would have to guess that a person with 7,000 posts on a fitness board would know that there are nutrients in juice, and trolling on message boards got old for me like 11 years ago.

    There are many different perceptions on cleanses/ detoxes/ what people should or shouldn't eat or what method of dieting is better than another. I'm not one to judge. If someone on here happens to ask for something - be it fasting or a 1 day detox like this, I can give suggestions or opinions. They're not necessarily endorsements. If someone was asking to do something that I personally felt was dangerous or possibly detrimental to them, I wouldn't suggest them doing that.

    Otherwise, game on.
    You might consider reading the link I gave you on the previous page. Might have saved you from using up some of your awesome insults. Now it's going to look cheap when you use them on someone who deserves it.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    If someone genuinely wants me to explain more, that's fine. Although I don't like to assume, I would have to guess that a person with 7,000 posts on a fitness board would know that there are nutrients in juice, and trolling on message boards got old for me like 11 years ago.
    ... she's not trolling, she's shared much valuable info for many people on this forum, including me. I'm willing to bet she genuinely knows more than you. :huh:
    I'm sure she has, and I'm sure you would, but that's not the topic that's being discussed here.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member

    I second this. Whenever I feel like I've gotten really off track, it helps me to do a 24 hour fast to remind myself what real hunger feels like (as opposed to boredom hunger or I really want to eat everything around me hunger) and to focus on my goals etc...

    So..... punish your body by starving it for 24 hours because of a bad meal? That doesn't help your body.

    OP: Have a look at my diary. I ate around 3000 calories yesterday, went way over on carbs, had a LOT of sodium, and then ate over my calories today, and had a lot of sodium, and I probably would reflect a "gain" if I bothered to step on the scale....

    but I'm not going to step on the scale, and I'm not going to cry over 3-5lbs of water weight gained, because I know that weight loss and gain is not linear, and one or two days is not going to cause long-term damage to my weight or my health. I've been doing this (and listening to members like sarauk2sf) for months now, and have not had any lasting gain, even if 20% of the time I don't eat that well. In fact, I've maintained a loss, and have also lost inches and look better. So who cares what the scale says? And giving myself the freedom to have a "junk" meal once in awhile is really good for my sanity, to boot.

    The best thing you can do is get right back to eating a good amount of calories tomorrow, eat healthy things, stay on track, and drink lots of water. Punishing yourself by fasting or trying to detox or whatever is just going to make you feel worse, physically, even if in your head you feel you need it or deserved it. That is not a good mental state to be in. A good mental state is to let it be, and keep staying the course with your normal plan.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Don't feel bad about gaining 3.5 lbs in a week. I just gained 2.5 lbs during the time the Superbowl was on. :bigsmile:

    If you do want to do a day cleanse/ detox, liquid days are usually the best (not talking about soda of course.) Water, fresh squeezed juices, unsweetened tea, natural lemonade/ lemon water - those are the best! (Good if you want to stop a cold too.)

    What would drinking liquids for a day do?
    She was asking about doing a detox. Liquid detoxes are usually pretty good. Flush stuff out but still get nutrients as opposed to just drinking water.

    What nutrients?
    If you drink orange juice you have Vitamin C.
    Green tea has antioxidants.
    Juice some veggies & get fiber.

    Since you have over 7,000 posts I'm sure you picked up a couple of wrinkles in your brain in the hours upon hours you've been on this board to understand that fruit has those things in Flinstone's Chewables called "vitamins." If after 7,000+ posts you don't know what vitamins are, you could always ask Google. He's usually around to answer things like that.
    Your 'liquid diet example was:

    "Water, fresh squeezed juices, unsweetened tea, natural lemonade/ lemon water", yet now you back peddle and add veggies and fiber.

    Nutrients can actually mean macro and micronutrients, but I will assume that you mean micronutrients as I would not possibly assume that you think orange juice has protein.

    So, going back to your original suggestion, orange juice covers all the nutrients you are supposed to get? Does it have a reasonable amount of:

    Vit A
    Vit B12
    Vit E
    Vit K

    to name but a few?

    Also, what about macronutrients?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Don't feel bad about gaining 3.5 lbs in a week. I just gained 2.5 lbs during the time the Superbowl was on. :bigsmile:

    If you do want to do a day cleanse/ detox, liquid days are usually the best (not talking about soda of course.) Water, fresh squeezed juices, unsweetened tea, natural lemonade/ lemon water - those are the best! (Good if you want to stop a cold too.)

    What would drinking liquids for a day do?
    She was asking about doing a detox. Liquid detoxes are usually pretty good. Flush stuff out but still get nutrients as opposed to just drinking water.

    What nutrients?
    If you drink orange juice you have Vitamin C.
    Green tea has antioxidants.
    Juice some veggies & get fiber.

    Since you have over 7,000 posts I'm sure you picked up a couple of wrinkles in your brain in the hours upon hours you've been on this board to understand that fruit has those things in Flinstone's Chewables called "vitamins." If after 7,000+ posts you don't know what vitamins are, you could always ask Google. He's usually around to answer things like that.
    LOL. Oh no you did-int!!
    Sara was prompting you to think critically about what you were saying. Liquid fasting for 24 hrs is pointless, detoxing is meaningless, there are no toxins that flush out by doing it, and by juicing food rather than eating it all you're doing is mechanically predigesting food, a job your body is perfectly capable of doing, and you're increasing the glycemic load of the fruits you're juicing, which can result in blood sugar issues if you have issues with that. Good one though about the brain wrinkles and flinstones vitamins.

    Re Glygemic load - especially when not eaten with other macronutrients - but of course, maybe someone should google that.